Chronic kidney disease (CKD) has detrimental effects on patient’s quality of
life. Regarding this multidimensional concept, the correlations between assessment of
quality of life, morbidity and mortality for this population indicate the measures’ necessity.
The Health Related Quality of Life (HRQoL) is a multidimensional approach that has been
proposed as a way to achieve a more holistic assessment for the level of QoL in patients
with CKD. Two dimensions have been included: the ‘Generic’ and the ‘disease - targeted’
multidimensional HRQoL questionnaires. Morever, selection criteria for the appropriate
instrument are discussed identifying thus the utility of practicality, shortness and
adaptability to CKD patients. This chapter provides specially the minimum requirements
that any instrument of quality of life should meet in order to be functional in the everyday
clinical practice. On the other hand, researchers in contrast to clinicians are focused mainly
on generic or specific measures with high validity and reproducibility. Finally in this
chapter, various interventions with proven effect in HRQoL are discussed, such as exercise
and congitive behaviour therapy that may influence the psychosocial status in CKD
patients affecting among others their daily function, the ability to sustain social networks
and the overall mental and physical health.
Keywords: Renal, kidney, failure, survival, fatigue, sleep, gender, illness, health -
related quality of life, hemodialysis, renal failure, questionnaire, depression,
mental health, exercise, cognitive behaviour therapy.