The Natural Products section of the journal Current Chinese Science publishes original research articles, letters, reviews/mini- reviews and guest edited thematic issues on various topics related to natural products.
This section is not limited to a specific aspect of the field but is instead devoted to a wide range of sub fields in the area. Articles of a multidisciplinary nature are particularly welcome. This section covers all aspects of research and development including isolation, purification, structure elucidation, synthesis and bioactivity of chemical compounds found in nature.
Section Editor-in-Chief(s)
Hunan University of Chinese Medicine
Prof. Dr. Wei Wang is National Talent Program Candidates of China, Furong
Distinguished Professor of Hunan Province, China, director of TCM and
Ethnomedicine Innovation & Development International Laboratory of Hunan
University of Chinese Medicine, Executive Editor of Current Traditional Medicine
(Bentham Science). He received his Ph.D. degree from Peking University in 2006. He
had worked in National Center for Natural Products Research, University of
Mississippi from 2007 to 2012. He and his group focus on the isolation and discovery
of novel bioactive natural products from Chinese medicine or other ethnomedicine,
design of new analytical chemistry methodology and innovation on targeting and
increasing efficiency of bioactive products of Traditional Medicine. He has more than
150 SCI publications and 10 patents.
专著1部。共发表论文200多篇,SCI论文150篇。担任国际期刊 Current
Traditional Medicine执行主编,Current Chinese Science (Natural Products Section)
[email protected]
Section Editor
Synthesis of Natural Products
College of Chemistry
Zhengzhou University
Professor Chuanjun Song obtained his PhD from Cardiff University, UK in February 2006.
After 3 years’ postdoc at Bristol, UK, he joined the faculty of College of Chemistry at
Zhengzhou University in 2008 as an associate professor, and was promoted as a full
professor in 2014. His research interest mainly focuses on total synthesis of bioactive
natural products, development of new synthetic methodologies, and design and synthesis
of pharmaceutically active molecules.
Until now, he has published more than 70 academic papers, written 1 book and 4 book
chapters, filed 3 patents. He acts as a regular reviewer for more than 20 chemical and
medicinal journals. His contribution was recognized by many awards including the Baogang
Excellent Teacher Award, 2018, the State Natural Science Award (Second Prize), 2017, the
Science and Technology Progress Award of Henan Province (First Prize), 2016, the
Academic and Technical Leader of the Education Department of Henan Province, 2013”, and
the “Youth Science and Technology award of Zhengzhou City, 2013.
[email protected]
Editorial Board Members
Department of Pharmacology
Capital Medical University
Dr. Xiukun Lin graduated from the Peking Union Medical University with a doctoral degree in 1996.
After graduation, Dr. Lin came to the Yale University Medical School for his post-doctoral
study. In 2002, Dr. Lin, worked as professor in the Qingdao Oceanology, Chinese Academy of
Science. From 2003, he has been working at the Capital Medical University as a full professor.
Dr. Lin has published more than 100 peer reviewed articles and 3 scientific books. He is now a
Standing Member of the Association of Chinese Anticancer drugs and the editorial board member of
the Acta of Pharmaceutics.
Shandong Agricultural University
Dr. Xinghong Yang is currently a Professor of College of Life Sciences, Shandong
Agricultural University. Yang's main scientific research interests include
photosynthesis and stress biology, including physiological and molecular changes of
photosynthesis in conditions of abiotic and biotic stress factors (such as drought, high
temperature and salt stress) and protection mechanisms in plants coping with stressful
environments. They also use molecular tools and genetic transformation methods to study
the plant behavior in conditions of environmental fluctuations and the mechanism to
enhance plant stress tolerance. He has published almost 55 research papers and his
documents have more than 1717 citations.
[email protected]
College of Pharmacy
Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine
Dr. Nianyun Yang received his PhD degree in Pharmacognosy from China Pharmaceutical
University in 2005. His research interests focus on bioactive constituents of
traditional Chinese Medicine and natural medicine and several of his projects have been
funded. He has published over one hundred papers, ten state grade patents, ten published
books edited. These innovations have won several national and provincial-level science
and technology progress awards.
