Page: ii-iii (2)
Author: Masrure Alam and Bipransh Kumar Tiwary
DOI: 10.2174/9789815080353122010002
Extremophiles: An Overview
Page: 1-23 (23)
Author: Bipransh Kumar Tiwary and Masrure Alam*
DOI: 10.2174/9789815080353122010005
PDF Price: $30
Earth contains several environmental extremes which are uninhabitable for
most of the living beings. But, astonishingly, in the last few decades, several organisms
thriving in such extreme environments have been discovered. “Extremophiles”,
meaning “Lovers of Extremities” are the entities that are especially adapted to live in
such harsh environmental conditions in which other entities cannot live. The discovery
of extremophiles has not only boosted the biotech industry to search for new products
from them, but also made researchers to think for the existence of extra-terrestrial life.
The most inhospitable environments include physical or chemical extremities, like high
or low temperatures, radiation, high pressure, water scarcity, high salinity, pH
extremes, and limitation of oxygen. Microorganisms have been found to live in all such
environmental conditions, like hyperthermophiles and psychrophiles, acidophiles and
alkaliphiles. Bacteria like Deinococcus radiodurans, which is able to withstand
extreme gamma radiation, and Moritella sp., able to grow at atmospheric pressure of
>1000 atm, have been reported. Environments like the Dead Sea, having saturated
NaCl concentrations, hold extreme halophiles like Halobacterium salinarum. Highly
acidic environments, like the Rio-Tinto River in Spain or Danakil depression in
Ethiopia harbour acidophiles with growth optima of pH zero, or close to it. Bacillus
alcalophilus, and Microcystis aeruginosa on the other hand inhabit natural alkaline
soda lakes where pH can reach about 12.0. A number of anaerobic prokaryotes can live
in complete anoxic environments by using terminal electron acceptors other than
oxygen. In this chapter, we shall discuss very briefly the diversity of all extremophiles
and their mechanism(s) of adaptation.
Hyperthermophiles: Diversity, Adaptation and Applications
Page: 24-63 (40)
Author: Masrure Alam* and Baishali Pandit
DOI: 10.2174/9789815080353122010006
PDF Price: $30
Hyperthermophiles are microorganisms that love to grow optimally in
extremely hot environments, with optimum temperatures for growth of 80 °C and
above. Most of the hyperthermophiles are represented by archaea; and only a few
bacteria, such as Geothermobacterium ferrireducens, and members of the genera
Aquifex and Thermotoga have been reported to grow at temperatures closer to 100 °C.
Several archaea, on the other hand, such as Methanopyrus kandleri, Geogemma
barossii, Pyrolobus fumarii, Pyrococcus kukulkanii, Pyrodictium occultum, etc.
isolated from terrestrial hot springs, marine hydrothermal vents, or other hyperthermal
environments have been reported to grow optimally even above the boiling point of
water. The discovery of this astonishing group of microorganisms has not only
provided us with the model systems to study the structural and functional dynamics of
the biomolecules, and to understand the molecular mechanisms of their adaptation to
such high temperature, not even closer to what can be endured by other life forms, but
also have boosted the biotechnological industry to search for new products, particularly
enzymes with unique characteristics, from them. This chapter has exhaustively
reviewed the different hyperthermal environments on Earth’s surface and the
hyperthermophilic microbial diversity in such environments; mechanisms of adaptation
of the hyperthermophiles, especially with regard to the adaptations of the membrane
structures, maintenance of the structures of the nucleic acids and proteins; and their
diverse applications in human welfare.
Page: 64-104 (41)
Author: Mazharul Abbasi*
DOI: 10.2174/9789815080353122010007
PDF Price: $30
Psychrophiles can be defined as the members of the kingdom Monera
thriving permanently at the lowest temperature range. Since the majority of our planet
is generally cold, psychrophiles are common within a wide range of habitats. Extensive
research in the field of genomics, transcriptomics, and proteomics revealed that
psychrophiles are endowed with several adaptive features to survive and grow in their
cold habitat. Several adaptations in different cellular entities, such as cell envelopes,
enzymes, chaperones; protein synthesis machinery, energy generating system, and
metabolic pathways have been reported. All these modifications in psychrophiles are
found to be indispensable to withstand these harsh environmental challenges. The
chapter focuses on the current state of knowledge for understanding the biodiversity
and mechanism of low-temperature adaptation of psychrophilic microorganisms.
