An antenna is a leading transitional that is used to transmit or receive radio
waves. In this ever-changing area of wireless networking, dual or multiband antennas
have played a critical role in wireless service standards. The microstrip patch antenna
has a number of advantages, including a cheap cost, a compact design, a simple
construction, and optimum circuitry compatibility. The microstrip patch antenna is a
popular and significant topic in antenna theory because of its numerous benefits over
conventional antennas, including cheap cost, light weight, ease of feeding, and
attractive radiation properties. It has been a source of frustration for scholars. an area of
research in which the goal is to reduce antenna size while maintaining a high level of
performance preserving a high gain and bandwidth For mobile phones and portable
PCs, Microwave and Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) Connectivity around the
World WiMAX interoperability has been utilized. Both are affordable, efficient, and
scalable as well as high capacity data connections. This article discusses a variety of
applications for a variety of platforms. Radiating patches, feeding methods, and
substrates come in a variety of shapes and sizes.
Keywords: 5G , Energy harvester , Multiband antenna , Neural Network ,
Textile Antenna and Smart antenna.