Abstracting & Indexing Agencies for Books

The following abstracting & indexing agencies cover Bentham Science Books:

250 Years of Industrial Consumption and Transformation of Nature: Impacts on Global Ecosystems and Life - Volume:1 Advanced Materials for Membrane Preparation - Volume:1 Advances in Anticancer Agents in Medicinal Chemistry - Volume:1 Advances in Anticancer Agents in Medicinal Chemistry - Volume:2 Advances in Biobanking Practice Through Public and Private Collaborations - Volume:1 Advances in Genome Science - Volume:3 Advances in III-V Semiconductor Nanowires and Nanodevices - Volume:1 Advances in Mathematical Chemistry and Applications - Volume:2 Advances in Mathematical Chemistry and Applications Volume 1 (Revised Edition) - Volume:1 Agricultural and Food Biotechnologies of <i>Olea europaea</i> and Stone Fruits - Volume:1 An Atlas on the Comparative Anatomy of the Retinae of Vertebrates - Volume:1 Analysis and Optimal Control of Phase-Field Transition System: Fractional Steps Methods - Volume:1 Anthrax: History, Biology, Global Distribution, Clinical Aspects, Immunology, and Molecular Biology - Volume:1 Anti-Angiogenesis Drug Discovery and Development - Volume:2 Antibodies Applications and New Developments - Volume:1 Antiprotozoal Drug Discovery: A Challenge That Remains - Volume:1 Application of Adsorbents for Water Pollution Control - Volume:1 Application of Chaos and Fractals to Computer Vision - Volume:1 Applications of NMR Spectroscopy - Volume:1 Applications of NMR Spectroscopy - Volume:2 Applications of NMR Spectroscopy - Volume:3 Artificial Intelligence Resources in Control and Automation Engineering - Volume:1 Artificial Neural Systems: Principle and Practice - Volume:1 Assessment and Mitigation of Indoor Radon Problem: A Case Book for Radon Professionals - Volume:1 Awake Thoracic Surgery - Volume:1 Biochemical and Biological Effects of Organotins - Volume:1 Biodiversity and Biogeographic Patterns in Asia-Pacific Region I: Statistical Methods and Case Studies - Volume:1 Biological Models Volume Title: From Knowledge Networks to Biological Models - Volume:1 Biotechnological Production Of Natural Ingredients For Food Industry - Volume:1 Biotechnological Production of Plant Secondary Metabolites - Volume:1 Body Contouring Following Bariatric Surgery And Massive Weight Loss: Post-Bariatric Body Contouring - Volume:1 Brassinosteroids: Practical Applications in Agriculture and Human Health - Volume:1 Bridges’ Dynamics - Volume:1 Cancer Metastasis and Cancer Stem Cell/Niche - Volume:1 Cancer Preventive and Therapeutic Compounds: Gift From Mother Nature - Volume:1 Capitalist Realism in Africa: Realities and Myths in Advertising - Volume:1 Chemical-Induced Seizures: Mechanisms, Consequences and Treatment - Volume:1 Chemistry, Biology and Potential Applications of Honeybee Plant-Derived Products - Volume:1 Chemoinformatics: Directions Toward Combating Neglected Diseases - Volume:1 Classical Neurotransmitters and Neuropeptides Involved in Schizoaffective Disorder - Volume:1 Collaborative Governance and Public Innovation in Northern Europe - Volume:1 Communication Theory and Signal Processing for Transform Coding - Volume:1 Comparative Bioacoustics: An Overview - Volume:1 Computational Biology of Embryonic Stem Cells - Volume:1 Computational Intelligence, Evolutionary Computing and Evolutionary Clustering Algorithms - Volume:1 Contemporary Sleep Medicine For Physicians - Volume:1 Craniofacial Disorders - Orofacial Features and Peculiarities in Dental Treatment - Volume:1 Current Advances in the Medical Application of Nanotechnology - Volume:1 Current Perspectives in Clinical Treatment & Management in Worker's Compensation Cases - Volume:1 Current Technologies To Increase The Transdermal Delivery Of Drugs - Volume:1 Current Topics in Menopause - Volume:1 Current Trends of Supercritical Fluid Technology in Pharmaceutical, Nutraceutical and Food Processing Industries - Volume:1 Cutting Edge Therapies for Cancer in the 21st Century - Volume:1 Dermatological Treatments - Volume:1 Design of Analog Circuits through Symbolic Analysis - Volume:1 Dimorphic Fungi: - Volume:1 Down Country Lanes, Behind Abandoned Houses - Volume:1 Drug Design and Discovery in Alzheimer's Disease - Volume:1 Drug Resistant Tuberculosis - Volume:1 Echography in Ocular Pathology - Volume:1 Economics: Current and Future Developments - Volume:1 Economics: Current and Future Developments Volume 1 (2nd Edition) - Volume:1 Electromagnetics for Engineering Students Part I - Volume:1 Enterprise Architecture for Business Success - Volume:1 Epigenetics of Lifestyle - Volume:1 Famous Planet Earth Caves - Volume:1 Fault Tolerant Drive By Wire Systems: Impact on Vehicle Safety and Reliability - Volume:1 Firms` Strategic Decisions: Theoretical and Empirical Findings - Volume:2 Flagellar Mechanics and Sperm Guidance - Volume:1 Free Radical Biomedicine: Principles, Clinical Correlations, and Methodologies - Volume:1 Frontiers Between Science and Clinic in Odontology Volume Title: Phosphorylated Extracellular Matrix Proteins of Bone and Dentin - Volume:2 Frontiers in Anti-Cancer Drug Discovery - Volume:1 Frontiers in Anti-Cancer Drug Discovery - Volume:6 Frontiers in Anti-Infective Drug Discovery - Volume:1 Frontiers in Anti-Infective Drug Discovery - Volume:2 Frontiers in Anti-Infective Drug Discovery - Volume:4 Frontiers in Cardiovascular Drug Discovery - Volume:1 Frontiers in Cardiovascular Drug Discovery - Volume:2 Frontiers in Cardiovascular Drug Discovery - Volume:3 Frontiers in Clinical Drug Research: HIV - Volume:2 Frontiers in CNS Drug Discovery - Volume:1 Frontiers in Computational Chemistry - Volume:1 Frontiers in Computational Chemistry - Volume:2 Frontiers in Electrical Engineering - Volume:1 Frontiers in Medicinal Chemistry - Volume:5 Frontiers in Medicinal Chemistry - Volume:6 Frontiers in Medicinal Chemistry - Volume:7 Frontiers in Medicinal Chemistry - Volume:8 Frontiers in Medicinal Chemistry - Volume:9 Frontiers in Occupational Health and Safety - Volume:1 Frontiers in Parasitology - Volume:1 Frontiers in Parasitology - Volume:2 Frontiers in Pluripotent Stem Cells Research and Therapeutic Potentials Bench-to-Bedside - Volume:1 Frontiers on Recent Developments in Plant Science - Volume:1 Global Neutron Calculations - Volume:1 Glucose Homeostasis and Insulin Resistance - Volume:1 Good Quality Practice (GQP) in Pharmaceutical Manufacturing: A Handbook - Volume:1 Green Adsorbents - Volume:1 Green Energy and Technology - Volume:1 Groundwater Reactive Transport Models - Volume:1 Handbook of Natural Zeolites - Volume:1 Hemolymph Proteins and Functional Peptides - Volume:1 How Selegiline ((-)-Deprenyl) Slows Brain Aging - Volume:1 Humanitarian Crises and International Relations 1959-2013 - Volume:1 Hypercalcemia Pathophysiology & Treatment - Volume:1 Immunology of Pregnancy 2013 - Volume:1 In Silico Lead Discovery - Volume:1 Infrared Thermography Recent Advances and Future Trends - Volume:1 Inositol & its Phosphates: Basic Science to Practical Applications - Volume:1 Integrated Control of Citrus Pests in the Mediterranean Region - Volume:1 Kidney Transplantation: Challenging the Future - Volume:1 Laminar Drag Reduction - Volume:1 Latest Advances in Clinical and Pre-Clinical Cardiovascular MRI - Volume:1 Learning Why and How: A Reader in Managing Nonprofit and Voluntary Organizations - Volume:1 Light Harvesting Nanomaterials - Volume:1 Lung Cancer: Clinical and Surgical Specifications - Volume:1 Lung Function In Health And Disease: Basic Concepts of Respiratory Physiology and Pathophysiology - Volume:1 Manual of Child Neurology: Problem Based Approach to Common Disorders - Volume:1 Markets, Business and Sustainability - Volume:1 Mechatronic & Innovative Applications - Volume:1 Medicinal Chemistry - Fusion of Traditional and Western Medicine - Volume:1 Medicinal Chemistry - Fusion of Traditional and Western Medicine - Volume:2 Medicinal Chemistry - Fusion of Traditional and Western Medicine - Volume:3 Mental Health Promotion in Schools - Volume:1 Methods to Determine Enzymatic Activity - Volume:1 MicroRNAs and Cardiovascular Disease - Volume:1 Microsurgery In Liver Research - Volume:1 Molecular Bases of Neurodegenerative Disorders of the Retina - Volume:1 Molecular Oncology: Principles and Recent Advances - Volume:1 Multi Drug Resistance: A Global Concern - Volume:1 Multiple Myeloma - A New Era of Treatment Strategies - Volume:1 Nanocoatings Nanosystems Nanotechnologies - Volume:1 Natural Products in Clinical Trials - Volume:1 Network Approaches to Diseases of the Brain - Volume:1 Neurobiology of Mood Disorders - Volume:1 Neutrophils in Infectious Diseases - Volume:1 New Developments in Medicinal Chemistry - Volume:1 New Insight in Pediatric Cardiology: From Basic to Therapeutics - Volume:1 New Trends In Biomarkers and Diseases Research: An Overview - Volume:1 Nutrition and Cancer From Epidemiology to Biology - Volume:1 On-Chip Pretreatment of Whole Blood by Using MEMS Technology - Volume:1 Oral Infections and Cardiovascular Disease - Volume:1 Organoselenium Chemistry: Between Synthesis and Biochemistry - Volume:1 Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing with Diversity for Future Wireless Systems - Volume:1 Otolaryngology for the Pediatrician - Volume:1 Outcomes Assessment in End - Stage Kidney Disease - Measurements and Applications in Clinical Practice - Volume:1 Petrogenic Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in the Aquatic Environment: Analysis, Synthesis, Toxicity and Environmental Impact - Volume:1 Phenotypic and Genotypic Diversity of Rhizobia - Volume:1 Photonic Bandgap Structures Novel Technological Platforms for Physical, Chemical and Biological Sensing - Volume:1 Phytotherapy in the Management of Diabetes and Hypertension - Volume:1 Phytotherapy in the Management of Diabetes and Hypertension - Volume:2 Plant-Based Genetic Tools for Biofuels Production - Volume:1 Pleurotus nebrodensis A Very Special Mushroom - Volume:1 Polarity Index in Proteins-A Bioinformatics Tool - Volume:1 Populations, Biocommunities, Ecosystems: A Review of Controversies in Ecological Thinking - Volume:1 Potassium Channels as a Target for Clinical Therapeutics - Volume:1 Practical Notions on Fish Health and Production - Volume:1 Preclinical Atherosclerosis, Global Cardiovascular Risk and Cardiovascular Events - Volume:1 Pregnancy Disorders and Perinatal Outcomes - Volume:1 Prenatal Alcohol Use and Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders: Diagnosis, Assessment and New Directions in Research and Multimodal Treatment - Volume:1 Preventive Female Sex Factors Against The Development of Chronic Liver Disease - Volume:1 Rare Animals of India - Volume:1