Furthermore, the modified biomolecules in psychrophiles, mainly enzymes and
reserved materials, with distinct features, were found to be useful for several
applications including molecular biology research, bioremediation, detergent
formulations, and the food industry. The biotechnological and industrial significance of
the psychrophiles is also discussed in this chapter.
Acidophilic Microbes: Diversity and Adaptation to Low pH
Page: 105-119 (15)
Author: Anirudra Gurung* and Cyaria Gurung
DOI: 10.2174/9789815080353122010008
PDF Price: $30
Acidophiles are the organisms that usually grow at a pH of 3.0 or below. They usually occur in an environment rich in iron and sulfur. These organisms have the ability to oxidize sulfur and iron producing sulfuric acid thus making the environment acidic. The environments where acidophiles are commonly found are termed acid mine drainage (AMD) or acid rock drainage (ARD). The production of acid helps in the dissolution of several minerals present in the environment; hence acidophiles play important roles in bio-metallurgy. Acidophiles are a diverse group of organisms belonging to all three domains of life viz. Bacteria, Archaea to Eukarya. Many of them are obligate chemolithotrophs, and few are acidophilic heterotrophs. Usually, the chemolithotrophs are the ones that oxidize ferrous iron and sulfur into ferric iron and sulphate respectively. During their growth, they produce or secrete organic waste products, which are otherwise toxic to obligate chemolithotrophs but are usually scavenged by the acidophilic heterotrophs. Because of the acidic environment, proton concentration [H+] is always high outside the cell compared to the cytoplasm, thus pH gradient across the membrane is readily generated for these organisms. The pH gradient so generated forms proton motive force (PMF), which is utilized for the coupling of ADP and Pi to generate ATP molecules with the help of ATPase enzymes. However, continuous flow of proton from outside into the cell results in the cytoplasmic protonation or acidification of cytoplasm which may lead to deleterious effects such as denaturation or inactivation of several macromolecules such as DNA or proteins. Thus, the acidophiles must have evolved mechanism(s) to resist or tolerate low pH. Several mechanisms, such as proton impermeability, reverse membrane potential, etc. have been proposed to explain their ability to thrive under low pH maintaining the homeostatic balance in their systems. In this chapter, the diversity of acidophilic microorganisms and the mechanisms of their acid resistance are discussed in detail.
Alkaliphiles: Diversity, Adaptation and Applications
Page: 120-145 (26)
Author: Supriya Mandal and Junaid Jibran Jawed*
DOI: 10.2174/9789815080353122010009
PDF Price: $30
Alkaliphiles are some of the major extremophiles which occupy a certain
niche of the globe where the pH values are usually two unit higher that the neutrality.
Although abundantly found in rare geographical regions, these organisms are of
immense importance in terms of their enzymatic activities which enable them to be
functional under extreme alkaline conditions and therefore have numerous industrial
and biotechnological applications. Their unique mode of adaptation and exclusive
ability of resource utilisation make their existence interesting for biotechnological
research. The study of alkaliphiles revealed the potential of these microorganisms in
the bioremediation of the soda lake, their efficiency to degrade complex organic
compounds and a certain class of antibiotics produced by them are of immense
importance for the pharmaceutical industries. Recent advancements in genetic studies
and recombinant DNA technology allowed the understanding of their genetic
modifications which are unique to their taxa and helped researchers to utilise their
coding sequence for isolation and purification of commercially important alkaline
active enzymes. Despite all the beneficial effects, the isolation, culturing and study of
alkaliphiles are among the most challenging tasks and matters of continuous research.
This chapter will elaborate on the existence of some important alkaliphilic bacteria in
the rare alkaline region of the globe, the diversities among them, their metabolic
activities, unique adaptation and modifications in their structural and genomic profile
and also summarises the commercially important product isolated from them.