[email protected]
Tribhuvan University
Dr. Niranjan Koirala, Nepal born researcher earned his Ph.D. from South Korea (2016) and
Postdoctoral fellowships from UNAM, Mexico (2018) and UM, Macau SAR (2020). His interest
is in the field of biochemical and pharmaceutical engineering,
pharmaceutical/medicinal/analytical chemistry, natural products drugs discovery,
metabolites, flavonoids and anti-infective agents. He is the recipient of Nepal Bidhya
“A” award from the honorable President of Nepal (2016), young scientist award (2016),
PhD thesis award (2016), several best oral and poster presentations, and several other
accolades. He has published above 40 original articles in reputed peer-reviewed journals
holds 4 issued South Korean patents. He is serving in several national and International
journals as the journal editor and editorial board member. He is the lifetime member of
Biotechnology Society of Nepal, member of Phytochemical Society of Asia and
Association of Dietetic Nutrition and Safety. He has delivered 20+ invited lectures in
different countries and has h-index 14 as of 2020.
[email protected]
Mohammed El
Chemistry Department – Faculty of Sciences
University of Blida
Dr. Mohammed El Hattab is developing research on the chemistry of natural products and their
valorisation. His work mainly concerns the chemical analysis of essential oils and extract
of marine and terrestrial organisms as well as the determination of their biological
activities. His research also focuses on the screening of bacterial strains and their use in
various aspects of biotechnology. In particular, his team has isolated strains from marine
algae and used them in the biotransformation of monoterpenes. Recently, studies on
nanosystems of natural products are also being carried out.
[email protected]
University of Karachi
Prof. Dr. M. Iqbal Choudhary is a Distinguish National Meritorious, Director at
International Center for Chemical and Biological Sciences (H. E. J. Research Institute
of Chemistry and Dr. Panjwani Center for Molecular Medicine and Drug Research)
and Coordinator General COMSTECH (Organization of Islamic Cooperation Standing
Committee on Scientific and Technological Cooperation). He is among the most
prominent scientists of Pakistan, recognized for his original contributions in the
of natural products and bioorganic chemistry. He has written and edited 76 books,
most of which have been published in the USA and Europe. He is also the author of over
1,094 research papers and chapters in top international science journals of the West,
as well as 55 US patents. The cumulative impact factor of his publications is over
2,270. This is by far the largest number of quality publications from any scientist in
Pakistan. He has been among the most cited scientists of Pakistan in last five years
with citations exceeding 27,200 (h-Index: 68). He is the Volume Editor of many
international book series and journals. He has served as a visiting faculty in many
prestigious universities of the world, including Cornell University (New York), Purdue
University (Indiana), Pennsylvania State University (Pennsylvania), Scripps Institution
of Oceanography (San Diego, California), The University Rhode Island (Rhode
Island) and various top Universities of UK, China, Saudi Arabia, Malaysia,
Kazakhstan, and Iran.
[email protected]
China Pharmaceutical University
Prof. Hui-Jun Li was born in 1975 in Hubei Province, China, and received his PhD in
Pharmacognosy in 2003. Since then he started his research and teaching career at China
Pharmaceutical University. His main research interest focuses on 1) discovering novel
quality control methods and elaborating quality standards for Traditional Chinese
Medicines and, 2) identifying toxic compounds from hepatotoxic herbs and disclosing the
underlying mechanism. He is the author of more than 60 scientific publications.
[email protected]
Hunan University of Chinese Medicine
Li Qin, M.D, Ph.D, Professor, Director of Division of Stem Cell
Regulation and Application. Her research field is pharmacology of
Chinese Medicine. To date, Prof Li has undertaken more than 20
national, provincial and ministerial projects including 4 projects of the
National Natural Science Foundation of China. She has published more
than 60 papers in domestic and foreign journals, including 24 papers
cited in SCI as the first/corresponding author. Prof Li won the 19 th Sino-
French Servier Young Pharmacologist Award and Hunan Youth Science
and Technology Award, etc.