Advances in III-V Semiconductor Nanowires and Nanodevices - Volume:1 Advances in Multiphase Flow and Heat Transfer - Volume:1 Advances in Multiphase Flow and Heat Transfer - Volume:3 Advances in Multiphase Flow and Heat Transfer - Volume:4 Advances in Organic Synthesis - Volume:1 Advances in Organic Synthesis - Volume:2 Advances in Organic Synthesis - Volume:3 Advances in Organic Synthesis - Volume:4 Amelogenins: Multifaceted Proteins for Dental and Bone Formation and Repair - Volume:1 Angiogenesis & Therapeutic Targets In Cancer - Volume:1 Anti-Obesity Drug Discovery and Development - Volume:1 Anti-Obesity Drug Discovery and Development - Volume:2 Anti-Obesity Drug Discovery and Development - Volume:3 Anti-Obesity Drug Discovery and Development - Volume:4 Application Of Alternative Food-Preservation Technologies To Enhance Food Safety And Stability - Volume:1 Biochemical and Biological Effects of Organotins - Volume:1 Biology and Chemistry of Beta Glucan Vol: 1 Beta Glucans - Mechanisms of Action - Volume:1 Cellular and Molecular Biology of Autism Spectrum Disorders - Volume:1 Chemical-Induced Seizures: Mechanisms, Consequences and Treatment - Volume:1 Combustion Synthesis: Novel Routes to Novel Materials - Volume:1 Controversies in Neuro-Oncology - Volume:1 Current Advances in the Medical Application of Nanotechnology - Volume:1 Current Technologies To Increase The Transdermal Delivery Of Drugs - Volume:1 Dynamics of Biological Macromolecules by Neutron Scattering - Volume:1 Frontiers in Anti-Cancer Drug Discovery - Volume:1 Frontiers in Anti-Infective Drug Discovery - Volume:1 Frontiers in Anti-Infective Drug Discovery - Volume:2 Frontiers in Cardiovascular Drug Discovery - Volume:1 Frontiers in Cardiovascular Drug Discovery - Volume:2 Frontiers in Cardiovascular Drug Discovery - Volume:3 Frontiers in Medicinal Chemistry - Volume:1 Frontiers in Medicinal Chemistry - Volume:2 Frontiers in Medicinal Chemistry - Volume:3 Frontiers in Medicinal Chemistry - Volume:4 Frontiers in Medicinal Chemistry - Volume:5 Frontiers in Medicinal Chemistry - Volume:6 Frontiers in Medicinal Chemistry - Volume:7 Frontiers in Medicinal Chemistry - Volume:8 Frontiers in Medicinal Chemistry - Volume:9 GPI Membrane Anchors – The Much Needed link - Volume:1 Hemolymph Proteins and Functional Peptides - Volume:1 Historical Technology Developments - Volume:1 Immune Response to Parasitic Infections - Volume:1 In Silico Lead Discovery - Volume:1 Molecular Aspects of Hepatocellular Carcinoma - Volume:1 Molecular Aspects of Neurodegeneration and Neuroprotection - Volume:1 Multifunctional Two- and Three-Dimensional Polycrystalline X-Ray Diffractometry - Volume:1 Mycofactories - Volume:1 Neutrophils in Infectious Diseases - Volume:1 New Developments in Medicinal Chemistry - Volume:1 Omics and Plant Abiotic Stress Tolerance - Volume:1 Oocyte Maturation and Fertilization: A Long History for a Short Event - Volume:1 Rab GTPases and Membrane Trafficking - Volume:1
250 Years of Industrial Consumption and Transformation of Nature: Impacts on Global Ecosystems and Life - Volume:1 40 YEARS OF SHS: A LUCKY STAR OF A SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY A Presentation with Elements of a Scientific Lecture - Volume:1 A Handbook of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in the Interdisciplinary Perspective - Volume:1 A Handbook of Oral Physiology and Oral Biology - Volume:1 A Review: Chill-Block Melt Spin Technique, Theories & Applications - Volume:1 Ad Hoc and Sensor Wireless Networks: Architectures, Algorithms and Protocols - Volume:1 Advanced Approach To Mitigate Magnetic Fields And Your Health - Volume:1 Advanced Geosimulation Models - Volume:1 Advanced Materials for Membrane Preparation - Volume:1 Advanced Numerical Methods for Complex Environmental Models: Needs and Availability - Volume:1 Advances in Alzheimer's Research - Volume:1 Advances in Alzheimer's Research - Volume:2 Advances in Anticancer Agents in Medicinal Chemistry - Volume:1 Advances in Anticancer Agents in Medicinal Chemistry - Volume:2 Advances in Biomedical Sciences and Engineering - Volume:1 Advances in Biotechnology - Volume:1 Advances in Cancer Drug Targets - Volume:1 Advances in Cancer Drug Targets - Volume:2 Advances in Cancer Drug Targets - Volume:3 Advances in Classical Field Theory - Volume:1 Advances in Combinatorial Chemistry & High Throughput Screening - Volume:1 Advances in Genome Science - Volume:2 Advances in Genome Science - Volume:4 Advances in III-V Semiconductor Nanowires and Nanodevices - Volume:1 Advances in Mathematical Chemistry and Applications - Volume:1 Advances in Mathematical Chemistry and Applications - Volume:2 Advances in Mathematical Chemistry and Applications Volume 1 (Revised Edition) - Volume:1 Advances in Modern Medicine - Volume:1 Advances in Multiphase Flow and Heat Transfer - Volume:2 Advances in Multiphase Flow and Heat Transfer - Volume:1 Advances in Multiphase Flow and Heat Transfer - Volume:3 Advances in Multiphase Flow and Heat Transfer - Volume:4 Advances in Organic Synthesis - Volume:1 Advances in Organic Synthesis - Volume:2 Advances in Organic Synthesis - Volume:3 Advances in Organic Synthesis - Volume:4 Advances in Organic Synthesis - Volume:5 Advances in Organic Synthesis - Volume:6 Advances in Organic Synthesis - Volume:7 Advances in Organic Synthesis - Volume:8 Advances in Organic Synthesis - Volume:9 Advances in Organic Synthesis - Volume:10 Advances in Organic Synthesis - Volume:11 Advances in Organic Synthesis - Volume:12 Advances in Protein and Peptide Sciences - Volume:1 Advances in Sampling Theory-Ratio Method of Estimation - Volume:1 Advances in the Development of Cool Materials for the Built Environment - Volume:1 Advances in Time Series Forecasting - Volume:1 Agent-Based Computational Economics Using NetLogo - Volume:1 Agricultural and Food Biotechnologies of <i>Olea europaea</i> and Stone Fruits - Volume:1 Air Pollution: Economic Modelling and Control Policies - Volume:1 Amelogenins: Multifaceted Proteins for Dental and Bone Formation and Repair - Volume:1 An Atlas on the Comparative Anatomy of the Retinae of Vertebrates - Volume:1 An Illustrated Glossary of Botanical Terminologies - Volume:1 An Introduction to Trigonometry and its Applications - Volume:1 Analog Circuit Design for Communication SOC - Volume:1 Analysis and Optimal Control of Phase-Field Transition System: Fractional Steps Methods - Volume:1 Angelman Syndrome: Communication, Educational and Related Considerations - Volume:1 Angiogenesis & Therapeutic Targets In Cancer - Volume:1 Anthrax: History, Biology, Global Distribution, Clinical Aspects, Immunology, and Molecular Biology - Volume:1 Anti-Angiogenesis Drug Discovery and Development - Volume:1 Anti-Angiogenesis Drug Discovery and Development - Volume:2 Anti-Obesity Drug Discovery and Development - Volume:1 Anti-Obesity Drug Discovery and Development - Volume:2 Anti-Obesity Drug Discovery and Development - Volume:3 Anti-Obesity Drug Discovery and Development - Volume:4 Antibodies Applications and New Developments - Volume:1 Application of Adsorbents for Water Pollution Control - Volume:1 Application Of Alternative Food-Preservation Technologies To Enhance Food Safety And Stability - Volume:1 Application of Chaos and Fractals to Computer Vision - Volume:1 Applications of Modern High Performance Networks - Volume:1 Applications of NMR Spectroscopy - Volume:1 Applications of NMR Spectroscopy - Volume:2 Applications of NMR Spectroscopy - Volume:3 Applications of NMR Spectroscopy - Volume:4 Applications of NMR Spectroscopy - Volume:5 Applications of NMR Spectroscopy - Volume:6 Applications of NMR Spectroscopy - Volume:7 Applications of Spreadsheets in Education The Amazing Power of a Simple Tool - Volume:1 Applicative Chemistry of Tanning Metallic Heterocomplexes - Volume:1 Applied Computational Mathematics in Social Sciences - Volume:1 Are We There Yet? The Search for a Theory of Everything - Volume:1 Art Psychotherapy & Narrative Therapy: An Account of Practitioner Research - Volume:1 Artificial Adaptive Systems in Medicine: New Theories and Models for New Applications in the Real World - Volume:1 Artificial Intelligence Resources in Control and Automation Engineering - Volume:1 Artificial Neural Systems: Principle and Practice - Volume:1 ASEP's Exercise Medicine Text for Exercise Physiologists - Volume:1 Assessment and Mitigation of Indoor Radon Problem: A Case Book for Radon Professionals - Volume:1 Astrobiology - Volume:1 Atomic Coherence and its Potential Applications - Volume:1 Awake Thoracic Surgery - Volume:1 Better Life and Business: Cell, Brain, Mind and Sex Universal Laws - Volume:1 BIM Development and Trends in Developing Countries: Case Studies - Volume:1 Biochemical and Biological Effects of Organotins - Volume:1 Biodiversity and Biogeographic Patterns in Asia-Pacific Region I: Statistical Methods and Case Studies - Volume:1 Biodiversity Conservation - Challenges for the Future - Volume:1 Bioencapsulation of Living Cells for Diverse Medical Applications - Volume:1 Biological Models Volume Title: From Knowledge Networks to Biological Models - Volume:1 Biological Systems: Complexity and Artificial Life - Volume:1 Biology and Chemistry of Beta Glucan Vol: 1 Beta Glucans - Mechanisms of Action - Volume:1 Biology and Chemistry of Beta Glucan Volume Title: Beta-Glucan, Structure, Chemistry and Specific Application - Volume:2 Biopolymers In Drug Delivery: Recent Advances and Challenges - Volume:1 Biotechnological Production of Plant Secondary Metabolites - Volume:1 Body Contouring Following Bariatric Surgery And Massive Weight Loss: Post-Bariatric Body Contouring - Volume:1 Brassinosteroids: Practical Applications in Agriculture and Human Health - Volume:1 Bridges’ Dynamics - Volume:1 Calculus: The Logical Extension of Arithmetic - Volume:1 Capitalist Realism in Africa: Realities and Myths in Advertising - Volume:1 Computational Biology of Embryonic Stem Cells - Volume:1 Computers: Classical, Quantum and Others - Volume:1 Contemporary Sleep Medicine For Physicians - Volume:1 Controversies in Neuro-Oncology - Volume:1 Copper: Quest for a Cure - Volume:1 Counting Moles - Volume:1 Current Advances in the Medical Application of Nanotechnology - Volume:1 Current Topics in Menopause - Volume:1 Current Topics on Fetal 3D/4D Ultrasound - Volume:1 Current Trends of Supercritical Fluid Technology in Pharmaceutical, Nutraceutical and Food Processing Industries - Volume:1 Design of Analog Circuits through Symbolic Analysis - Volume:1 Digital Signal Processing in Experimental Research Volume Title: Fast Transform Methods in Digital Signal Processing - Volume:1 Doing Qualitative Community Research: Lessons For Faculty, Students And Communities - Volume:1 Drug Design and Discovery in Alzheimer's Disease - Volume:1 Educating the Global Citizen - Volume:1 Educational Technologies for Teaching Argumentation Skills - Volume:1 Emerging Technologies in Women's Health: Robotic Surgery in Gynecology - Volume:1 Enterprise Architecture for Business Success - Volume:1 Everything Coming Out of Nothing vs. A Finite, Open and Contingent Universe - Volume:1 Famous Planet Earth Caves - Volume:1 Fault Tolerant Drive By Wire Systems: Impact on Vehicle Safety and Reliability - Volume:1 Fiber Bragg Grating Sensors: Recent Advancements, Industrial Applications and Market Exploitation - Volume:1 Firms` Strategic Decisions: Theoretical and Empirical Findings - Volume:1 Firms` Strategic Decisions: Theoretical and Empirical Findings - Volume:2 Flagellar Mechanics and Sperm Guidance - Volume:1 Flood Risk Assessment and Management - Volume:1 Free Radical Biomedicine: Principles, Clinical Correlations, and Methodologies - Volume:1 From Microbe to Man - Volume:1 From Semiclassical Semiconductors to Novel Spintronic Devices - Volume:1 Frontiers Between Science and Clinic in Odontology Volume Title: Phosphorylated Extracellular Matrix Proteins of Bone and Dentin - Volume:2 Frontiers in Aerospace Science - Volume:1 Frontiers in Aerospace Science - Volume:2 Frontiers in Aging Science - Volume:1 Frontiers in Anti-Cancer Drug Discovery - Volume:1 Frontiers in Anti-Cancer Drug Discovery - Volume:2 Frontiers in Anti-Cancer Drug Discovery - Volume:3 Frontiers in Anti-Cancer Drug Discovery - Volume:4 Frontiers in Anti-Cancer Drug Discovery - Volume:5 Frontiers in Anti-Cancer Drug Discovery - Volume:6 Frontiers in Anti-Cancer Drug Discovery - Volume:7 Frontiers in Anti-Cancer Drug Discovery - Volume:8 Frontiers in Anti-Infective Drug Discovery - Volume:1 Frontiers in Anti-Infective Drug Discovery - Volume:2 Frontiers in Anti-Infective Drug Discovery - Volume:3 Frontiers in Anti-Infective Drug Discovery - Volume:4 Frontiers in Anti-Infective Drug Discovery - Volume:5 Frontiers in Anti-Infective Drug Discovery - Volume:6 Frontiers in Anti-Infective Drug Discovery - Volume:7 Frontiers in Arthritis - Volume:1 Frontiers in Bioactive Compounds - Volume:1 Frontiers in Bioactive Compounds - Volume:2 Frontiers in Biomaterials - Volume:1 Frontiers in Biomaterials - Volume:2 Frontiers in Cancer Immunology - Volume:2 Frontiers in Cardiovascular Drug Discovery - Volume:1 Frontiers in Cardiovascular Drug Discovery - Volume:2 Frontiers in Cardiovascular Drug Discovery - Volume:3 Frontiers in Ceramic Science - Volume:1 Frontiers in Civil Engineering - Volume:1 Frontiers in Civil Engineering - Volume:2 Frontiers in Clinical Drug Research - Alzheimer Disorders - Volume:1 Frontiers in Clinical Drug Research - Alzheimer Disorders - Volume:2 Frontiers in Clinical Drug Research - Alzheimer Disorders - Volume:3 Frontiers in Clinical Drug Research - Alzheimer Disorders - Volume:4 Frontiers in Clinical Drug