Cardiovascular disease (CVD) has long been the leading cause of global
morbidity and mortality. However, with the COVID-19 pandemic, which has been the
focus of attention all over the world since the end of 2019, this issue has gained
different importance. The presence of CVD leads to more severe COVID-19 and an
increased probability of mortality. In addition, both CVD and COVID-19 pave the way
to myocardial injury, which also boosts the morbidity and death toll. Another point is
the possible deprivation of usual healthcare received by cardiac patients (CVD and
others) because of the shifted emphasis of the hospital and prehospital medical services
on COVID-19. As the public can foresee that the pandemic will not disappear rapidly
soon, healthcare organization faces a challenge to be redesigned radically. The
objective of this chapter is to analyze CVD, myocardial injury, and other cardiac
diseases resulting from COVID-19 itself, together with the impact of the pandemics on
the usual healthcare of cardiac patients.
Keywords: Acute myocardial infarction, Cardiovascular disease, Coronavirus,
COVID-19, Diagnosis, Treatment.