Controversy often erupts when a process or substance that has been declared safe by authorities is
associated with adverse health effects. Such is the case with aerial spraying with the biological pesticides
Light Brown Apple Mouth (LBAM) pheromone and Btk which are sprayed in conjunction with an array of
other chemicals to facilitate their function. The evidence suggesting that they have adverse effects when
used over populated areas is discussed. The condition known as Multiple Chemical Sensitivity is another
example of a sub-population of individuals who react adversely to chemicals that are generally considered to
be innocuous. Possible psychological and somatic causes are discussed.
Keywords: Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS), urban aerial spraying, chemicals in spray microcapsules,
bacterial toxins, health effects, environmental effects, Idiopathic Environmental Intolerance (IEI), nocebo
effect, placebo effect, neurological evidence, N-methyl-D-asparate (NMDA), nitric oxide, receptors,
pharmacological approach.