Research - Alzheimer Disorders - Volume:5 Frontiers in Clinical Drug Research - Alzheimer Disorders - Volume:6 Frontiers in Clinical Drug Research - Alzheimer Disorders - Volume:7 Frontiers in Clinical Drug Research - Alzheimer Disorders - Volume:8 Frontiers in Clinical Drug Research - Anti-Cancer Agents - Volume:1 Frontiers in Clinical Drug Research - Anti-Cancer Agents - Volume:2 Frontiers in Clinical Drug Research - Anti-Cancer Agents - Volume:3 Frontiers in Clinical Drug Research - CNS and Neurological Disorders - Volume:1 Frontiers in Clinical Drug Research - CNS and Neurological Disorders - Volume:2 Frontiers in Clinical Drug Research - CNS and Neurological Disorders - Volume:3 Frontiers in Clinical Drug Research - CNS and Neurological Disorders - Volume:4 Frontiers in Clinical Drug Research - CNS and Neurological Disorders - Volume:5 Frontiers in Clinical Drug Research - CNS and Neurological Disorders - Volume:6 Frontiers in Clinical Drug Research – Anti Allergy Agents - Volume:1 Frontiers in Clinical Drug Research – Anti Allergy Agents - Volume:2 Frontiers in Clinical Drug Research – Anti Allergy Agents - Volume:3 Frontiers in Clinical Drug Research- Central Nervous System - Volume:1 Frontiers in Clinical Drug Research- Central Nervous System - Volume:2 Frontiers in Clinical Drug Research-Anti Infectives - Volume:1 Frontiers in Clinical Drug Research-Anti Infectives - Volume:2 Frontiers in Clinical Drug Research-Anti Infectives - Volume:3 Frontiers in Clinical Drug Research-Diabetes and Obesity - Volume:1 Frontiers in Clinical Drug Research-Diabetes and Obesity - Volume:2 Frontiers in Clinical Drug Research-Diabetes and Obesity - Volume:3 Frontiers in Clinical Drug Research: Hematology - Volume:1 Frontiers in Clinical Drug Research: Hematology - Volume:2 Frontiers in Clinical Drug Research: HIV - Volume:1 Frontiers in Clinical Drug Research: HIV - Volume:2 Frontiers in Clinical Drug Research: HIV - Volume:3 Frontiers in Clinical Drug Research: HIV - Volume:4 Frontiers in CNS Drug Discovery - Volume:2 Frontiers in Computational Chemistry - Volume:1 Frontiers in Computational Chemistry - Volume:2 Frontiers in Computational Chemistry - Volume:3 Frontiers in Drug Design and Discovery - Volume:1 Frontiers in Drug Design and Discovery - Volume:2 Frontiers in Drug Design and Discovery - Volume:3 Frontiers in Drug Design and Discovery - Volume:4 Frontiers in Drug Design and Discovery - Volume:5 Frontiers in Drug Design and Discovery - Volume:7 Frontiers in Drug Discovery - Volume:1 Frontiers in Electrical Engineering - Volume:1 Frontiers in Heart Failure - Volume:1 Frontiers in Heart Failure - Volume:2 Frontiers in HIV Research - Volume:1 Frontiers in HIV Research - Volume:2 Frontiers in Inflammation - Volume:1 Frontiers in Medicinal Chemistry - Volume:1 Frontiers in Medicinal Chemistry - Volume:2 Frontiers in Medicinal Chemistry - Volume:3 Frontiers in Medicinal Chemistry - Volume:4 Frontiers in Medicinal Chemistry - Volume:5 Frontiers in Medicinal Chemistry - Volume:6 Frontiers in Medicinal Chemistry - Volume:7 Frontiers in Medicinal Chemistry - Volume:8 Frontiers in Medicinal Chemistry - Volume:9 Frontiers in Myocardia - Volume:1 Frontiers in Natural Product Chemistry - Volume:1 Frontiers in Natural Product Chemistry - Volume:2 Frontiers in Natural Product Chemistry - Volume:3 Frontiers in Natural Product Chemistry - Volume:4 Frontiers in Natural Product Chemistry - Volume:5 Frontiers in Neurosurgery - Volume:1 Frontiers in Neurosurgery - Volume:2 Frontiers in Neurosurgery - Volume:3 Frontiers in Neurosurgery - Volume:4 Frontiers in Occupational Health and Safety - Volume:1 Frontiers in Parasitology - Volume:1 Frontiers in Parasitology - Volume:2 Frontiers in Pluripotent Stem Cells Research and Therapeutic Potentials Bench-to-Bedside - Volume:1 Frontiers in Protein and Peptide Sciences - Volume:1 Frontiers in RNAi - Volume:1 Frontiers in Stem Cell and Regenerative Medicine Research - Volume:1 Frontiers in Stem Cell and Regenerative Medicine Research - Volume:2 Frontiers in Stem Cell and Regenerative Medicine Research - Volume:3 Frontiers in Stem Cell and Regenerative Medicine Research - Volume:4 Frontiers in Stem Cell and Regenerative Medicine Research - Volume:5 Frontiers on Recent Developments in Plant Science - Volume:1 Functional Molecular Imaging In Hepatology - Volume:1 Fundamental Problems in Quantum Field Theory - Volume:1 Fundamentals of Systems Analysis and Modeling of Biosystems and Metabolism - Volume:1 Future Trends For Top Materials - Volume:1 Genome Editing in Bacteria (Part 1) - Volume:1 Global Neutron Calculations - Volume:1 Glucose Homeostasis and Insulin Resistance - Volume:1 Good Quality Practice (GQP) in Pharmaceutical Manufacturing: A Handbook - Volume:1 GPI Membrane Anchors – The Much Needed link - Volume:1 Grasping the Future: Advances in Powered Upper Limb Prosthetics - Volume:1 Gravity-Superconductors Interactions: Theory and Experiment - Volume:1 Green Adsorbents - Volume:1 Green Energy and Technology - Volume:1 Groundwater Reactive Transport Models - Volume:1 Handbook of Natural Zeolites - Volume:1 Helicobacter Pylori: A Worldwide Perspective 2014 - Volume:1 Hemolymph Proteins and Functional Peptides - Volume:1 Hepatic Elastography Using Ultrasound Waves - Volume:1 Higher Mathematics for Science, Technology and Engineering - Volume:1 Hilbert-Type Integral Inequalities - Volume:1 Historical Technology Developments - Volume:1 How Selegiline ((-)-Deprenyl) Slows Brain Aging - Volume:1 How Smart People can Overcome Jet Lag - Volume:1 Humanitarian Crises and International Relations 1959-2013 - Volume:1 Hypercalcemia Pathophysiology & Treatment - Volume:1 Hypotheses and Dynamics in the Pathogenesis of Neurodegenerative Disorders - Volume:1 Image Processing for Embedded Devices - Volume:1 Immune Response to Parasitic Infections - Volume:1 Immune Response to Parasitic Infections - Volume:2 Immunology of Pregnancy 2013 - Volume:1 In Silico Lead Discovery - Volume:1 Industrial Applications of Laser Remote Sensing - Volume:1 Information for Mental Health Providers Working with Children who have Chronic Illnesses - Volume:1 Infrared Thermography Recent Advances and Future Trends - Volume:1 Inside Health Care: Neonatal Intensive Care -Who Decides? Who Pays? Who Can Afford It? - Volume:1 Inside the New University: Prerequisites for a Contemporary Knowledge Production - Volume:1 Integrated Control of Citrus Pests in the Mediterranean Region - Volume:1 Intellectual Property Basic Manual for Researchers in Universities - Volume:1 Internet Multimedia Search and Mining - Volume:1 Introduction to Digital Holography - Volume:1 Introduction to the Study of the Neural Basis of Action and Thought - Volume:1 Ion Implantation and Activation - Volume:1 Ion Implantation and Activation - Volume:2 Ion Implantation and Activation - Volume:3 Jack the Writer: A Verbal & Visual Analysis of the Ripper Correspondence - Volume:1 Jožef Stefan: His Scientific Legacy on the 175th Anniversary of His Birth - Volume:1 Kurzweil-Henstock Integral in Riesz spaces - Volume:1 Laminar Drag Reduction - Volume:1 Language Disturbances in Adulthood: New Advances from the Neurolinguistics Perspective - Volume:1 Latest Advances in Clinical and Pre-Clinical Cardiovascular MRI - Volume:1 Latest Findings of Omega-3 Long Chain-Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids: From Molecular Mechanisms to New Applications in Health and Diseases - Volume:1 Learning Why and How: A Reader in Managing Nonprofit and Voluntary Organizations - Volume:1 Lecture Notes in Numerical Analysis with Mathematica - Volume:1 Lecture Notes in Numerical Methods of Differential Equations - Volume:1 Light Harvesting Nanomaterials - Volume:1 Lung Cancer: Clinical and Surgical Specifications - Volume:1 Lung Function In Health And Disease: Basic Concepts of Respiratory Physiology and Pathophysiology - Volume:1 Lung Macrophages in Health and Disease - Volume:1 Manual of Child Neurology: Problem Based Approach to Common Disorders - Volume:1 MCQs Series for Life Sciences - Volume:1 Mechanisms of Landscape Rehabilitation and Sustainability - Volume:1 Mechatronic & Innovative Applications - Volume:1 Mechatronics Series I - Intelligent Transportation Vehicles - Volume:1 Medicinal Chemistry - Fusion of Traditional and Western Medicine - Volume:1 Medicinal Chemistry - Fusion of Traditional and Western Medicine - Volume:2 Medicinal Chemistry - Fusion of Traditional and Western Medicine - Volume:3 Mental Health Promotion in Schools - Volume:1 Mental Health Promotion in Schools - Volume:2 Mesenchymal Cell Activation by Biomechanical Stimulation and its Clinical Prospects - Volume:1 Mesenchymal Stem Cells and Craniofacial Regeneration - Volume:1 Metal Based Functionally Graded Materials - Volume:1 Metallic Oxynitride Thin Films by Reactive Sputtering and Related Deposition Methods: Process, Properties and Applications - Volume:1 Methods to Determine Enzymatic Activity - Volume:1 Micro and Nanomachining Technology-Size, Model and Complex Mechanism - Volume:1 Micronutrient Deficiency in Soils and Plants - Volume:1 MicroRNAs and Cardiovascular Disease - Volume:1 Microsurgery In Liver Research - Volume:1 Minimally Invasive Techniques for the Treatment of Patients with Structural Heart Disease - Volume:1 Model-Driven Business Process Engineering - Volume:1 Modern Applications of High Throughput R&D in Heterogeneous Catalysis - Volume:1 Molecular Aspects of Hepatocellular Carcinoma - Volume:1 Molecular Aspects of Neurodegeneration and Neuroprotection - Volume:1 Molecular Mechanism and Morphology in Cancer - Volume:1 Molecular Oncology: Principles and Recent Advances - Volume:1 Mucins – Potential Regulators of Cell Functions Volume Title: Gel-Forming and Soluble Mucins - Volume:1 Multi Drug Resistance: A Global Concern - Volume:1 Multi-Objective Optimization in Theory and Practice I: Classical Methods - Volume:1 Multicore Hardware-Software Design and Verification Techniques - Volume:1 Multifunctional Two- and Three-Dimensional Polycrystalline X-Ray Diffractometry - Volume:1 Multiple Myeloma - A New Era of Treatment Strategies - Volume:1 Mycofactories - Volume:1 Mycology: Current and Future Developments - Volume:1 Nanocoatings Nanosystems Nanotechnologies - Volume:1 Natural Bioactive Compounds from Fruits and Vegetables as Health Promoters: Part I - Volume:1 Negotiation and Argumentation in Multi-Agent Systems - Volume:1 Nephrology and Clinical Chemistry: The Essential Link - Volume:1 Network Approaches to Diseases of the Brain - Volume:1 Networking Humans, Robots and Environments - Volume:1 Neurobiology of Mood Disorders - Volume:1 Neutrophils in Infectious Diseases - Volume:1 New Aspects of the Renin Angiotensin System in Cardiovascular and Renal Diseases - Volume:1 New Developments in Medicinal Chemistry - Volume:1 New Developments in Medicinal Chemistry - Volume:2 New Insight in Pediatric Cardiology: From Basic to Therapeutics - Volume:1 Next-Generation Sequencing and Sequence Data Analysis - Volume:1 Non Pharmacological Therapies in the Management of Osteoarthritis - Volume:1 Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD) - Volume:1 Normalization And “Outsiderhood” - Volume:3 Nutrition and Cancer From Epidemiology to Biology - Volume:1 Nutrition: An Approach to Good Health and Disease Management - Volume:1 Older Women: Current and Future Challenges of Professionals with an Aging Population - Volume:1 Omics and Plant Abiotic Stress Tolerance - Volume:1 On-Chip Pretreatment of Whole Blood by Using MEMS Technology - Volume:1 Oocyte Maturation and Fertilization: A Long History for a Short Event - Volume:1 Open Quantum Physics and Environmental Heat Conversion into Usable Energy - Volume:1 Open Quantum Physics and Environmental Heat Conversion into Usable Energy - Volume:2 Ophthalmology: Current and Future Developments - Volume:1 Ophthalmology: Current and Future Developments - Volume:2 Ophthalmology: Current and Future Developments - Volume:3 Oral Infections and Cardiovascular Disease - Volume:1 Organizational Management: Case Studies for Graduate Students - Volume:1 Organoselenium Chemistry: Between Synthesis and Biochemistry - Volume:1 Orthodontic Treatment of Class