Halophilic Microorganisms: Diversity, Adaptation and Application
Page: 146-181 (36)
Author: Bomba Dam*, Srikanta Pal, Abhijit Sar and Puja Mukherjee
DOI: 10.2174/9789815080353122010010
PDF Price: $30
Saline environments are one of the most common extreme habitats prevalent in this universe. They are of two primary types, ‘thalassohaline’ those which arose from seawater, with NaCl as the dominant salt; and ‘athalassohaline’ of non-seawater origin with different ionic compositions. Organisms from all domains of life have adapted themselves to thrive in environments with salinities ranging from normal to the saturation level. In particular, halophilic microorganisms have developed several adaptive mechanisms to cope up with osmotic stress. While halotolerant or moderate halophiles use efflux pumps, or accumulate neutral compatible solutes in the cytoplasm; extreme halophilic microorganisms accumulate potassium ions, a strategy called ‘salting-in’ to match the high ionic composition in the external environment. The later predominantly includes archaeal members, except the bacterium, Salinibacter ruber. The general adaptive features of halophilic microorganisms also help them to thrive under, and overcome other stressed conditions such as resisting antibiotics, heavy metals and ionic liquids. These microorganisms have wide physiological diversities and include members of oxygenic and anoxygenic phototrophs, aerobic heterotrophs, and those capable of diverse anaerobic respiratory metabolisms. Nanomicroorganisms are also reported from saline environments. Their great metabolic versatility, low nutritional requirements, and adaptation machineries, make them promising candidates for several biotechnological applications such as production of pigments, biopolymers, compatible solutes, and salt tolerant hydrolytic enzymes. They are also used in bioremediation, food preservation, and preparation of specialized fermented foods. Understanding the halophiles also paves way for astrobiological research. This book chapter summarizes the present understanding of the diversity, adaptation, and application of halophilic microorganisms.
Piezophiles: Quiddity of Extreme Pressure Devotees
Page: 182-201 (20)
Author: Janki Ruparelia, Aniruddh Rabari, Nishra Joshi, Meenu Saraf and Chaitanya Kumar Jha*
DOI: 10.2174/9789815080353122010011
PDF Price: $30
Piezophiles are a sort of extremophilic organisms that nurture and survive
under extreme hydrostatic pressures up to 10 MPa (1450 psi = 99 atm). The diversity of
piezophilic organisms can be studied by swotting deep-sea environments that are
inhabited by diverse piezophiles from all three domains of life. Information about the
physiology and adaptive mechanisms of piezophiles have been obtained by the process
of collection and culturing of deep-sea microorganisms. The corporeal adaptations are
an absolute requisite for growth under high hydrostatic pressure in these deep-sea
environments. Piezophiles possess homeoviscous adaption of lipids and fatty acids
which varies with variation in the hydrostatic pressure. However, they contain
docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) (22:6n-3), phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) and
phosphatidylglycerol (PG) as major components, which help to acclimatize such an
extreme environment. The ability of piezophiles to tolerate ultra-high pressure, extreme
conditions, like low and high temperatures (2 °C– 100 °C) offers numerous
applications as discussed in this chapter. This chapter mainly presents piezophilic
microorganisms, including their diverse groups, their ability to raise and endure in
deep-sea environments with their molecular approaches and their several applications.
Page: 202-222 (21)
Author: Aranya Mitra and Avishek Banik*
DOI: 10.2174/9789815080353122010012
PDF Price: $30
Water is one of the most important substances that are essential for the activity of cellular micromodule and housekeeping functions of a microorganism. However, some microorganisms, known as xerophiles, have adapted to their niche and evolved to utilize very less amount of water. Xerophiles are a group of extremophiles, that can grow and proliferate in the presence of very limited water, as low as water activity (aw) of 0.8. The term xerophiles is derived from the Greek words “xēros” which means “dry”, and “philos” meaning “lovers”, indicating their affinity to grow in low aw. The existence of xerophiles is reported from the arid deserts, food spoilage, and highly saline environments, to meteorites and asteroids. Due to the habitation of these organisms in diverse extreme environments, they possess behavioral, physiological, metabolic, and molecular adaptations to survive in those atmospheres. In this chapter, we have discussed diversity and different adaptative mechanisms of xerophiles.