[email protected]
Jinan University
Professor Rong-Rong He, also honored as the Distinguished Professor of Pearl River
Scholar, the Distinguished Young Scholar of China, etc. The main research interest of
her group has been focusing on the theory of “Emotion Causing Diseases” in TCM. Using
the concept of "disease susceptibility", she has established and improved a series of
emotional stress models to investigate the biological mechanisms of “Emotion Causing
Diseases”. Besides, the models are used to evaluate the effect of Chinese medicinal
formula and their active ingredients. She has contributed to over 140 SCI articles, 60
more of which are the first author or corresponding author.
[email protected]
Hunan Agricultural University
Emphasis of my research is placed on new phytohormonal assay methodology and
phytohormone action mechanisms. We are currently a) developing highly sensitive
new assay based on biosensors for potential real time and in situ analysis of
phytohormones. b) Revealing the phytohormonal action mechanisms of seed
germination, especially the role of phytic acid and its interaction with phytohormones.
c) Bioinformatics.
[email protected]
Tasly Academy
Dr. Zhou Shuiping, Executive Director of the Tasly Academy, Professor-level
Researcher/M.D. has organized more than 200 new drug product projects, as the project
leader, obtained 6 new drug marketing approvals including Shaoma Zhijing Granules,
Tadalafil, Danshen Capsules (EU traditional use registration), as well as 31 IND
approvals. Selected as the first level of Tianjin "1 31 " innovative talents in 2011,
Tianjin Outstanding Contribution Experts in 2015, and the Government special allowance
expert of the State Council in 2018. Obtained 162 authorized patents (70 PCTs);
published 143 scientific articles (25 SCIs) and 4 monographs.
[email protected]
The Second Military Medical University
Dr. Zhang Weidong, is a Vice Dean of School of Pharmacy and the Chief Director of the
Department of Phytochemistry at the Second Military Medical University. His major
achievements were made in the field of bioactive natural products discovery for
therapeutic applications, chemical biology of natural products and innovative drug
discovery from TCM. Honored with the National Outstanding Young Scientist Foundation of
China, Professor of Chang Jiang Scholars program, Ten Thousand Talents Program, Wu
Jieping-Paul Janssen Prize for Medical Pharmacy, Qiushi Outstanding Youth Scientist
Award and the Government special allowance expert of the State Council. He gained the
second prize of National Scientific and Technological Progress Award three times and the
first prize of Shanghai Scientific and Technological Progress Award twice. Obtained 47
authorized patents (2 PCTs); published 573 scientific articles (530 SCIs) and 2
[email protected]
Dr. Xiong Cai graduated from Hunan University of Chinese Medicine (HUCM) in 1998 with a
B.Sc. in
Pharmacy of Chinese Medicine and earned his Ph.D. degree in Pharmacology of Chinese
from Hong Kong Baptist University (HKBU) in 2006 under the mentorship of Chinese Academy
Engineering’s member Prof. Liang Liu. Dr. Cai pursued his postdoctoral training in
molecular biology
and genetics at the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI), National
Institutes of Health
(NIH) from 2006 through 2010, and then became a senior Research Fellow with his research
on translational medicine and research. In September 2012, Dr. Cai came back to HUCM and
the Institute of Innovation and Applied Research in Chinese Medicine as the deputy
director. Dr. Cai's
research is now focusing on R & D of innovative botanical drugs for rheumatic and
arthritic diseases
(e.g., rheumatoid arthritis).
Dr. Cai has authored or co-authored more than 45 peer-reviewed papers including those
published in
Am J Respir Critic Care Med (IF16.494), Chest (IF9.657), Phytomedicine(IF4.18). Dr.