III Malocclusion - Volume:1 Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing with Diversity for Future Wireless Systems - Volume:1 Otolaryngology for the Pediatrician - Volume:1 Outcomes Assessment in End - Stage Kidney Disease - Measurements and Applications in Clinical Practice - Volume:1 Overall Aspects of Non-Traditional Glasses: Synthesis, Properties and Applications - Volume:1 Oxygen, the Breath of Life: Boon and Bane in Human Health, Disease, and Therapy - Volume:1 Pain: Causes, Concerns and Consequences - Volume:1 Pathogenic Escherichia coli in Latin America - Volume:1 People, Preferences & Prices: Sequencing the Economic Genome of the Consumer Mind - Volume:1 Petrogenic Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in the Aquatic Environment: Analysis, Synthesis, Toxicity and Environmental Impact - Volume:1 Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics of Antimalarial Drugs Used in Combination Therapy - Volume:1 Phenotypic and Genotypic Diversity of Rhizobia - Volume:1 Photographs Across Time: Studies in Urban Landscapes - Volume:1 Photonic Bandgap Structures Novel Technological Platforms for Physical, Chemical and Biological Sensing - Volume:1 Physical Activity and Health in The Elderly - Volume:1 Physical Activity, Fitness, Nutrition and Obesity During Growth - Volume:1 Physics and Technology of Semiconductor Thin Film-Based Active Elements and Devices - Volume:1 Physiologic Autoimmunity and Preventive Medicine - Volume:1 Physiopathogenesis of Hematological Cancer - Volume:1 Phytotherapy in the Management of Diabetes and Hypertension - Volume:1 Phytotherapy in the Management of Diabetes and Hypertension - Volume:2 Pleurotus nebrodensis A Very Special Mushroom - Volume:1 Polarity Index in Proteins-A Bioinformatics Tool - Volume:1 Polymeric Nanomedicines - Volume:1 Populations, Biocommunities, Ecosystems: A Review of Controversies in Ecological Thinking - Volume:1 Poststructuralism at Work with Marginalised Children - Volume:2 Potassium Channels as a Target for Clinical Therapeutics - Volume:1 Practical Notions on Fish Health and Production - Volume:1 Preclinical Atherosclerosis, Global Cardiovascular Risk and Cardiovascular Events - Volume:1 Pregnancy Disorders and Perinatal Outcomes - Volume:1 Prenatal Alcohol Use and Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders: Diagnosis, Assessment and New Directions in Research and Multimodal Treatment - Volume:1 Prepare Yourself For the Professional Practice Examination - Volume:1 Prerequisites for Healthy Organizational Change - Volume:1 Preventive Female Sex Factors Against The Development of Chronic Liver Disease - Volume:1 Primary MATLAB® for Life Sciences: Guide for Beginners - Volume:1 Principles of Hepatic Surgery - Volume:1 Progress in Computational Physics (PiCP) - Volume:1 Progress in Computational Physics (PiCP) - Volume:2 Progress in Computational Physics (PiCP) - Volume:3 Protein Misfolding Disorders: A Trip into the ER - Volume:1 Psychological and Health-Related Assessment Tools Developed in China - Volume:1 Psychopharmacological Issues in Geriatrics - Volume:1 Quantum Mechanics With Application - Volume:1 Queer and Subjugated Knowledge - Volume:4 Rab GTPases and Membrane Trafficking - Volume:1 Radiation Processes in Crystal Solid Solutions - Volume:1 Rare Animals of India - Volume:1 Recent Advances in Acute Type A Aortic Dissection - Volume:1 Recent Advances in Alzheimer Research - Volume:1 Recent Advances in Alzheimer Research - Volume:2 Recent Advances in Alzheimer Research - Volume:3 Recent Advances in Angiogenesis and Antiangiogenesis - Volume:1 Recent Advances in Biomedical Signal Processing - Volume:1 Recent Advances in Biotechnology - Volume:3 Recent Advances in Biotechnology - Volume:1 Recent Advances in Biotechnology - Volume:2 Recent Advances in Dentistry - Volume:1
Advances in Genome Science - Volume:1 Advances in Genome Science - Volume:2 Anti-Obesity Drug Discovery and Development - Volume:1 Anti-Obesity Drug Discovery and Development - Volume:3 Anti-Obesity Drug Discovery and Development - Volume:4 Anti-Obesity Drug Discovery and Development - Volume:5 Drug Design and Discovery in Alzheimer's Disease - Volume:1 Frontiers in Anti-Cancer Drug Discovery - Volume:1 Frontiers in Anti-Cancer Drug Discovery - Volume:2 Frontiers in Anti-Cancer Drug Discovery - Volume:3 Frontiers in Anti-Cancer Drug Discovery - Volume:4 Frontiers in Anti-Cancer Drug Discovery - Volume:5 Frontiers in Anti-Cancer Drug Discovery - Volume:6 Frontiers in Anti-Cancer Drug Discovery - Volume:7 Frontiers in Anti-Infective Drug Discovery - Volume:1 Frontiers in Anti-Infective Drug Discovery - Volume:2 Frontiers in Anti-Infective Drug Discovery - Volume:3 Frontiers in Arthritis - Volume:2 Frontiers in Arthritis - Volume:1 Frontiers in Arthritis - Volume:3 Frontiers in Cardiovascular Drug Discovery - Volume:1 Frontiers in Cardiovascular Drug Discovery - Volume:2 Frontiers in Cardiovascular Drug Discovery - Volume:3 Frontiers in Cardiovascular Drug Discovery - Volume:4 Frontiers in Cardiovascular Drug Discovery - Volume:5 Frontiers in Cardiovascular Drug Discovery - Volume:6 Frontiers in Clinical Drug Research - CNS and Neurological Disorders - Volume:1 Frontiers in Clinical Drug Research - CNS and Neurological Disorders - Volume:2 Frontiers in Clinical Drug Research - CNS and Neurological Disorders - Volume:3 Frontiers in Clinical Drug Research - CNS and Neurological Disorders - Volume:4 Frontiers in Clinical Drug Research - CNS and Neurological Disorders - Volume:5 Frontiers in Clinical Drug Research - CNS and Neurological Disorders - Volume:6 Frontiers in Clinical Drug Research - CNS and Neurological Disorders - Volume:7 Frontiers in Clinical Drug Research - CNS and Neurological Disorders - Volume:8 Frontiers in Clinical Drug Research - CNS and Neurological Disorders - Volume:9 Frontiers in Clinical Drug Research - CNS and Neurological Disorders - Volume:10 Frontiers in Clinical Drug Research - CNS and Neurological Disorders - Volume:11 Frontiers in Clinical Drug Research – Anti Allergy Agents - Volume:1 Frontiers in Clinical Drug Research – Anti Allergy Agents - Volume:2 Frontiers in Clinical Drug Research – Anti Allergy Agents - Volume:3 Frontiers in Clinical Drug Research – Anti Allergy Agents - Volume:4 Frontiers in Clinical Drug Research – Anti Allergy Agents - Volume:5 Frontiers in Clinical Drug Research-Anti Infectives - Volume:1 Frontiers in Clinical Drug Research-Anti Infectives - Volume:2 Frontiers in Clinical Drug Research-Anti Infectives - Volume:3 Frontiers in Clinical Drug Research-Anti Infectives - Volume:4 Frontiers in Clinical Drug Research-Anti Infectives - Volume:5 Frontiers in Clinical Drug Research-Anti Infectives - Volume:7 Frontiers in Clinical Drug Research-Anti Infectives - Volume:8 Frontiers in CNS Drug Discovery - Volume:1 Frontiers in CNS Drug Discovery - Volume:2 Frontiers in Drug Design and Discovery - Volume:1 Frontiers in Drug Design and Discovery - Volume:2 Frontiers in Drug Design and Discovery - Volume:3 Frontiers in Drug Design and Discovery - Volume:4 Frontiers in Drug Design and Discovery - Volume:5 Frontiers in Drug Design and Discovery - Volume:7 Frontiers in Drug Safety - Volume:1 Frontiers in Medicinal Chemistry - Volume:1 Frontiers in Medicinal Chemistry - Volume:2 Frontiers in Medicinal Chemistry - Volume:3 Frontiers in Medicinal Chemistry - Volume:4 Frontiers in Medicinal Chemistry - Volume:5 Frontiers in Medicinal Chemistry - Volume:6 Frontiers in Medicinal Chemistry - Volume:7 Frontiers in Medicinal Chemistry - Volume:8 Frontiers in Medicinal Chemistry - Volume:9 Frontiers in Neurosurgery - Volume:1 Frontiers in Neurosurgery - Volume:2 Frontiers in Neurosurgery - Volume:3 Frontiers in Neurosurgery - Volume:4 Frontiers in Stem Cell and Regenerative Medicine Research - Volume:1 Frontiers in Stem Cell and Regenerative Medicine Research - Volume:2 Frontiers in Stem Cell and Regenerative Medicine Research - Volume:3 Frontiers in Stem Cell and Regenerative Medicine Research - Volume:4 Frontiers in Stem Cell and Regenerative Medicine Research - Volume:5 Frontiers in Stem Cell and Regenerative Medicine Research - Volume:6 Frontiers in Stem Cell and Regenerative Medicine Research - Volume:7 Frontiers in Stem Cell and Regenerative Medicine Research - Volume:8 Frontiers in Stem Cell and Regenerative Medicine Research - Volume:9 Frontiers in Stem Cell and Regenerative Medicine Research - Volume:10 New Developments in Medicinal Chemistry - Volume:1 New Developments in Medicinal Chemistry - Volume:2 Recent Advances in Alzheimer Research - Volume:1 Recent Advances in Alzheimer Research - Volume:2 Recent Advances in Alzheimer Research - Volume:3
Analysis and Optimal Control of Phase-Field Transition System: Fractional Steps Methods - Volume:1 Anthrax: History, Biology, Global Distribution, Clinical Aspects, Immunology, and Molecular Biology - Volume:1 Anti-Angiogenesis Drug Discovery and Development - Volume:2 Antibodies Applications and New Developments - Volume:1 Application of Adsorbents for Water Pollution Control - Volume:1 Application of Chaos and Fractals to Computer Vision - Volume:1 Applications of NMR Spectroscopy - Volume:1 Applications of NMR Spectroscopy - Volume:2 Applications of NMR Spectroscopy - Volume:3 Artificial Adaptive Systems in Medicine: New Theories and Models for New Applications in the Real World - Volume:1 Artificial Intelligence Resources in Control and Automation Engineering - Volume:1 Assessment and Mitigation of Indoor Radon Problem: A Case Book for Radon Professionals - Volume:1 Awake Thoracic Surgery - Volume:1 Biochemical and Biological Effects of Organotins - Volume:1 Biodiversity and Biogeographic Patterns in Asia-Pacific Region I: Statistical Methods and Case Studies - Volume:1 Biological Models Volume Title: From Knowledge Networks to Biological Models - Volume:1 Biotechnological Production of Plant Secondary Metabolites - Volume:1 Body Contouring Following Bariatric Surgery And Massive Weight Loss: Post-Bariatric Body Contouring - Volume:1 Brassinosteroids: Practical Applications in Agriculture and Human Health - Volume:1 Bridges’ Dynamics - Volume:1 Cancer Metastasis and Cancer Stem Cell/Niche - Volume:1 Chemical-Induced Seizures: Mechanisms, Consequences and Treatment - Volume:1 Chemistry, Biology and Potential Applications of Honeybee Plant-Derived Products - Volume:1 Chemoinformatics: Directions Toward Combating Neglected Diseases - Volume:1 Communication Theory and Signal Processing for Transform Coding - Volume:1 Computational Biology of Embryonic Stem Cells - Volume:1 Contemporary Sleep Medicine For Physicians - Volume:1 Current Advances in the Medical Application of Nanotechnology - Volume:1 Current Perspectives in Clinical Treatment & Management in Worker's Compensation Cases - Volume:1 Current Technologies To Increase The Transdermal Delivery Of Drugs - Volume:1 Current Topics in Menopause - Volume:1 Current Trends of Supercritical Fluid Technology in Pharmaceutical, Nutraceutical and Food Processing Industries - Volume:1 Cutting Edge Therapies for Cancer in the 21st Century - Volume:1 Dermatological Treatments - Volume:1 Design of Analog Circuits through Symbolic Analysis - Volume:1 Diagnostic Technologies in Ophthalmology - Volume:1 Dimorphic Fungi: - Volume:1 Drug Design and Discovery in Alzheimer's Disease - Volume:1 Drug Resistant Tuberculosis - Volume:1 Emerging Chagas Disease - Volume:1 Enterprise Architecture for Business Success - Volume:1 Epigenetics of Lifestyle - Volume:1 Famous Planet Earth Caves - Volume:1 Fault Tolerant Drive By Wire Systems: Impact on Vehicle Safety and Reliability - Volume:1 Free Radical Biomedicine: Principles, Clinical Correlations, and Methodologies - Volume:1 From Microbe to Man - Volume:1 Frontiers Between Science and Clinic in Odontology Volume Title: Phosphorylated Extracellular Matrix Proteins of Bone and Dentin - Volume:2 Frontiers in Anti-Cancer Drug Discovery - Volume:1 Frontiers in Anti-Cancer Drug Discovery - Volume:6 Frontiers in Anti-Infective Drug Discovery - Volume:1 Frontiers in Anti-Infective Drug Discovery - Volume:2 Frontiers in Anti-Infective Drug Discovery - Volume:4 Frontiers in Cardiovascular