Radiation Resistant Microorganisms
Page: 223-246 (24)
Author: Upal Das Ghosh*
DOI: 10.2174/9789815080353122010013
PDF Price: $30
Starting from its formation as a cosmic particle, the earth is exposed to
various types of radiation. With gradual cooling and environmental modifications, it
started supporting life, first in the form of viruses and bacteria. So, radiation-resistant
microorganisms are thought to be among the Earth’s ancient life forms. But, however,
it is relatively an unexplored arena of research today. Though the members are few,
radiation-resistant bacteria belong to a phylogenetically diverse community and their
degree of withstanding the dose of radiation is also diverse. In most of the cases, the
resistance mechanism involved survival from DNA damage and protein oxidation. In
this chapter, we will discuss the diversity of radiation-resistant bacteria explored so far
with their generalized mechanisms of resistance, along with the basic concept of
radiation and radiation-induced damages.
Metallophiles and Heavy Metal Bioremediation
Page: 247-274 (28)
Author: Upashna Chettri and Santa Ram Joshi*
DOI: 10.2174/9789815080353122010014
PDF Price: $30
Heavy metals, a group of naturally occurring elements present throughout
the earth’s crust are known to have wide biological implications. Anthropogenic
activities cause constant augmentation of heavy metals having a tremendous negative
impact on life forms in the environment with levels beyond safety. Microorganisms
invariably are the first group of organisms that are directly impacted by the
accumulation of heavy metals in the environment. Heavy metal toxicity is pronounced
amongst microbes which impacts change in microbial community composition and
function in any ecosystem. The intrinsic and acquired resistance properties have led to
the development of resistant bacterial communities in contaminated areas. A large
number of heavy metal tolerant bacteria have been isolated from various polluted sites
like industrial effluents, aquaculture, agricultural soils, foods, river water and
sediments. The determinants of resistance are both plasmid and chromosomal encoded
in bacteria. Amongst the various strategies of survival mechanisms employed by
bacteria, efflux system and enzyme detoxification are two general mechanisms
supplemented occasionally by resistance mechanisms like sequestration or
bioaccumulation. These strategies of resistance in bacteria are generally exploited in
bioremediation strategies. Due to the persistent nature and non-degradability of heavy
metals, it becomes difficult to clean up the pollutant from the environment and
moreover, the conventional treatments for heavy metal pollution are complicated and
cost-intensive. Therefore, microbial-based technology furnishes effective, economic
and eco-friendly applications for the bioremediation of heavy metals from
contaminated environments.
Page: 275-332 (58)
Author: Arijit Pal and Sekhar Pal*
DOI: 10.2174/9789815080353122010015
PDF Price: $30
Extremophilicity, or the capability to thrive in environmental conditions
considered extreme is generally determined from the human perspective. From that
point of view, organisms adapted to scarce, or even the absence of molecular oxygen,
can be considered as one of the extremophiles, i.e., anaerobes. In this chapter, various
aspects of anaerobic microorganisms are addressed, including their different taxa, their
phylogenetic distribution, and the environments from where they have been isolated.
Since prokaryotic taxonomy is a dynamic process, here we have emphasized the
organisms that are validly placed in taxa and have cultured representatives. In this
section, Archaea and Bacteria - the two domains are separately discussed. Similar
separation is also maintained while discussing mechanisms of adaptation, as far as
possible. Since these two domains share certain properties, the subsequent sections are
not separated between these two domains.
Oligotrophs: Microbes at Low Nutrient Levels
Page: 333-355 (23)
Author: Bipransh Kumar Tiwary* and Nitya Rai
DOI: 10.2174/9789815080353122010016
PDF Price: $30
Extremophiles are microbes capable of adaptation, survival and growth in
extreme habitats that are supposed as adverse or lethal for other life forms. Like various
other extreme environments, bacteria are also reported to grow in a minimum medium
without additional carbon and energy sources. The microorganisms that can grow in
low nutrient concentrations, or in the apparent absence of nutrients, are known as
oligotrophs. In contrast, copiotroph bacteria grow fast where the resource or nutrient is
abundant. Many of these oligotrophs alter their morphology (surface to volume ratio)
with changing nutrient concentrations. The diverse oligotrophs have been isolated from
the different low-nutrient habitats, such as marine, soil, desert soil, ultra-pure water,
etc. The molecular and physiological properties of diverse oligotrophs and their
applications in bioremediation are also studied. Oligotrophs would also be suitable for
in situ bioremediation, because such microorganisms can grow on the contaminated
site without additional nutrients. Remarkably, the adaptive capabilities of oligotrophs
convert them into an attractive source for industrial purposes. Thus, oligotrophs have a
biotechnological potential, orienting researchers to attempt their isolation and studies
from various low-nutrient habitats. The objective of this chapter is to discuss the
characteristics, adaptations and applications of oligotrophs.
