Atomic coherence and interference manifested by electromagentically induced transparency
(EIT) and coherent population trapping (CPT) plays an important role in the current studies of
atom-photon interactions and has found numerous applications in optical physics. EIT is created in a
three-level atomic system by a coupling field and results in destructive interference between two
excitation paths of a weak probe laser interacting with the atomic medium. This leads to suppressed
linear absorption and rapidly varying atomic dispersion for the probe laser near the atomic resonance,
which provides the platform for a variety of applications such as nonlinear optics at low light levels,
slow light manipulation, and quantum state engineering for photons and atoms.
Here we extend the simple three-level EIT system to more complicated and versatile
configurations in a multi-level atomic system coupled by multiple laser fields. We show that with
multiple excitation paths provided by different laser fields, phase-dependent quantum interference is
induced: either constructive or destructive interference can be realized by varying the relative phases
among the laser fields. Two specific examples are discussed. One is a three-level system coupled by
bichromatic coupling and probe fields, in which the phase dependent interference between the resonant
two-photon Raman transitions can be initiated and controlled. Another is a four-level system coupled
by two coupling fields and two probe fields, in which a double-EIT configuration is created by the
phase-dependent interference between three-photon and one-photon excitation processes. We analyze
the coherently coupled multi-level atomic system and discuss the control parameters for the onset of
constructive or destructive quantum interference. We describe two experiments performed with cold Rb
atoms that can be approximately treated as the coherently coupled three-level and four-level atomic
systems respectively. The experimental results show the phase-dependent quantum coherence and
interference in the multi-level Rb atomic system, and agree with the theoretical calculations based on
the coherently coupled three-level or four-level model system.