Drug Discovery - Volume:1 Frontiers in Clinical Drug Research: HIV - Volume:2 Frontiers in CNS Drug Discovery - Volume:1 Frontiers in Computational Chemistry - Volume:1 Frontiers in Computational Chemistry - Volume:2 Frontiers in Electrical Engineering - Volume:1 Frontiers in Medicinal Chemistry - Volume:5 Frontiers in Medicinal Chemistry - Volume:6 Frontiers in Medicinal Chemistry - Volume:8 Frontiers in Medicinal Chemistry - Volume:9 Frontiers in Pluripotent Stem Cells Research and Therapeutic Potentials Bench-to-Bedside - Volume:1 Frontiers on Recent Developments in Plant Science - Volume:1 Global Neutron Calculations - Volume:1 Glucose Homeostasis and Insulin Resistance - Volume:1 Good Quality Practice (GQP) in Pharmaceutical Manufacturing: A Handbook - Volume:1 Green Adsorbents - Volume:1 Green Energy and Technology - Volume:1 Groundwater Reactive Transport Models - Volume:1 Handbook of Natural Zeolites - Volume:1 Hemolymph Proteins and Functional Peptides - Volume:1 How Selegiline ((-)-Deprenyl) Slows Brain Aging - Volume:1 Hypercalcemia Pathophysiology & Treatment - Volume:1 Immunology of Pregnancy 2013 - Volume:1 In Silico Lead Discovery - Volume:1 Industrial Applications of Laser Remote Sensing - Volume:1 Infrared Thermography Recent Advances and Future Trends - Volume:1 Integrated Control of Citrus Pests in the Mediterranean Region - Volume:1 Kidney Transplantation: Challenging the Future - Volume:1 Laminar Drag Reduction - Volume:1 Latest Advances in Clinical and Pre-Clinical Cardiovascular MRI - Volume:1 Light Harvesting Nanomaterials - Volume:1 Lung Cancer: Clinical and Surgical Specifications - Volume:1 Lung Function In Health And Disease: Basic Concepts of Respiratory Physiology and Pathophysiology - Volume:1 Manual of Child Neurology: Problem Based Approach to Common Disorders - Volume:1 Mechatronic & Innovative Applications - Volume:1 Medicinal Chemistry - Fusion of Traditional and Western Medicine - Volume:1 Medicinal Chemistry - Fusion of Traditional and Western Medicine - Volume:2 Medicinal Chemistry - Fusion of Traditional and Western Medicine - Volume:3 Methods to Determine Enzymatic Activity - Volume:1 Microcirculation and Insulin Resistance - Volume:1 MicroRNAs and Cardiovascular Disease - Volume:1 Microsurgery In Liver Research - Volume:1 Molecular Oncology: Principles and Recent Advances - Volume:1 Multi Drug Resistance: A Global Concern - Volume:1 Multiple Myeloma - A New Era of Treatment Strategies - Volume:1 Nanocoatings Nanosystems Nanotechnologies - Volume:1 Network Approaches to Diseases of the Brain - Volume:1 Neurobiology of Mood Disorders - Volume:1 Neutrophils in Infectious Diseases - Volume:1 New Developments in Medicinal Chemistry - Volume:1 New Insight in Pediatric Cardiology: From Basic to Therapeutics - Volume:1 Nutrition and Cancer From Epidemiology to Biology - Volume:1 On-Chip Pretreatment of Whole Blood by Using MEMS Technology - Volume:1 Oral Infections and Cardiovascular Disease - Volume:1 Organoselenium Chemistry: Between Synthesis and Biochemistry - Volume:1 Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing with Diversity for Future Wireless Systems - Volume:1 Otolaryngology for the Pediatrician - Volume:1 Outcomes Assessment in End - Stage Kidney Disease - Measurements and Applications in Clinical Practice - Volume:1 Phenotypic and Genotypic Diversity of Rhizobia - Volume:1 Photonic Bandgap Structures Novel Technological Platforms for Physical, Chemical and Biological Sensing - Volume:1 Phytotherapy in the Management of Diabetes and Hypertension - Volume:1 Phytotherapy in the Management of Diabetes and Hypertension - Volume:2 Pleurotus nebrodensis A Very Special Mushroom - Volume:1 Polarity Index in Proteins-A Bioinformatics Tool - Volume:1 Populations, Biocommunities, Ecosystems: A Review of Controversies in Ecological Thinking - Volume:1 Potassium Channels as a Target for Clinical Therapeutics - Volume:1 Preclinical Atherosclerosis, Global Cardiovascular Risk and Cardiovascular Events - Volume:1 Pregnancy Disorders and Perinatal Outcomes - Volume:1 Prenatal Alcohol Use and Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders: Diagnosis, Assessment and New Directions in Research and Multimodal Treatment - Volume:1 Preventive Female Sex Factors Against The Development of Chronic Liver Disease - Volume:1 Rare Animals of India - Volume:1
1st Biotechnology World Congress - 2012 - Volume:1 250 Years of Industrial Consumption and Transformation of Nature: Impacts on Global Ecosystems and Life - Volume:1 2nd Biotechnology World Congress - 2013 - Volume:1 3rd International Conference on Drug Discovery and Therapy - 2011 - Volume:3 40 YEARS OF SHS: A LUCKY STAR OF A SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY A Presentation with Elements of a Scientific Lecture - Volume:1 4D Fetal Echocardiography - Volume:1 4th International Conference on Drug Discovery and Therapy - 2012 - Volume:4 6G Wireless Communications and Mobile Networking - Volume:1 6th International Conference on Drug Discovery and Therapy - 2014 - Volume:6 7th International Conference on Drug Discovery and Therapy - 2016 4th Biotechnology World Congress 2016 - Volume:7 A Blueprint for the Hard Problem of Consciousness - Volume:1 A Comprehensive Guide to Nanoparticles in Medicine - Volume:1 A Comprehensive Text Book on Self-emulsifying Drug Delivery Systems - Volume:1 A Crisis like No Other: Understanding and Defeating Global Warming - Volume:1 A First Course in Artificial Intelligence - Volume:1 A Handbook of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in the Interdisciplinary Perspective - Volume:1 A Handbook of Oral Physiology and Oral Biology - Volume:1 A Journey Through Water: A Scientific Exploration of The Most Anomalous Liquid on Earth - Volume:1 A Primer on Earth Pollution: Pollution Types and Disposal - Volume:1 A Review: Chill-Block Melt Spin Technique, Theories & Applications - Volume:1 Abdominal Pain: Essential Diagnosis and Management in Acute Medicine - Volume:1 Ad Hoc and Sensor Wireless Networks: Architectures, Algorithms and Protocols - Volume:1 Advanced Approach To Mitigate Magnetic Fields And Your Health - Volume:1 Advanced Calculus - Fundamentals of Mathematics - Volume:1 Advanced Computing Techniques: Implementation, Informatics and Emerging Technologies - Volume:1 Advanced Geosimulation Models - Volume:1 Advanced Materials and Nano Systems: Theory and Experiment (Part-1) - Volume:1 Advanced Materials and Nano Systems: Theory and Experiment - Part 2 - Volume:2 Advanced Nanocatalysis for Organic Synthesis and Electroanalysis - Volume:1 Advanced Pharmaceutical and Herbal Nanoscience for Targeted Drug Delivery Systems Part I - Volume:1 Advanced Pharmaceutical and Herbal Nanoscience for Targeted Drug Delivery Systems Part II - Volume:1 Advanced Physical Chemistry Practical Guide - Volume:1 Advanced Techniques of Analytical Chemistry - Volume:1 Advanced Technologies - Volume:3 Advanced Topics on Three-dimensional Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynaecology - Volume:1 Advancements in Cardiovascular Research and Therapeutics: Molecular and Nutraceutical Perspectives - Volume:1 Advances in Additive Manufacturing Processes - Volume:1 Advances in Biobanking Practice Through Public and Private Collaborations - Volume:1 Advances in Bioinformatics, Biostatistics and Omics Sciences - Volume:1 Advances in Biomedical Sciences and Engineering - Volume:1 Advances in Biotechnology - Volume:1 Advances in Cancer Drug Targets - Volume:3 Advances in Cancer Nanotheranostics for Experimental and Personalized Medicine - Volume:1 Advances in Cancer Signal Transduction and Therapy - Volume:1 Advances in Classical Field Theory - Volume:1 Advances in Combustion Synthesis and Technology - Volume:1 Advances in Computing Communications and Informatics - Volume:1 Advances in Computing Communications and Informatics - Volume:2 Advances in Face Image Analysis: Theory and Applications - Volume:1 Advances in Genome Science - Volume:4 Advances in III-V Semiconductor Nanowires and Nanodevices - Volume:1 Advances in Legume Research: Physiological Responses and Genetic Improvement for Stress Resistance - Volume:1 Advances in Manufacturing Technologies and Production Engineering - Volume:1 Advances in Meat Processing Technologies: Modern Approaches to Meet Consumer Demand - Volume:1 Advances in Modern Medicine - Volume:1 Advances in Multiphase Flow and Heat Transfer - Volume:2 Advances in Multiphase Flow and Heat Transfer - Volume:1 Advances in Multiphase Flow and Heat Transfer - Volume:3 Advances in Multiphase Flow and Heat Transfer - Volume:4 Advances in Nonconventional Machining Processes - Volume:1 Advances in Organic Synthesis - Volume:1 Advances in Organic Synthesis - Volume:2 Advances in Organic Synthesis - Volume:7 Advances in Organic Synthesis - Volume:8 Advances in Organic Synthesis - Volume:9 Advances in Organic Synthesis - Volume:10 Advances in Organic Synthesis - Volume:11 Advances in Organic Synthesis - Volume:12 Advances in Organic Synthesis - Volume:13 Advances in Organic Synthesis - Volume:14 Advances in Organic Synthesis - Volume:15 Advances in Organic Synthesis - Volume:16 Advances in Organic Synthesis - Volume:17 Advances in Physicochemical Properties of Biopolymers (Part 1) - Volume:1 Advances in Physicochemical Properties of Biopolymers (Part 2) - Volume:1 Advances in Sampling Theory-Ratio Method of Estimation - Volume:1 Advances in the Determination of Xenobiotics in Foods - Volume:1 Advances in Time Series Forecasting - Volume:2 Agricultural Benefits of Postharvest Banana Plants - Volume:1 Air Pollution: Economic Modelling and Control Policies - Volume:1 Algal Biotechnology for Fuel Applications - Volume:6 Algal Functional Foods and Nutraceuticals: Benefits, Opportunities, and Challenges - Volume:1 Amelogenins: Multifaceted Proteins for Dental and Bone Formation and Repair - Volume:1 An Account of Thermodynamic Entropy - Volume:1 An Atlas on the Comparative Anatomy of the Retinae of Vertebrates - Volume:1 An Ecological Perspective on Health Promotion Systems, Settings and Social Processes - Volume:1 An Epidemiological Update on COVID -19 - Volume:1 An Integrated Geophysical and Geotechnical Assessment of Hazards Around the Abu Serga Church - Volume:1 An Introduction to Legal, Regulatory and Intellectual Property Rights Issues in Biotechnology - Volume:1 An Introduction to Nephroprotective Plants - Volume:1 An Introduction to Plant Immunity - Volume:1 An Introduction to Sobolev Spaces - Volume:1 An Update on SARS-CoV-2: Damage-response Framework, Potential Therapeutic Avenues and the Impact of Nanotechnology on COVID-19 Therapy - Volume:1 Analog Circuit Design for Communication SOC - Volume:1 Analytical Microextraction Techniques - Volume:1 Anatomy, Modeling and Biomaterial Fabrication for Dental and Maxillofacial Applications - Volume:1 Anatomy: A Pressing Concern in Exercise Physiology - Volume:1 Andrology: Current and Future Developments - Volume:1 Animal Models for Neurological Disorders - Volume:1 Anthropology: Current and Future Developments - Volume:2 Anti-Angiogenesis Drug Discovery and Development - Volume:1 Anti-Angiogenesis Drug Discovery and Development - Volume:4 Anti-Angiogenesis Drug Discovery and Development - Volume:5 Anti-Obesity Drug Discovery and Development - Volume:1 Anti-Obesity Drug Discovery and Development - Volume:3 Anti-Obesity Drug Discovery and Development - Volume:4 Anti-Obesity Drug Discovery and Development - Volume:5 Antibiotic Alternatives in Poultry and Fish Feed - Volume:1 Antibodies Applications and New Developments - Volume:1 Antiprotozoal Drug Discovery: A Challenge That Remains - Volume:1 Application Of Alternative Food-Preservation Technologies To Enhance Food Safety And Stability - Volume:1 Applications of Modern High Performance Networks - Volume:1 Applications of Modern Mass Spectrometry - Volume:1 Applications of Modern Mass Spectrometry - Volume:2 Applications of Nanomaterials in Energy Storage and Electronics - Volume:3 Applications of NMR Spectroscopy - Volume:4 Applications of NMR Spectroscopy - Volume:5 Applications of NMR Spectroscopy - Volume:6 Applications of NMR Spectroscopy - Volume:7 Applications of