Cell contact interaction with extracellular environment cooperates in
coordinating several physio-pathological processes in vivo, and can be exploited to
manipulate cell responses in vitro. Thanks to recent developments in micro/nanoengineering
techniques, nano/micro-structured surfaces have been introduced capable
of controlling neuronal cell adhesion, differentiation, migration, and neurite orientation
by interfering with the cell adhesion machinery. In particular, this process is mediated
by focal adhesion (FA) establishment and maturation. FAs cross-talk with the actin
fibers and act as topographical sensors, by integrating signals from the extracellular
environment. Here, we describe the mechanisms of nanotopography sensing in
neuronal cells. In particular, experiments addressing the role of FAs, myosinIIdependent
cell contractility, and actin dynamics in neuronal contact guidance along
directional nanostructured surfaces are reviewed and discussed.
Keywords: Actin contractility, Contact guidance, Cytoskeleton, Focal adhesions,
Mechano-transduction, Neuron, Nanostructured substrates, Neurite, Nanograting,