The prefix “Nano” comes from the Latin word “nanus”, which means
“dwarf”. Nanotechnology can be defined as the manipulation of materials at the
nanoscale as it deals with particles sized between 1-100 nm. Nanotechnology, can open
up opportunities for improving feed particles' utilization to the benefit of livestock
production. Nanotechnology can also act as new vehicle for nutrient delivery to
improve the digestion and absorption pathway for better nutrient metabolism. Minerals
administered in the nanoparticle form as feed additives can pass through the wall of
intestinal cells and other body cells more speedily than ordinary minerals, thus boosting
their bioavailability. Therefore, nanotechnology can be used in animal feed to improve
production performance, nutrient bioavailability, and livestock's immune response after
considering nanotechnology's social, economic, legal and ethical implications. In
conclusion, nanotechnology applications can provide solutions for poultry and
livestock production systems to enhance the final product quality.
Keywords: Immunity, Nanotechnology, Nutrient bioavailability, Poultry,
Production performance.