NMR Spectroscopy - Volume:8 Applications of NMR Spectroscopy - Volume:9 Applications of Spreadsheets in Education The Amazing Power of a Simple Tool - Volume:1 Applied Computational Mathematics in Social Sciences - Volume:1 Applied Machine Learning and Multi-Criteria Decision-Making in Healthcare - Volume:1 Arduino and SCILAB based Projects - Volume:1 Arduino Meets Matlab: Interfacing, Programs and Simulink - Volume:1 Are We There Yet? The Search for a Theory of Everything - Volume:1 Art Psychotherapy & Narrative Therapy: An Account of Practitioner Research - Volume:1 Artificial Adaptive Systems in Medicine: New Theories and Models for New Applications in the Real World - Volume:1 Artificial Intelligence and Natural Algorithms - Volume:1 Artificial Intelligence for Smart Cities and Villages: Advanced Technologies, Development, and Challenges - Volume:1 Artificial Intelligence Resources in Control and Automation Engineering - Volume:1 Artificial Intelligence: Models, Algorithms and Applications - Volume:1 ASEP's Exercise Medicine Text for Exercise Physiologists - Volume:1 Assessment, Accreditation and Ranking Methods for Higher Education Institutes in India: Current Findings and Future Challenges - Volume:1 Atomic Coherence and its Potential Applications - Volume:1 Augmented Intelligence: Deep Learning, Machine Learning, Cognitive Computing, Educational Data Mining - Volume:3 Awake Thoracic Surgery - Volume:1 Bacterial Diseases - Volume:1 Balance in Healthcare - Volume:1 Bentham Briefs in Biomedicine and Pharmacotherapy Oxidative Stress and Natural Antioxidants - Volume:1 Bioactive Phytochemicals: Drug Discovery to Product Development - Volume:1 Biochemical and Biological Effects of Organotins - Volume:1 Biochemical Mechanisms of Aluminium Induced Neurological Disorders - Volume:1 Biochemistry: Fundamentals and Bioenergetics - Volume:1 Biodiversity and Livelihood: Lessons from Community Research in India - Volume:1 Biologically Active Natural Products from Asia and Africa: A Selection of Topics - Volume:1 Biology and Chemistry of Beta Glucan Vol: 1 Beta Glucans - Mechanisms of Action - Volume:1 Bioluminescent Marine Plankton - Volume:1 Biomarkers in Medicine - Volume:1 Biomaterial Fabrication Techniques - Volume:1 Bionanotechnology: Next-Generation Therapeutic Tools - Volume:1 Biophysics and Diving Decompression Phenomenology - Volume:1 Biopolymers In Drug Delivery: Recent Advances and Challenges - Volume:1 Biopolymers Towards Green and Sustainable Development - Volume:1 Bioremediation: Challenges and Advancements - Volume:1 Biotechnological Production Of Natural Ingredients For Food Industry - Volume:1 Biotechnological Production of Plant Secondary Metabolites - Volume:1 Bipolar Transistor and MOSFET Device Models - Volume:1 Body Contouring Following Bariatric Surgery And Massive Weight Loss: Post-Bariatric Body Contouring - Volume:1 Bone Marrow Aspirate Concentrate and Expanded Stem Cell Applications in Orthopaedics - Volume:1 Boundary Element Methods for Heat Transfer with Phase Change Problems: Theory and Application - Volume:1 Brassinosteroids: Practical Applications in Agriculture and Human Health - Volume:1 Breast Cancer: Current Trends in Molecular Research - Volume:1 Budget Optimization and Allocation: An Evolutionary Computing Based Model - Volume:1 Calculus: The Logical Extension of Arithmetic - Volume:1 Cancer Metastasis and Cancer Stem Cell/Niche - Volume:1 Cancer Preventive and Therapeutic Compounds: Gift From Mother Nature - Volume:1 Capillary Electrophoresis in Food Analysis - Volume:2 Cardiac Care and COVID-19: Perspectives in Medical Practice - Volume:1 Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy: An Established Pacing Therapy for Heart Failure and Mechanical Dyssynchrony - Volume:1 Catalysis: Current and Future Developments - Volume:1 Causal Inference and Scientific Paradigms in Epidemiology - Volume:1 Cellular and Molecular Biology of Autism Spectrum Disorders - Volume:1 Challenges and Opportunities for Deep Learning Applications in Industry 4.0 - Volume:1 Challenges In Stellar Pulsation - Volume:1 Changing Landscapes in Urban British Churchyards - Volume:1 Chemical Modification of Solid Surfaces by the Use of Additives - Volume:1 Chemical-Induced Seizures: Mechanisms, Consequences and Treatment - Volume:1 Chemistry of Bipyrazoles: Synthesis and Applications - Volume:1 Chemistry, Biology and Potential Applications of Honeybee Plant-Derived Products - Volume:1 Classical Fluid Mechanics - Volume:1 Classical Mechanics and Quantum Mechanics: An Historic-Axiomatic Approach - Volume:1 Classical Neurotransmitters and Neuropeptides Involved in Schizoaffective Disorder - Volume:1 Clinical Mechanics in the Gut: An Introduction - Volume:1 Coherent Wireless Power Charging and Data Transfer for Electric Vehicles - Volume:1 Colorectal Cancer Diagnosis and Therapeutic Updates - Volume:1 Combustion Synthesis: Novel Routes to Novel Materials - Volume:1 Common Pediatric Diseases: an Updated Review - Volume:1 Comparative Bioacoustics: An Overview - Volume:1 Comprehensive Maxillofacial Osteomyelitis - Volume:1 Computational Intelligence For Data Analysis - Volume:1 Computational Intelligence, Evolutionary Computing and Evolutionary Clustering Algorithms - Volume:1 Computers: Classical, Quantum and Others - Volume:1 Congenital Toxoplasmosis in Humans and Domestic Animals - Volume:1 Consent: Practical Principles For Clinicians - Volume:1 Contemporary Endoscopic Spine Surgery - Volume:1 Contemporary Sleep Medicine For Patients - Volume:1 Contemporary Sleep Medicine For Physicians - Volume:1 Controversies in Neuro-Oncology - Volume:1 Copper: Quest for a Cure - Volume:1 Coronavirus Disease-19 (COVID-19): A Perspective of New Scenario - Volume:1 Coronaviruses - Volume:1 Coronaviruses - Volume:2 Coronaviruses - Volume:3 Corrosion Science: Modern Trends and Applications - Volume:1 COVID-19 Current Challenges and Future Perspectives - Volume:1 COVID-19: Diagnosis and Management-Part I - Volume:1 COVID-19: Diagnosis and Management-Part II - Volume:1 COVID-19: Effects in Comorbidities and Special Populations - Volume:1 Cross-Industry Blockchain Technology: Opportunities and Challenges in Industry 4.0 - Volume:1 Cultivating Empathy: Inspiring Health Professionals to Communicate More Effectively (Revised Edition) - Volume:1 Cultural Competence In Assessment And Intervention With Ethnic Minorities: Some Perspectives From Psychology and Social Work - Volume:1 Current Advances in Breast Cancer Research: A Molecular Approach - Volume:1 Current Advances in Drug Delivery Through Fast Dissolving/Disintegrating Dosage Forms - Volume:1 Current and Future Application of Artificial Intelligence in Clinical Medicine - Volume:1 Current and Future Developments in Artificial Intelligence - Volume:1 Current and Future Developments in Hypertension - Volume:1 Current and Future Developments in Law - Volume:1 Current and Future Developments in Law - Volume:2 Current and Future Developments in Nanomaterials and Carbon Nanotubes - Volume:1 Current and Future Developments in Physiology - Volume:1 Current and Future Developments in Proteomics - Volume:1 Current and Future Developments in Surgery - Volume:1 Current and Future Developments in Surgery - Volume:2 Current and Future Developments in Surgery - Volume:3 Current Developments in Food and Nutrition Research - Volume:1 Current Developments in Mathematical Sciences - Volume:1 Current Developments in Mathematical Sciences - Volume:2 Current Developments in Stroke - Volume:2 Current Developments in Stroke - Volume:1 Current Developments in the Detection and Control of Multi Drug Resistance - Volume:1 Current Diagnosis of Infant Tuberculosis Infection - Volume:1 Current Perspectives in Clinical Treatment & Management in Worker's Compensation Cases - Volume:1 Current Technologies To Increase The Transdermal Delivery Of Drugs - Volume:1 Current Technologies To Increase The Transdermal Delivery Of Drugs - Volume:2 Current Topics on Fetal 3D/4D Ultrasound - Volume:1 Current Trends of Supercritical Fluid Technology in Pharmaceutical, Nutraceutical and Food Processing Industries - Volume:1 Cutting Edge Techniques in Biophysics, Biochemistry and Cell Biology: From Principle to Applications - Volume:1 Demystifying COVID-19: Understanding the Disease, Its Diagnosis and Treatment - Volume:1 Density Matrix Theories in Quantum Physics - Volume:1 Development and Application of Biomedical Titanium Alloys - Volume:1 Development and Prospective Applications of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology - Volume:2 Developmental and Stem Cell Biology in Health and Disease - Volume:1 DFT Based Studies on Bioactive Molecules - Volume:1 Diabesity: A Multidisciplinary Approach - Volume:1 Diabetes: Current and Future Developments - Volume:1 Diabetes: Current and Future Developments - Volume:2 Diagnosis And Treatment In Rheumatology - Volume:1 Diagnostic Technologies in Ophthalmology - Volume:1 Differential and Integral Calculus Theory and Cases - Volume:1 Digital Signal Processing in Experimental Research - Volume:3 Digital Signal Processing in Experimental Research Volume Title: Fast Transform Methods in Digital Signal Processing - Volume:1 Dimorphic Fungi: - Volume:1 Discrete Calculus By Analogy - Volume:1 Discrete Hilbert-Type Inequalities - Volume:1 Doing Qualitative Community Research: Lessons For Faculty, Students And Communities - Volume:1 Dominant Algorithms to Evaluate Artificial Intelligence: From the view of Throughput Model - Volume:1 Drug Discovery and Therapy World Congress – 2013 - Volume:1 Drug Discovery and Therapy World Congress – 2015 and Global Biotechnology Congress - 2015 - Volume:1 Drugs Sex, And Crime - Empirical Contributions - Volume:1 Dynamical Processes In Atomic And Molecular Physics - Volume:1 Dynamics of Biological Macromolecules by Neutron Scattering - Volume:1 Ecological Impacts of Toxic Chemicals - Volume:1 Economic Periodontal and Implant Dentistry - Volume:1 Economics: Current and Future Developments - Volume:2 Economics: Current and Future Developments Volume 1 (2nd Edition) - Volume:1 Educating the Global Citizen - Volume:1 Efficient Preconditioned Solution Methods for Elliptic Partial Differential Equations - Volume:1 Einstein&apos;s Revolution: A Study Of Theory Unification - Volume:1 Electromagnetic Interference Issues in Power Electronics and Power Systems - Volume:1 Electromagnetics for Engineering Students (Part II) - Volume:1 Electromagnetics for Engineering Students Part I - Volume:1 Electronic Design Automation of Multi-scroll Chaos Generators - Volume:1 Embedded Visual System And Its Applications On Robots - Volume:1 Emerging Chagas Disease - Volume:1 Emerging Computational Approaches in Telehealth and Telemedicine: A Look at The Post-COVID-19 Landscape - Volume:1 Emerging Technologies and Applications for a Smart and Sustainable World - Volume:1 Emerging Technologies in Agriculture and Food Science - Volume:1 Emerging Technologies in Women's Health: Robotic Surgery in Gynecology - Volume:1 Emerging Trends in Veterinary Virology - Volume:1 Environmental Issues for the Twenty-First Century and their Impact on Human Health - Volume:1 Environmental Law in the Russian Federation - Volume:1 Environmental Microbiology: Advanced Research and Multidisciplinary Applications - Volume:1 Environmental Stress Physiology of Plants and Crop Productivity - Volume:1 Enzymes Involved in Glycolysis, Fatty Acid and Amino Acid Biosynthesis: Active Site Mechanism and Inhibition - Volume:1 Erosion-Corrosion: An Introduction to Flow Induced Macro-Cell Corrosion - Volume:1 Essential Techniques for Medical and Life Scientists: A Guide to Contemporary Methods and Current Applications with the Protocols: Part I - Volume:1 Essential Techniques for Medical and Life Scientists: A Guide to Contemporary Methods and Current Applications- Part II - Volume:1 Essentials of Pediatric Surgery - Volume:1 Evaluation of Cellular Processes by In Vitro Assays - Volume:1 Evaluation of Environmental Contaminants and Natural Products: A Human Health Perspective - Volume:1 Evidence-Based Research in Ayurveda against COVID-19 in Compliance with Standardized Protocols and Practices - Volume:1 