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DOI: 10.2174/97816080511441120101 eISBN: 978-1-60805-114-4, 2012 ISBN: 978-1-60805-410-7
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For Books Ilkay Erdogan Orhan , " Biotechnological Production of Plant Secondary Metabolites ", Bentham Science Publishers (2012).
Print ISBN978-1-60805-410-7
Online ISBN978-1-60805-114-4
Page: i-ii (2) Author: Bilge Sener DOI: 10.2174/97816080511441120101000i
Page: iii-iii (1) Author: Ilkay Erdogan Orhan DOI: 10.2174/978160805114411201010iii
Page: iv-vi (3) Author: Ilkay Erdogan Orhan DOI: 10.2174/9781608051144112010100iv
Page: 3-20 (18) Author: Rodríguez-Sahagún A., Del Toro-Sánchez C.L., Gutierrez-Lomelí M. and Castellanos-Hernández O.A. DOI: 10.2174/978160805114411201010003 PDF Price: $15
Page: 21-35 (15) Author: Gutiérrez-Lomelí M., Del Toro-Sánchez C.L., Rodríguez-Sahagún A. and Castellanos-Hernández O.A. DOI: 10.2174/978160805114411201010021 PDF Price: $15
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Page: 241-243 (3) Author: Ilkay Erdogan Orhan DOI: 10.2174/978160805114411201010241
Page: 244-252 (9) Author: Ilkay Erdogan Orhan DOI: 10.2174/978160805114411201010244
Modern techniques have been developed to overcome problems associated with the extraction of natural products from plants. These techniques include production of secondary metabolites by biotechnological methods such as plant tissue culture and microbial biotransformation of natural substances. Such methods have led to an increased yield of secondary metabolite amount, the discovery of new biochemical derivatives and agricultural development. For instance, use of these techniques in agricultural area have led to some beneficial traits such as formation of new varieties of known plant species, better crop quality, higher yield, better nutritive properties, more resistant species to insects and pests. Microbial biotransformation is beneficial in plant secondary metabolite production and derivatization (chemical modification of any compound made by a microorganism) and is chiefly applicable to several varieties of terpenes and steroids. This E-book demonstrates recent developments in this field. It will be of particular interest to the professionals in pharmaceutical and biotechnological industries, as well as natural product chemists, medicinal chemists, plant biochemists, and molecular biologists.
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