Healthcare is an indispensable system whose efficiency and robustness are
reliable indicators of a nation's prosperity. This sector has seen technological
advancements not only in terms of medical equipment and drugs but also in varied
fields such as Electronic Medical Records, wearable health monitoring devices, and
telemedicine. In this chapter, we explore the aspects of utilising the disruptive
technology of blockchain in healthcare. Ever since its initial use in cryptocurrency and
finance, aiming to shift the industry from institute-centric to patient-centric, blockchain
technology has found its use in healthcare. This chapter analyzes its use cases along
with the limitations posed by traditional healthcare systems and how blockchain
alleviates them. Furthermore, we will also walk through the roadblocks in
implementing blockchain-based healthcare services and discuss a few implemented as
well as proposed blockchain-based healthcare frameworks, highlighting their successes
and failures.
Keywords: Applications, Blockchain, Electronic medical records, Electronic health records, Healthcare, Services, Supply chain.