Social Responsibility Beyond Neoliberalism and Charity Volume 2: Social Responsibility - Sustainability, Education and Management

Socially Responsible Management in Public Administration

Author(s): Nina Tomaževič

Pp: 200-228 (29)

DOI: 10.2174/9781608059041114020011

* (Excluding Mailing and Handling)


This chapter points out the need for new approaches in the management of public sector organizations and describes the socially responsible management process which public sector organizations could exemplify for private sector organizations. Although public sector organizations have a different primary goal than private sector organizations, we develop a general model of socially responsible management. It systematically involves all stakeholders of an institution and holistically covers all phases of management.

Keywords: Actuating the organization, approaches, controlling the organization, controlling the business, effectiveness, EU 2010, excellence, indicators, ISO 26000, management model, management process, organization, planning the business, planning the organization, public administration (PA), public sector, quality, Slovenia, social responsibility (SR), stakeholders.

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