Cai’s research
contribution has been recognized by multiple awards, including the National Science
& Technology
Progress Award of China (2012) and the NHLBI’s “Orloff Science Award” (2016, 2012). Dr.
Cai has also
been honored by election to Hunan Furong Distinguished Professorship and Hunan
Provincial 121
Training Project for Innovative Talents, as well as serving the Specialty Committees of
Diagnostics and
Immunology of TCM of World Federation of Chinese Medicine Societies (WFCMS) as executive
[email protected]
Chinese Academy of Sciences
Dr. Yonghong Liu obtained his BS and MS degrees from the Changchun University of Chinese
Medicine, Jilin province, China, and then he went to Korea and received a PhD degree
from the Pusan National University, Busan, Korea under the guidance of Professor Jee H.
Jung. He undertook postdoctoral research with Nobutoshi Murakami at Osaka University,
Osaka, Japan and Pedro Abreu at the New University of Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal, before
returning to China to take a position as a senior scientist in 2006 at the South China
Sea Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Currently, he is working as
vice-director of Guangdong Key Laboratory of Marine Materia Medica. He has authored more
than 300 peer reviewed articles, served as editorial board members of 3 SCI journals:
Natural Products Research, Medicinal Chemistry, and Chemistry & Biodiversity,
awarded 7 national and provincial prizes, and held 30 issued patents. He engaged in
discovery of new bioactive natural products from marine microorganisms to develop anti
tumor drugs.
[email protected]
The University of Mississippi
Oxford, MS
Dr. Amar Chittiboyina holds an appointment as Assistant Director at the National Center
for Natural Products Research, University of Mississippi. He has a broad background in
organic chemistry, with specific training and expertise in medicinal chemistry, natural
products, and analytical chemistry. Dr. Chittiboyina holder of several national,
international patents has contributed to book chapters on natural products, medicinal
chemistry as well as quality and safety assessment of phytochemicals in various
[email protected]
Chinese Academy of Sciences
Prof. De-an Guo is a Professor at Shanghai Institute of Materia Medica, Chinese Academy
of Sciences, Director of National Engineering Laboratory for TCM Standardization
Technology and Director of Shanghai Research Center for Modernization of Traditional
Chinese Medicine. He has focused his research on modernization of traditional Chinese
medicine for more than 30 years and established an research model for analysis of active
components of TCM and constructed a holistic quality control system for TCM, which have
been successfully applied in Chinese Pharmacopoeia, United States Pharmacopoeia and
Europe Pharmacopoeia for the herbal standards. He has published over 450 papers in SCI
cited journals with over 9000 SCI citations.
[email protected]
Peking University
Dr. Zhengren Xu obtained his Ph.D. degree from Peking University in 2011 working on the
total synthesis of natural products. From 2011 to 2014, he joined Prof. Jieping Zhu’s
group at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne (EPFL) as a postdoctoral
research associate, and continued working on natural product total synthesis. From 2014
to 2018, he moved to the Scripps Research Institute as a postdoctoral research associate
in Prof. Ben Shen’s group, and worked on the natural product discovery and biosynthesis.
In 2018, he took up an assistant professor position at Peking University with research
interest in natural product synthesis using biocatalysis as an important tool.
[email protected]
Utah State University
Logan, UT
Dr. Jixun Zhan is a full professor in the Department of Biological Engineering at Utah
State University. He received his Ph.D. training from East China University of Science
and Technology and Beijing University, and conducted postdoctoral training at the
University of Arizona and the University of California, Los Angeles. His current
research is focused on metabolic engineering and natural product biosynthesis. Dr.
Zhan’s work has led to the publication of more than 100 papers in peer-reviewed journals
such as PNAS and JACS.
