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DOI: 10.2174/97816810862791180701 eISBN: 978-1-68108-627-9, 2018 ISBN: 978-1-68108-628-6 ISSN: 2213-3585 (Print) ISSN: 2468-5860 (Online)
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For Books Atta-ur-Rahman, Khurshid Zaman , " Topics in Anti-Cancer Research ", Bentham Science Publishers (2018).
Print ISBN978-1-68108-628-6
Online ISBN978-1-68108-627-9
Page: i-i (1) Author: Atta-ur-Rahman and Khurshid Zaman DOI: 10.2174/9781681086279118070001
Page: ii-ii (1) Author: Atta-ur-Rahman and Khurshid Zaman DOI: 10.2174/9781681086279118070002
Page: iii-iv (2) Author: Atta-ur-Rahman and Khurshid Zaman DOI: 10.2174/9781681086279118070003
Page: 1-24 (24) Author: Maria I. Navarro-Mendoza, Carlos Perez-Arques, Laura Murcia, Alfonso F. Lopez-Martinez and Francisco E. Nicolas DOI: 10.2174/9781681086279118070004 PDF Price: $30
Page: 25-47 (23) Author: Tanvi Kaku, Aiswarya Dash and Biswa P. Chatterji DOI: 10.2174/9781681086279118070005 PDF Price: $30
Page: 48-95 (48) Author: Azadeh Haeri, Fatemeh Mehryab and Hamid R. Moghimi DOI: 10.2174/9781681086279118070006 PDF Price: $30
Page: 96-144 (49) Author: Erdem Ayik and Gulsum O. Elpek DOI: 10.2174/9781681086279118070007 PDF Price: $30
Page: 145-172 (28) Author: Shaheen Sultana, Mohammad Yusuf and Maria Khan DOI: 10.2174/9781681086279118070008 PDF Price: $30
Page: 173-201 (29) Author: Claire E. Feather, John B. Kwok, Gila Moalem-Taylor and Patsie Polly DOI: 10.2174/9781681086279118070009 PDF Price: $30
Page: 202-220 (19) Author: Elvan Y. Akyuz, Ozlem Aytekin, Banu Bayram and Yusuf Tutar DOI: 10.2174/9781681086279118070010 PDF Price: $30
Page: 221-221 (1) Author: Atta-ur-Rahman and Khurshid Zaman DOI: 10.2174/9781681086279118070011
Page: 222-232 (11) Author: Atta-ur-Rahman and Khurshid Zaman DOI: 10.2174/9781681086279118070012
Topics in Anti-Cancer Research covers important advances on both experimental (preclinical) and clinical cancer research in drug development. The book series offers readers an insight into current and future therapeutic approaches for the prevention of different types of cancers, synthesizing new anti-cancer agents, new patented compounds, targets and agents for cancer therapy as well as recent molecular and gene therapy research. The comprehensive range of themes covered in each volume will be beneficial to clinicians, immunologists, and R&D experts looking for new anti-cancer targets and patents for the treatment of neoplasms, as well as varied approaches for cancer therapy. The topics covered in the seventh volume of this series include: - The role of inflammation in chemotherapy-induced neuromuscular effects - Advances in nutrigenomics and relevant anti-cancer patents - Stimuli-responsive nanocarriers for on-demand anti-cancer drug release - Harnessing biochemical mechanisms that control autophagy for treating esophageal cancer.
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