Psoriasis is an anti-inflammatory condition associated with painful, itchy
skin and typical skin lesions. Usually, psoriasis is characterized by the appearance of
thick, red, scaly patches on the skin and build-up of dead skin cells leading to painful
inflammation in the joints. Due to the lack of possible cure and the disadvantages of
allopathic medicines, there is a need to develop new formulations from natural products
having antipsoriatic activity. Argemone Mexicana Linn. acts as an anti-inflammatory
drug for the treatment of psoriasis with no side effects as compared to synthetic drugs.
Considering the anti-inflammatory activity, the attempt was made to develop a new
herbal formulation for anti-inflammatory study. The developed formulations were
subjected to physicochemical evaluation.
Keywords: Argemone Mexicana Linn, Inflammation, Nanogel, Oedema,