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Bentham Science Journals - Impact Factors 2012 PRESS RELEASE DATE : 27-June-2013

Bussum, Netherlands, June 27, 2013: According to the recently released Journal Citation Reports® 2012, eleven Bentham Science Journals have improved their impact factor ratings. The journal Current Stem Cell Research & Therapy has registered its first Impact factor at 2.963. These positive results reflect the quality of research published by Bentham Science.

Current Gene Therapy5.318
Current Drug Targets3.848
Mini Reviews Medicinal Chemistry2.865
Current Neurovascular Research2.844
Current Genomics2.475
Current HIV Research2.033
Current Bioinformatics2.017
Combinatorial Chemistry & High Throughput Screening2.0
Protein and Peptide Letters1.994
Current Analytical Chemistry1.558
Current Pharmaceutical

Journal Citation Reports (JCR) are annually published by the Institute of Scientific Information, a division of Thomson Reuters. Its purpose is to offer a systematic means to critically evaluate the world's leading journals, with quantifiable, statistical information based on citation data.

Bentham Science Publishers publishes over 100 print & online scholarly journals and 200 plus open access publications in 2013. It also published more than 300 eBooks till date. Major fields covered by Bentham journals and eBooks include science, technology, medicine, engineering, chemistry, life sciences, social sciences and pharmaceutical science. For a detailed profile, visit our website

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