Starting from the observation of spontaneous phenomena, it can be
envisioned that, with time, every isolated system tends to settle into the most
equilibrated, stable, and inert condition. In the very long term, this is the most probable
state of a system. This can be shown to be a universal law, the second law of
thermodynamics, defined as “the tendency to the most probable state”. Thereafter, it is
intuitive that “a function that measures the equilibration, stability, and inertness of a
system” is maximized by the second law. This function is called entropy.
Keywords: Boltzmann factor, Deviation from equilibrium, Dissipation of energy,
Energy conservation, Entropy, Free energy, Intensive state functions, Levelling of
energy, Macroscopically available work, Meaning of expressions, Microscopic
dynamic equilibration, Microscopic forces, Net statistical force, Particles motions,
Potentially available work, Probabilistic distributions, Settlement of systems,
Second law, Thermodynamic stability, Waste heat, Wasting of work.