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Recent Advances in Computer Science and Communications


ISSN (Print): 2666-2558
ISSN (Online): 2666-2566

Review Article

Trends of Software Development Methodologies Toward DevOps: Analysis and Review

Author(s): Poonam Narang* and Pooja Mittal

Volume 16, Issue 8, 2023

Published on: 03 August, 2023

Article ID: e190623218077 Pages: 9

DOI: 10.2174/2666255816666230619121018

Price: $65

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Background: The trend of software development has always been challenging for industry experts and software developers. There is tremendous growth in software development methodologies under the influence of evolving technologies and the rising demands of society. The 2019 pandemic forced software developers to shut down their offices and begin working from home, thereby, highlighting the critical necessity for a shared development and operations teams platform. As a result, the development trend moves from waterfall and Agile towards DevOps.

Objective: The objective of the research is to review and comparatively analyze the availability factor of different selective and required features in software development methodologies. Software development industries will be benefited in appropriate methodology selection based on the requirement.

Methods: The analysis is based on review of different development methodologies based on existing literature study, Google, and Stack Overflow Trends followed by tabular comparison of Waterfall, Iterative, Prototype, Spiral development models under Traditional and Rapid Application Development (RAD), Scrum, Kanban, XP for Agile methods with DevOps automation culture on essential features.

Results: The moving trend towards DevOps, from Traditional and Agile development, demonstrate the most recent market swings for these models. Although Traditional models adhere to outdated software development methodologies, they are included in this high-quality survey and evaluation because of their widespread use in the software industry and prominent researcher’s survey work.

Conclusion: Software developers, students, and researchers will all find it simple to comprehend the workings of development processes as a result of this analytical review. Additionally, it will also make it easier for these target audiences to choose relevant and effective models for software development.

Keywords: Agile methodologies, development, DevOps, software development, traditional methods, agile development.

Graphical Abstract
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DevOps stats and facts – all the numbers you might ever need on DevOps in 2022. Available from:

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