Exercises in Organic Synthesis Based on Synthetic Drugs - Volume:1 Experiential Teaching for Public Health Practice - Volume:1 Experimental Stroke - Volume:1 Exponential Data Fitting and its Applications - Volume:1 Exterior Calculus: Theory and Cases - Volume:1 Extremophiles: Diversity, Adaptation and Applications - Volume:1 Facets of a Smart City: Computational and Experimental Techniques for Sustainable Urban Development - Volume:1 Famous Planet Earth Caves - Volume:2 Fiber Bragg Grating Sensors: Recent Advancements, Industrial Applications and Market Exploitation - Volume:1 Field Propulsion System for Space Travel: Physics of Non-Conventional Propulsion Methods for Interstellar Travel - Volume:1 Field, Force, Energy and Momentum in Classical Electrodynamics (Revised Edition) - Volume:1 Firms` Strategic Decisions: Theoretical and Empirical Findings - Volume:2 Firms` Strategic Decisions: Theoretical and Empirical Findings - Volume:3 Flavonoids and Phenolics - Volume:1 Flood Risk Assessment and Management - Volume:1 Fluorescence Microscopy in Life Sciences - Volume:1 Food Additives and Human Health - Volume:1 Foods for Special Dietary Regimens - Volume:1 Fractional Calculus: New Applications in Understanding Nonlinear Phenomena - Volume:3 Free Radical Biology of Endocrine, Metabolic & Immune Disorders - Volume:1 Free Radical Biomedicine: Principles, Clinical Correlations, and Methodologies - Volume:1 From Microbe to Man - Volume:1 Frontiers in Aerospace Science - Volume:1 Frontiers in Aerospace Science - Volume:2 Frontiers in Aerospace Science - Volume:3 Frontiers in Aging Science - Volume:1 Frontiers in Anatomy - Volume:1 Frontiers in Anti-Cancer Drug Discovery - Volume:7 Frontiers in Anti-Cancer Drug Discovery - Volume:8 Frontiers in Anti-Cancer Drug Discovery - Volume:9 Frontiers in Anti-Cancer Drug Discovery - Volume:10 Frontiers in Anti-Cancer Drug Discovery - Volume:11 Frontiers in Anti-Cancer Drug Discovery - Volume:12 Frontiers in Anti-infective Agents - Volume:1 Frontiers in Anti-infective Agents - Volume:2 Frontiers in Anti-infective Agents - Volume:4 Frontiers in Anti-infective Agents - Volume:3 Frontiers in Anti-infective Agents - Volume:5 Frontiers in Anti-infective Agents - Volume:6 Frontiers in Anti-Infective Drug Discovery - Volume:1 Frontiers in Anti-Infective Drug Discovery - Volume:5 Frontiers in Anti-Infective Drug Discovery - Volume:6 Frontiers in Anti-Infective Drug Discovery - Volume:7 Frontiers in Anti-Infective Drug Discovery - Volume:8 Frontiers in Anti-Infective Drug Discovery - Volume:9 Frontiers in Arthritis - Volume:2 Frontiers in Arthritis - Volume:1 Frontiers in Arthritis - Volume:3 Frontiers in Bioactive Compounds - Volume:1 Frontiers in Bioactive Compounds - Volume:2 Frontiers in Biomaterials - Volume:2 Frontiers in Biomaterials - Volume:3 Frontiers in Biomaterials - Volume:5 Frontiers in Biomaterials - Volume:4 Frontiers in Biomaterials - Volume:6 Frontiers in Cancer Immunology - Volume:2 Frontiers in Cardiovascular Drug Discovery - Volume:1 Frontiers in Cardiovascular Drug Discovery - Volume:3 Frontiers in Cardiovascular Drug Discovery - Volume:4 Frontiers in Cardiovascular Drug Discovery - Volume:5 Frontiers in Cardiovascular Drug Discovery - Volume:6 Frontiers in Ceramic Science - Volume:1 Frontiers in Ceramic Science - Volume:2 Frontiers in Ceramic Science - Volume:3 Frontiers in Civil Engineering - Volume:1 Frontiers in Civil Engineering - Volume:2 Frontiers in Civil Engineering - Volume:3 Frontiers in Civil Engineering - Volume:4 Frontiers in Civil Engineering - Volume:5 Frontiers in Civil Engineering - Volume:6 Frontiers in Clinical Drug Research - Alzheimer Disorders - Volume:5 Frontiers in Clinical Drug Research - Alzheimer Disorders - Volume:6 Frontiers in Clinical Drug Research - Alzheimer Disorders - Volume:7 Frontiers in Clinical Drug Research - Alzheimer Disorders - Volume:8 Frontiers in Clinical Drug Research - Anti-Cancer Agents - Volume:3 Frontiers in Clinical Drug Research - Anti-Cancer Agents - Volume:4 Frontiers in Clinical Drug Research - Anti-Cancer Agents - Volume:5 Frontiers in Clinical Drug Research - Anti-Cancer Agents - Volume:6 Frontiers in Clinical Drug Research - Anti-Cancer Agents - Volume:7 Frontiers in Clinical Drug Research - Anti-Cancer Agents - Volume:8 Frontiers in Clinical Drug Research - CNS and Neurological Disorders - Volume:4 Frontiers in Clinical Drug Research - CNS and Neurological Disorders - Volume:5 Frontiers in Clinical Drug Research - CNS and Neurological Disorders - Volume:6 Frontiers in Clinical Drug Research - CNS and Neurological Disorders - Volume:7 Frontiers in Clinical Drug Research - CNS and Neurological Disorders - Volume:8 Frontiers in Clinical Drug Research - CNS and Neurological Disorders - Volume:9 Frontiers in Clinical Drug Research - CNS and Neurological Disorders - Volume:10 Frontiers in Clinical Drug Research – Anti Allergy Agents - Volume:2 Frontiers in Clinical Drug Research – Anti Allergy Agents - Volume:3 Frontiers in Clinical Drug Research – Anti Allergy Agents - Volume:4 Frontiers in Clinical Drug Research – Anti Allergy Agents - Volume:5 Frontiers in Clinical Drug Research- Central Nervous System - Volume:2 Frontiers in Clinical Drug Research-Anti Infectives - Volume:2 Frontiers in Clinical Drug Research-Anti Infectives - Volume:4 Frontiers in Clinical Drug Research-Anti Infectives - Volume:5 Frontiers in Clinical Drug Research-Anti Infectives - Volume:6 Frontiers in Clinical Drug Research-Anti Infectives - Volume:7 Frontiers in Clinical Drug Research-Anti Infectives - Volume:8 Frontiers in Clinical Drug Research-Dementia - Volume:1 Frontiers in Clinical Drug Research-Dementia - Volume:2 Frontiers in Clinical Drug Research-Diabetes and Obesity - Volume:2 Frontiers in Clinical Drug Research-Diabetes and Obesity - Volume:3 Frontiers in Clinical Drug Research-Diabetes and Obesity - Volume:4 Frontiers in Clinical Drug Research-Diabetes and Obesity - Volume:5 Frontiers in Clinical Drug Research-Diabetes and Obesity - Volume:6 Frontiers in Clinical Drug Research-Diabetes and Obesity - Volume:7 Frontiers in Clinical Drug Research: Hematology - Volume:2 Frontiers in Clinical Drug Research: Hematology - Volume:3 Frontiers in Clinical Drug Research: Hematology - Volume:4 Frontiers in Clinical Drug Research: Hematology - Volume:5 Frontiers in Clinical Drug Research: HIV - Volume:3 Frontiers in Clinical Drug Research: HIV - Volume:4 Frontiers in Clinical Drug Research: HIV - Volume:5 Frontiers in CNS Drug Discovery - Volume:1 Frontiers in CNS Drug Discovery - Volume:3 Frontiers in Computational Chemistry - Volume:3 Frontiers in Computational Chemistry - Volume:4 Frontiers in Computational Chemistry - Volume:5 Frontiers in Computational Chemistry - Volume:6 Frontiers in Drug Design and Discovery - Volume:4 Frontiers in Drug Design and Discovery - Volume:5 Frontiers in Drug Design and Discovery - Volume:7 Frontiers in Drug Design and Discovery - Volume:8 Frontiers in Drug Design and Discovery - Volume:9 Frontiers in Drug Design and Discovery - Volume:10 Frontiers in Drug Design and Discovery - Volume:11 Frontiers in Drug Discovery - Volume:2 Frontiers in Drug Safety - Volume:1 Frontiers in Enzyme Inhibition - Volume:1 Frontiers in Heart Failure - Volume:1 Frontiers in Heart Failure - Volume:2 Frontiers in Heart Failure - Volume:3 Frontiers in HIV Research - Volume:2 Frontiers in Horticulture - Volume:1 Frontiers in Inflammation - Volume:1 Frontiers in Inflammation - Volume:2 Frontiers in Information Systems - Volume:1 Frontiers in Information Systems - Volume:2 Frontiers in Lung Cancer - Volume:1 Frontiers in Magnetic Resonance - Volume:1 Frontiers in Medicinal Chemistry - Volume:1 Frontiers in Medicinal Chemistry - Volume:2 Frontiers in Medicinal Chemistry - Volume:4 Frontiers in Medicinal Chemistry - Volume:5 Frontiers in Medicinal Chemistry - Volume:8 Frontiers in Medicinal Chemistry - Volume:9 Frontiers in Myocardia - Volume:2 Frontiers in Myocardia - Volume:3 Frontiers in Nano and Micro-Device Design for Applied Nanophotonics, Biophotonics and Nanomedicine - Volume:1 Frontiers in Nanobiotechnology - Volume:1 Frontiers in Nanomedicine - Volume:2 Frontiers in Natural Product Chemistry - Volume:2 Frontiers in Natural Product Chemistry - Volume:3 Frontiers in Natural Product Chemistry - Volume:4 Frontiers in Natural Product Chemistry - Volume:5 Frontiers in Natural Product Chemistry - Volume:6 Frontiers in Natural Product Chemistry - Volume:7 Frontiers in Natural Product Chemistry - Volume:8 Frontiers in Natural Product Chemistry - Volume:9 Frontiers in Natural Product Chemistry - Volume:10 Frontiers in Neurosurgery - Volume:2 Frontiers in Neurosurgery - Volume:3 Frontiers in Neurosurgery - Volume:4 Frontiers in Nuclear and Particle Physics - Volume:1 Frontiers in Nuclear and Particle Physics - Volume:2 Frontiers in Occupational Health and Safety - Volume:2 Frontiers in Pain Science - Volume:1 Frontiers in Parasitology - Volume:1 Frontiers in Parasitology - Volume:2 Frontiers in Pluripotent Stem Cells Research and Therapeutic Potentials Bench-to-Bedside - Volume:1 Frontiers in Protein and Peptide Sciences - Volume:2 Frontiers in Reproductive Science; Reproductive Biology, Physiology and Biochemistry of Male Bats - Volume:1 Frontiers in Respiratory Medicine - Volume:1 Frontiers in Stem Cell and Regenerative Medicine Research - Volume:2 Frontiers in Stem Cell and Regenerative Medicine Research - Volume:3 Frontiers in Stem Cell and Regenerative Medicine Research - Volume:4 Frontiers in Stem Cell and Regenerative Medicine Research - Volume:5 Frontiers in Stem Cell and Regenerative Medicine Research - Volume:6 Frontiers in Stem Cell and Regenerative Medicine Research - Volume:7 Frontiers in Stem Cell and Regenerative Medicine Research - Volume:8 Frontiers in Stem Cell and Regenerative Medicine Research - Volume:9 Frontiers in Stem Cell and Regenerative Medicine Research - Volume:10 Frontiers in Structural Biology - Volume:1 Functional Composite Materials: Manufacturing Technology and Experimental Application - Volume:1 Functional Molecular Imaging In Hepatology - Volume:1 Fundamentals of Analysis in Physics - Volume:1 Fundamentals of Computational Methods for Engineers - Volume:1 Fundamentals of Educational Technology - Volume:1 Fundamentals of Materials Engineering- A Basic Guide - Volume:1 Geology: Current and Future Developments - Volume:1 Global Emerging Innovation Summit (GEIS-2021) - Volume:1 Glucose Homeostasis and Insulin Resistance - Volume:1 GPI Membrane Anchors – The Much Needed link - Volume:1 Graphene-Based Nanomaterial Catalysis - Volume:1 Groundwater Reactive Transport Models - Volume:1 Halophytic Plants for Animal Feed: Associated Botanical and Nutritional Characteristics - Volume:1 Handbook of Mobile Application Development: A Guide to Selecting the Right Engineering and Quality Features - Volume:1 Hazardous Waste Management and Health Risks - Volume:1 Heat Stress In Food Grain Crops: Plant Breeding and Omics Research - Volume:1 Hemolymph Proteins and Functional Peptides - Volume:1 Hepatic Elastography Using Ultrasound Waves Revised Edition of Volume 1 - Volume:1 Herbal Immunity Boosters Against COVID-19 - Volume:1 Herbal Medicine: Back to the Future - Volume:1 Herbal Medicine: Back to the Future - Volume:2 Herbal Medicine: Back to the Future - Volume:3 Herbal Medicine: Back to the Future - Volume:4 Higher Mathematics for Science, Technology and Engineering - Volume:1 Hilbert-Type Integral Inequalities - Volume:1 Histopathological Diagnosis of Leprosy - Volume:1 Historical Technology Developments - Volume:1 How Smart People can Overcome Jet Lag - Volume:1 How to Design Optimization Algorithms by Applying Natural Behavioral Patterns - Volume:1 How to Help the Suicidal Person to Choose Life: The Ethic of Care and Empathy as an Indispensable Tool for Intervention - Volume:1 HPV Infections: Diagnosis, Prevention, and Treatment - Volume:1 Human-Computer Interaction and Beyond: Advances Towards Smart and Interconnected Environments (Part I) - Volume:1 Human-Computer Interaction and Beyond: Advances Towards Smart and Interconnected Environments Part II - Volume:1 Hydraulic Power Plants: A Textbook for Engineering