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DOI: 10.2174/97816080573511130101 eISBN: 978-1-60805-735-1, 2013 ISBN: 978-1-60805-736-8
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For Books Paraskevi Theofilou , " Outcomes Assessment in End - Stage Kidney Disease - Measurements and Applications in Clinical Practice ", Bentham Science Publishers (2013).
Print ISBN978-1-60805-736-8
Online ISBN978-1-60805-735-1
Page: i-ii (2) Author: Stanton Newman DOI: 10.2174/9781608057351113010001
Page: iii-iv (2) Author: Robert A. Cummins DOI: 10.2174/9781608057351113010002
Page: v-v (1) Author: Paraskevi Theofilou DOI: 10.2174/9781608057351113010003
Page: vi-ix (4) Author: Paraskevi Theofilou DOI: 10.2174/9781608057351113010004
Page: 3-11 (9) Author: Paraskevi Theofilou DOI: 10.2174/9781608057351113010005 PDF Price: $15
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Page: 198-207 (10) Author: Paraskevi Theofilou and Helen Panagiotaki DOI: 10.2174/9781608057351113010015 PDF Price: $15
Page: 208-222 (15) Author: Max Dratwa, Anne-Marie Bogaert, Koen Bouman, Xavier Warling, Remi Hombrouckx, Mario Schurgers, Pierre Dupont, Anne Vereerstraeten, Guy Van Roost, Karin Caekelbergh, Mark Lamotte and Suzanne Laplante DOI: 10.2174/9781608057351113010016
Page: 223-226 (4) Author: Paraskevi Theofilou DOI: 10.2174/9781608057351113010017
Page: 227-237 (11) Author: Paraskevi Theofilou DOI: 10.2174/9781608057351113010018
With an increase of the population of elderly people in modern society due to advances in medicine and healthcare facilities, there is also an increase in the incidence and duration of chronic illnesses. Similarly, advanced age is considered a significant determinant of depression and poor quality of life. Additionally, the provision of therapies relevant to chronic diseases addresses the issues beyond the concept of cure, bringing to the center the need for a dignified quality of life of patients. An increased interest in quality of life is observed in patients who suffer from chronic diseases, including those with end-stage kidney disease (ESKD). End-stage kidney disease patients have a high burden of disease affecting their quality of life and dramatically shortening their life expectancy. Therefore, exploring quality of life issues among such patients becomes an essential task in the management of this population. This volume is written by researchers with a well-rounded understanding of the characteristics and impact of ESKD and provides a penetrating practical discussion to date of alternative approaches for comprehensively measuring the burden of end-stage kidney disease. Outcomes Assessment in End-Stage Kidney Disease focuses on the impact of this complex and exacting condition on patients and those that care for them. It also examines the economic impact of ESKD and the healthcare policy implications of this disease. It also brings comprehensive and thoughtful insights into the issues confronted by patients with ESKD to readers interested in nursing or medical caregiving, geriatrics and health psychology.
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