Acute renal failure caused by ingestion of ethylene glycol during a suicide
attempt is rare. In this case report, a Japanese man ingested ethylene glycol in a suicide
attempt and was transported to our hospital. He complained of severe nausea and blood
tests revealed metabolic acidosis, and elevated white blood cell count, creatinine and
BUN levels. Hemodialysis was implemented four hours after the ethylene glycol was
ingested, and urine volume increased to 1,500 mL/day on the ninth day after admission.
Creatinine clearance, however, did not improve. A renal biopsy performed on the 45th
day revealed numerous collapsed glomerulus, cortical infarction, and swelling of the
renal tubular epithelial cells. Hemodialysis has been recommended for the treatment of
ethylene glycol poisoning in the presence of severe metabolic acidosis that is
unresponsive to therapy.
Keywords: Acute renal failure, Ethylene glycol, Hemodialysis, Metabolic
acidosis, Poisoning.