Bentham Science congratulates Dr. Kenneth Blum, the Editor-in-Chief of the journal, Current Psychopharmacology, for being nominated as ‘The Marquis Who’s Who – Scientist of the Year’.
Established in 1898, Marquis Who’s Who began publishing biographical data in 1899. Since then, Marquis has remained the standard for reliable and comprehensive biographical data. As in all Marquis Who’s Who biographical volumes, profiled individuals are selected on the basis of current reference value. Factors such as position, noteworthy accomplishments, visibility, and prominence in a field are all taken into account during the selection process.
Dr. Kenneth Blum has been nominated as the scientist of the year 2020 for his services in the fields of Pharmacology and NeuroGenetics. Dr. Blum serves as Chairman of Geneus Sciences LLC., His concept of Reward Deficiency Syndrome is being embraced by world leaders in science and is part of the DSM –V, ASAM, Sage Encyclopedia of abnormal and clinical psychology 2017. Dr, Blum is credited with the DRD2 gene discovery and addictive diseases. He serves as Editor-in-Chief in Journal of Reward Deficiency Syndrome (he coined) and Addiction Sciences and Co-EIC of Journal of Neuroimaging in Psychiatry and Neurology (USG). He is currently serving on fourteen other prestigious journal’s Editorial Boards. He has published over 450 articles, 16 books, numerous patents and received many awards (Life-Time Achievements) for his seminal discoveries. He is the founding President of United Scientific Group (USG).
We would also like to acknowledge his contributions for the journal, Current Psychopharmacology.