Diversity and Mechanisms of Adaptation of Predominant Bacterial Chemolithotrophs in Extreme Habitats
Page: 356-394 (39)
Author: Kunal Kumar Saha, Subhrangshu Mandal* and Masrure Alam
DOI: 10.2174/9789815080353122010017
PDF Price: $30
Bacterial chemolithotrophy is one of the most ancient metabolisms and is
generally defined as the ability of some microorganisms to utilize a wide range of
inorganic substrates as an energy or electron source. While lithotrophy can itself be
considered as extremophily, as only some microorganisms (the rock-eaters) have the
ability to utilize diverse inorganic chemicals as the sole source of energy, the
phylogenetically diverse groups of lithotrophs can thrive in a wide range of extreme
habitats. Apart from their excellent eco-physiological adaptability, they also possess
versatile enzymatic machinery for maintaining their lithotrophic attributes under such
extreme environments. In this chapter, we have highlighted the diversity of iron,
hydrogen and sulfur lithotrophic extremophilic bacteria in various extreme habitats,
and their role in maintaining the primary productivity, ecosystem stability and mineral
cycling / mineralogical transformations. Moreover, genetic determinants and different
enzymatic systems which are reported to be involved in such lithotrophic metabolism
also have been discussed. We hope this article will shed some new light on the field of
extremophile lithotrophy, which will eventually improve our understanding of the
extended new boundaries of life.
Applications of Extremophiles
Page: 395-417 (23)
Author: Urmimala Sen and Subhra Kanti Mukhopadhyay*
DOI: 10.2174/9789815080353122010018
PDF Price: $30
Extremophiles are organisms that can survive in harsh environmental
conditions such as varying ranges of temperature, pH, high levels of salinity, extreme
pressure and high doses of radiation. They are distributed throughout the Earth’s
surface and water bodies. They are classified on the basis of their habitats and extreme
conditions they inhabit, like oligotrophs, thermophiles, psychrophiles, halophiles,
acidophiles, alkaliphiles, piezophiles and radiophiles. Extremophiles have a huge
impact on human life. Enzymes obtained from them are nowadays used in industrial
microbiology, agriculture, pharmaceuticals and medical diagnostics, bioremediation,
and in many more fields. With enormous commercial benefits and advanced scientific
techniques, researchers are investigating extremophiles for a better understanding of
their metabolism, and survival strategies for newer applications. This chapter focuses
on applications of different types of extremophiles in industry, scientific research,
medical science, and other fields.
Subject Index
Page: 418-420 (3)
Author: Masrure Alam and Bipransh Kumar Tiwary
DOI: 10.2174/9789815080353122010019
Extremophiles: Diversity, Adaptation and Applications brings up-to-date knowledge about different types of extremophiles, the fascinating group of microorganisms that love to live in extreme environmental conditions. The book consists of fourteen chapters, of which, the first provides an overview of all the major types of extremophiles and the relationship with their respective extreme environments. The chapters following this introduction explain the diversity of prokaryotes based on environmental conditions, adaptation mechanisms, and industrial applications. The book concludes with a summary of the diverse biotechnological and industrial applications of extremophiles, emphasizing the importance of these microorganisms for human welfare. The book is intended as a primary textbook reference that enriches the knowledge base of scholars in the field of microbiology and biotechnology. It can also serve as a secondary reference for anyone who is interested in research on extremophiles. Key Features: - Covers all the major types of extremophiles, including hyperthermophiles, psychrophiles, halophiles, acidophiles, alkaliphiles, xerophiles, oligotrophs, chemolithotrophs, anaerobes and others - Provides a fundamental overview of the microbiology of extreme environments - Supplements fundamentals with information about industrial and scientific applications - Presents information in a simple structured format suitable for learners - Includes references for further reading