Soft robotics is one of the trending subdomains of robotics. It involves the
application of compliant materials for building robotic mechanisms and controlling
them using robot programming. This chapter discusses some of the recent applications
of soft robotics in the medical field and their future scope. Minimal Invasive Surgeries
(MIS) and Natural Orifice Transluminal Endoscopic Surgeries (NOTES) are the two
commonly used surgeries, and the most familiar form of these two surgeries is
endoscopy. In this chapter, we will discuss how soft robotics can be applied in both
MIS and NOTES. This chapter will review the soft robotics applications in the medical
field. This chapter will also discusses soft robotics's challenges and future directions in
the healthcare industry.
Keywords: Soft robotics, Surgical, Healthcare, Compliant mechanisms, Robotics, Medical CPS.