This chapter is the opposite of the previous one, which asserted that some of
the Ripper letters were authentic. This chapter presented the alternative position that
none of the Ripper correspondence was in fact authentic. The allegation that these items
were hoaxes was documented. The claim that one or more journalists were responsible
for the Ripper letters was explored in detail and the likely journalist suspects identified.
The study by Inspector Moore of the October 14, 1896, alleged Ripper letter was
Keywords: Anonymous Letters, Thomas Bullen, Tom Bullen, Bradford Daily
Telegraph, Chief Constable, Daily Telegraph, East London Observer, Eastern
Post & City Chronicle, Goulston Street, Leonard Matters, Charles Moore, Henry
Moore, George Payne, The Star, Walthamstown & Leyton Guardian, Mary Kelly,
Whitechapel, Whitechapel Vigilance Committee, Yorkshire Ripper.