Students - Volume:1 Hypercalcemia Pathophysiology & Treatment - Volume:1 Hypersensitivity to Vitamins - Volume:1 Hypotheses and Dynamics in the Pathogenesis of Neurodegenerative Disorders - Volume:1 Illustrated Pediatric Dentistry - Part 1 - Volume:1 Image Processing for Embedded Devices - Volume:1 Image Processing in Renewable Energy Resources: Opportunities and Challenges - Volume:1 Immune Response to Parasitic Infections - Volume:1 Improved Indirect Power Control (IDPC) of Wind Energy Conversion Systems (WECS) - Volume:1 In Silico Lead Discovery - Volume:1 In-Silico and In-Vitro Approaches to Screen the Antituberculosis Activity of Benzothiazole Analogs - Volume:1 Indopathy for Neuroprotection: Recent Advances - Volume:1 Industrial Applications of Laser Remote Sensing - Volume:1 Industrial Applications of Soil Microbes - Volume:1 Influenza: A Century of Research - Volume:1 Integrated Building Information Modelling - Volume:1 Integrated Control of Citrus Pests in the Mediterranean Region - Volume:1 Intellectual Property Basic Manual for Researchers in Universities - Volume:1 Intelligent Diagnosis of Lung Cancer and Respiratory Diseases - Volume:1 Internet Economics: Models, Mechanisms and Management - Volume:1 Introduction to Digital Holography - Volume:1 Introduction to Molecular Genomics - Volume:1 Introduction to Sensors in IoT and Cloud Computing Applications - Volume:1 Introductory Statistical Procedures with SPSS - Volume:1 Key Heterocyclic Cores for Smart Anticancer Drug–Design Part I - Volume:1 Key Heterocyclic Cores for Smart Anticancer Drug–Design Part II - Volume:2 Kurzweil-Henstock Integral in Riesz spaces - Volume:1 Language Disturbances in Adulthood: New Advances from the Neurolinguistics Perspective - Volume:1 Laser Optofluidics in Fighting Multiple Drug Resistance - Volume:1 Laser Surface Treatments for Tribological Applications - Volume:1 Latest Findings of Omega-3 Long Chain-Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids: From Molecular Mechanisms to New Applications in Health and Diseases - Volume:1 Lean Management Solutions for Contemporary Manufacturing Operations - Volume:1 Lecture Notes in Numerical Methods of Differential Equations - Volume:1 Liquid Crystal Light Modulators: Revised Edition - Volume:1 Local Anesthesia and Extractions for Dental Students: Simple Notes and Guidelines - Volume:1 Localized Micro/Nanocarriers for Programmed and On-Demand Controlled Drug Release - Volume:1 Lumbar Spine - Volume:2 Lung Macrophages in Health and Disease - Volume:1 Machine Learning and Its Application: A Quick Guide for Beginners - Volume:1 Machine Learning Methods for Engineering Application Development - Volume:1 Magnetic Resonance in Studying Natural and Synthetic Materials - Volume:1 Male Infertility: An Integrative Manual of Western and Chinese Medicine - Volume:1 Malignant Pleural Mesothelioma: Present Status and Future Directions - Volume:1 MAN and SHELLS: Molluscs in the History - Volume:1 Manual of Child Neurology: Problem Based Approach to Common Disorders - Volume:1 Marine Ecology: Current and Future Developments - Volume:1 Marine Ecology: Current and Future Developments - Volume:2 MCQs Series for Life Sciences - Volume:2 Mechanical Engineering Technologies and Applications - Volume:1 Mechanisms of Landscape Rehabilitation and Sustainability - Volume:1 Mechatronics Series I - Intelligent Transportation Vehicles - Volume:1 Medical Applications of Beta-Glucan - Volume:1 Medicinal and Environmental Chemistry: Experimental Advances and Simulations (Part I) - Volume:1 Medicinal and Environmental Chemistry: Experimental Advances and Simulations (Part II) - Volume:1 Medicinal Chemistry for Pharmacy Students - Volume:1 Medicinal Chemistry for Pharmacy Students - Volume:2 Medicine Demystified - Volume:1 Melanin, the Master Molecule - Volume:1 Mental Health Promotion in Schools - Volume:2 Mesenchymal Cell Activation by Biomechanical Stimulation and its Clinical Prospects - Volume:1 Mesenchymal Stem Cells and Craniofacial Regeneration - Volume:1 Meta-Inflammation and Obesity - Volume:1 Metal Based Functionally Graded Materials - Volume:1 Metallurgy and Technology of Steel Castings - Volume:1 Microcirculation and Insulin Resistance - Volume:1 Micronutrients: The Key to Good Health - Volume:1 MicroRNAs and Cardiovascular Disease - Volume:1 Microsurgery In Liver Research - Volume:1 Mind Maps in Biochemistry - Volume:1 Mind Maps in Clinical Chemistry (Part I) - Volume:1 Mind Maps in Clinical Chemistry (Part II) - Volume:1 Minimally Invasive Techniques for the Treatment of Patients with Structural Heart Disease - Volume:1 Mitochondrial DNA and the Immuno-inflammatory Response: New Frontiers to Control Specific Microbial Diseases - Volume:3 Mixed Polymeric Micelles for Osteosarcoma Therapy: Development and Characterization - Volume:1 Modern Cancer Therapies and Traditional Medicine: An Integrative Approach to Combat Cancers - Volume:1 Modern Intelligent Instruments - Theory and Application - Volume:1 Modern Occupational Diseases Diagnosis, Epidemiology, Management and Prevention - Volume:1 Molecular Aspects of Hepatocellular Carcinoma - Volume:1 Molecular Aspects of Neurodegeneration and Neuroprotection - Volume:1 Molecular Bases of Neurodegenerative Disorders of the Retina - Volume:1 Molecular Mechanism and Morphology in Cancer - Volume:1 Molecular Oncology: Principles and Recent Advances - Volume:1 More Food: Road to Survival - Volume:1 Moving From COVID-19 Mathematical Models to Vaccine Design: Theory, Practice and Experiences - Volume:1 Multi Drug Resistance: A Global Concern - Volume:1 Multi-Objective Optimization in Theory and Practice I: Classical Methods - Volume:1 Multi-Objective Optimization In Theory and Practice II: Metaheuristic Algorithms - Volume:1 Multicore Hardware-Software Design and Verification Techniques - Volume:1 Multidisciplinary Interventions for People with Diverse Needs - A Training Guide for Teachers, Students, and Professionals - Volume:1 Multifunctional Two- and Three-Dimensional Polycrystalline X-Ray Diffractometry - Volume:1 Multiple Myeloma - A New Era of Treatment Strategies - Volume:1 Mycofactories - Volume:1 Myconanotechnology: Green Chemistry for Sustainable Development - Volume:3 Nano Materials Induced Removal of Textile Dyes from Waste Water - Volume:1 Nanocomposite Materials for Sensors - Volume:2 Nanomaterials and Their Interactive Behavior with Biomolecules, Cells and Tissues - Volume:1 Nanomaterials: Evolution and Advancement Towards Therapeutic Drug Delivery (Part I) - Volume:1 Nanomaterials: Evolution and Advancement towards Therapeutic Drug Delivery (Part II) - Volume:1 Nanomedicinal Approaches Towards Cardiovascular Disease - Volume:1 Nanoparticles and Nanocarriers Based Pharmaceutical Formulations - Volume:1 Nanotechnology Driven Herbal Medicine for Burns: From Concept to Application - Volume:1 Nanotherapeutic Strategies and New Pharmaceuticals (Part 1) - Volume:1 Nanotherapeutic Strategies and New Pharmaceuticals (Part 2) - Volume:1 Nanotherapeutics for the Treatment of Hepatocellular Carcinoma - Volume:1 Natural Bioactive Compounds from Fruits and Vegetables as Health Promoters: Part I - Volume:1 Natural Bioactive Compounds from Fruits and Vegetables as Health Promoters: Part II - Volume:1 Natural Feed Additives Used in the Poultry Industry - Volume:1 Natural Products for the Management of Arthritic Disorders - Volume:5 Natural Products in Clinical Trials - Volume:1 Natural Products in Clinical Trials - Volume:2 Necropsy Techniques for Examining Wildlife Samples - Volume:1 NEOPLASIA and FERTILITY - Volume:1 Nephrology and Clinical Chemistry: The Essential Link - Volume:1 Network Approaches to Diseases of the Brain - Volume:1 Neurodegenerative Diseases: Multifactorial Degenerative Processes, Biomarkers and Therapeutic Approaches (First Edition) - Volume:1 Neutrophils in Infectious Diseases - Volume:1 New Aspects of the Renin Angiotensin System in Cardiovascular and Renal Diseases - Volume:1 New Developments in Medicinal Chemistry - Volume:1 New Findings from Natural Substances - Volume:1 New Methods of Celestial Mechanics - Volume:1 New Trends In Biomarkers and Diseases Research: An Overview - Volume:1 Nitrogen Removal Processes for Wastewater Treatment - Volume:1 Non Pharmacological Therapies in the Management of Osteoarthritis - Volume:1 Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD) - Volume:1 Nondestructive Evaluation of Agro-products by Intelligent Sensing Techniques - Volume:1 Normalization And “Outsiderhood” - Volume:3 Numberama: Recreational Number Theory In The School System - Volume:1 Numerical Analysis for Science, Engineering and Technology - Volume:1 Nutrition: An Approach to Good Health and Disease Management - Volume:1 Nutritional Biochemistry: From the Classroom to the Research Bench - Volume:1 Older Women: Current and Future Challenges of Professionals with an Aging Population - Volume:1 Omics and Plant Abiotic Stress Tolerance - Volume:1 Omics Technologies for Clinical Diagnosis and Gene Therapy: Medical Applications in Human Genetics - Volume:1 Online Health Forums and Services: Benefits, Risks and Perspectives - Volume:1 Oocyte Maturation and Fertilization: A Long History for a Short Event - Volume:1 Open Quantum Physics and Environmental Heat Conversion into Usable Energy - Volume:2 Open Quantum Physics and Environmental Heat Conversion into Usable Energy - Volume:3 Ophthalmology: Current and Future Developments - Volume:1 Ophthalmology: Current and Future Developments - Volume:2 Ophthalmology: Current and Future Developments - Volume:3 Ophthalmology: Current and Future Developments - Volume:4 Optimality Conditions in Vector Optimization - Volume:1 Oral Infections and Cardiovascular Disease - Volume:1 Orofacial and Systemic Features of Thalassemia Major: Management, and Prevention with Reference to Populations in the Arabian Gulf - Volume:1 Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing with Diversity for Future Wireless Systems - Volume:1 Ovarian Cancer-Challenges and Innovations - Volume:1 Overall Aspects of Non-Traditional Glasses: Synthesis, Properties and Applications - Volume:1 Oxygen Atom Transfer Reactions - Volume:1 Oxygen: High Enzymatic Reactivity of Reactive Oxygen Species - Volume:1 Pain: Causes, Concerns and Consequences - Volume:1 Passive Location Method Based on Phase Difference Measurement - Volume:1 Pathogenic Escherichia coli in Latin America - Volume:1 Pediatric Anesthesia: A Guide for the Non-Pediatric Anesthesia Provider Part I - Volume:1 Pediatric Anesthesia: A Guide for the Non-Pediatric Anesthesia Provider Part II - Volume:1 People, Preferences & Prices: Sequencing the Economic Genome of the Consumer Mind - Volume:1 Perhalopyridines: Synthesis and Synthetic Utility - Volume:1 Perinatal Cardiology-Part 1 - Volume:1 Perinatal Cardiology-Part 2 - Volume:1 Personalized Immunotherapy for Tumor Diseases and Beyond - Volume:1 Petrogenic Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in the Aquatic Environment: Analysis, Synthesis, Toxicity and Environmental Impact - Volume:1 Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Production: An Introductory Textbook - Volume:1 Pharmaceuticals for Targeting Coronaviruses - Volume:1 Pharmacological and Molecular Perspectives on Diabetes - Volume:1 Pharmacotherapeutic Management of Cardiovascular Disease Complications: A Textbook for Medical Students - Volume:1 Photophysics of Supramolecular Architectures - Volume:1 Physical Activity and Health in The Elderly - Volume:1 Physics and Technology of Semiconductor Thin Film-Based Active Elements and Devices - Volume:1 Physics Education for Students: An Interdisciplinary Approach - Volume:1 Physiopathogenesis of Hematological Cancer - Volume:1 Phytochemicals in Vegetables: A Valuable Source of Bioactive Compounds - Volume:1 Phytotherapy in the Management of Diabetes and Hypertension - Volume:2 Phytotherapy in the Management of Diabetes and Hypertension - Volume:3 Phytotherapy in the Management of Diabetes and Hypertension - Volume:4 Plant-Based Genetic Tools for Biofuels Production - Volume:1 Polarity Index in Proteins-A Bioinformatics Tool - Volume:1 Postbiotics: Science, Technology and Appl