India lost millions of them, the loss is irreversible. Vultures, one of the
most commonly sighted birds started disappearing from the Indian skies in mid
1990s at an alarming pace. Various reasons were attributed for their decline
including destruction of habitat, unavailability of food, use of veterinary drugs such
as diclofenac, environmental contaminations, secondary poisoning of vultures,
exploitation and persecution, effects of modernization. Aviation authorities
deliberately killed vultures to avoid aircraft mishaps. The most affected of all is
Gyps species that have declined upto 95-99% in India. There are 22 species of
vultures in the world, out of which India abodes 9 species of vultures. Right through
the ancient times, vultures have been venerated as an incarnation of supremacy. The
body structure of vulture is well customized to its feeding habits. Vultures are
considered nature’s most efficient scavengers, perhaps the quickest, cheapest and
easiest. This scavenger is the most “sterilized” of the birds of prey, internally as well
as externally. Vultures provide the society with a number of ‘services’, most notably
disposal of carrion. Such eco-services have a correlation with human health,
economy and ecology. Banning of veterinary drugs and conducting of surveys and
research work is a part of vulture conservation. For ensuring self-sustainability of
these populations, the urgent need is to educate, inform and involve the localities and
children in the awareness of the plight of rare and critically endangered species. The
involvement of future generation will surely show positive results.
Keywords: Vultures, Gyps, scavenger, critically endangered, population, decline,
habitat, environment, carrion, cattle, food shortage, diclofenac, vulture restaurant,
cliffs, juveniles, bundelkhand region, communities, conservation, awareness,