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DOI: 10.2174/97816080516561100101 eISBN: 978-1-60805-165-6, 2010 ISBN: 978-1-60805-664-4
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For Books Jesus Manuel Munoz Pacheco, Esteban Tlelo Cuautle , " Electronic Design Automation of Multi-scroll Chaos Generators ", Bentham Science Publishers (2010).
Print ISBN978-1-60805-664-4
Online ISBN978-1-60805-165-6
Page: i-i (1) Author: Jesus Manuel Munoz Pacheco and Esteban Tlelo Cuautle DOI: 10.2174/97816080516561100101000i
Page: ii-ii (1) Author: Jesus Manuel Munoz Pacheco and Esteban Tlelo Cuautle DOI: 10.2174/9781608051656110010100ii
Page: iii-iii (1) Author: Jesus Manuel Munoz Pacheco and Esteban Tlelo Cuautle DOI: 10.2174/978160805165611001010iii
Page: 1-7 (7) Author: Jesus Manuel Munoz Pacheco and Esteban Tlelo Cuautle DOI: 10.2174/978160805165611001010001 PDF Price: $15
Page: 8-17 (10) Author: Jesus Manuel Munoz Pacheco and Esteban Tlelo Cuautle DOI: 10.2174/978160805165611001010008 PDF Price: $15
Page: 18-44 (27) Author: Jesus Manuel Munoz Pacheco and Esteban Tlelo Cuautle DOI: 10.2174/978160805165611001010018 PDF Price: $15
Page: 45-55 (11) Author: Jesus Manuel Munoz Pacheco and Esteban Tlelo Cuautle DOI: 10.2174/978160805165611001010045 PDF Price: $15
Page: 56-76 (21) Author: Jesus Manuel Munoz Pacheco and Esteban Tlelo Cuautle DOI: 10.2174/978160805165611001010056 PDF Price: $15
Page: 77-78 (2) Author: Jesus Manuel Munoz Pacheco and Esteban Tlelo Cuautle DOI: 10.2174/978160805165611001010077 PDF Price: $15
Page: 79-80 (2) Author: Jesus Manuel Munoz Pacheco and Esteban Tlelo Cuautle DOI: 10.2174/978160805165611001010079 PDF Price: $15
Page: 81-86 (6) Author: Jesus Manuel Munoz Pacheco and Esteban Tlelo Cuautle DOI: 10.2174/978160805165611001010081 PDF Price: $15
Page: 87-88 (2) Author: Jesus Manuel Munoz Pacheco and Esteban Tlelo Cuautle DOI: 10.2174/978160805165611001010087
This book is unique when compared with books on non-linear circuits and systems. The book introduces novel concepts of physics, computer and electrical engineering. The synthesis of Multi-scroll chaotic oscillators is performed through three hierarchical levels of abstractions. A good repertoire of multi-scroll chaos generators is presented by dealing with 1D, 2D ad 3D oscillators which require one, two or three piece-wise linear functions, respectively. Each function is designed using operational amplifiers. Since the approach uses behavioral models, other electronic devices including novel integrated circuits can be used to design the chaos generators. This is an important part of the book since it opens new lines of research while holding a tutorial characteristic for educational purposes. The book is recommended for electronic design students and professionals.
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