Advances in Legume Research: Physiological Responses and Genetic Improvement for Stress Resistance

Indexing for Bacterial, Fungal and Viral Pathogens in Legume Plants

Author(s): Phumzile Mkhize*, Josephine Malatji and Phetole Mangena

Pp: 37-63 (27)

DOI: 10.2174/9789815165319123020007

* (Excluding Mailing and Handling)


Microorganisms found in plants exist as epiphytes or endophytes. Most epiphytes remain on plant surfaces and the latter may be intracellular pathogens, opportunistic and adapted microbial colonisers that originate from the surrounding environment. The main purpose of agricultural practices is thus, to develop disease-free varieties by propagating plants under controlled environmental conditions. Such conditions should be optimal for plant production and reduce disease development. The former requires strict certification schemes via several routes that include (i) indexing with subsequent removal of infected or contaminated materials from the production chain (ii) meristem and other tissue culture production systems and (iii) the use of thermo or chemotherapy for phytosanitation. Other methods also require balancing and proper adjustments in fertilizer usage and crop rotation. Therefore, this chapter reviews the role of microbial pathogen indexing as a means of controlling bacterial, fungal, and viral diseases that have a significant role to play in agriculture.

Keywords: Agriculture, Bacterial diseases, Fungal diseases, Indexing, Microorganisms, Microbial pathogens, Viral diseases.

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