[email protected]
Fudan University
[email protected]
Dalian Medical University
[email protected]
Associate Editorial Board Members
Interdisciplinary Research Center for Advanced Materials
King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals
Saudi Arabia
Dr. Tahir Rasheed is currently working as a researcher at Interdisciplinary Research Center for
Advanced Materials,King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals, Saudi Arabia. He completed
his Ph.D. degree and postdoctoral research in Polymer Chemistry from the School of Chemistry and
Chemical Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China. His research interests focus on
multiple disciplines including controllable synthesis, characterization and self-assembly of
polymeric materials, polymer-based composites, nanomaterials & nanocomposites, hybrid
nanocomposites, with special emphasis on their potential applications in the field of sensing
and biosensing, electrocatalysis, degradation and quantification of various emerging pollutants
and energy storage devices.
Yow Y.
Department of Biological Sciences
Sunway University
Bandar Sunway
Dr. Yow Yoon Yen earned her PhD in Algae Biotechnology from the
University of Malaya. She currently serves as Senior Lecturer at the
Sunway University. Her research focuses on the discovery and
development of new compounds from algae as nutraceutical candidates in
the prevention of neurodegenerative diseases. She is also working on the
application of algae in cosmeceuticals and its anti-microbial and anti-
cancer properties. She served as Secretary of the Asia-Pacific
Phycological Forum 2017. She was awarded the GlobalSeaweedSTAR
Travel Fund from the UK Research and Innovation – Global Challenge
Research Fund (2018), and Outstanding Woman in Science
(Biotechnology) by the Venus International Foundation (2019).
[email protected]
Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine
Dr. Bo Liu, Ph.D.,Professor, the director of Guangzhou Key Laboratory of Chirality
Research on Active Components of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and the Principal
Investigator of the Team of Chemical Research and Structural Optimization based on
Chinese Materia Medica, Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine. He has published
more than 65 research papers and held 17 patents.
[email protected]
Islamic University of Science and Technology
Dr. Manzoor Ahmad Rather is currently working as Assistant professor in Department of
Chemistry, Islamic University of Science and Technology, Awantipora, Kashmir, India. He
received his Ph.D degree in 2014 from the Department of Chemistry, University of Kashmir
and in collaboration with Indian Institute of Integrative Medicine, Canal
Road-Jammu-India. He has been awarded with Young Scientists Award (YSA) in the field of
chemical sciences for the year 2012 awarded by J&K State Council for Science and
Technology, Department of Science and Technology, Govt of Jammu and Kashmir-India. He
was selected for Senior Research Fellowship (SRF) in Indian Institute of Integrative
Medicine, IIIM Sanat nagar in 2012. In view of his expertise, he is currently serving as
editorial board of Phytomedicine and technical editor for International journals of
pharmacology and research journals of medicinal plants. He has published more than 30
publications in journals of international repute with total citations of 896.
[email protected]
Sam Higginbottom University of Agriculture, Technology and Sciences
Dr. Kanika Patel is an Assistant Professor in the discipline of Pharmacology and having
experience in clinical Pharmacology division in India. Her research interests are
focused on
screening of drugs in reference to CNS disorder and antioxidant studies with a
particular emphasis
on natural products used in diabetes and its complications. She is an author of 40
papers published
in peer review journals and many book chapters to her credit and has a good citation
index. She is a
reviewer for various international scientific journals and also awardees of various
travel grants.
[email protected]
Hunan University of Chinese Medicine
Dr. Bin Li, Ph.D., master's tutor, a researcher from the School of Pharmacy in the Hunan
University of Chinese Medicine. She obtained her Ph.D. from Hunan University of Chinese
medicine in 2014, majoring in traditional Chinese medicine. To date, she has undertaken
about 15 national, provincial and ministerial projects including 2 projects of the
National Natural Science Foundation of China, and has contributed to over 20 SCI
articles. Her research focuses on medicinal chemistry of natural products chemistry and
bioactive compounds of TCM and ethnomedicine.
[email protected]
Chengdu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine
Dr. Kaifeng Hu is a principal investigator at Chengdu University of Traditional Chinese
China since 2018. He graduated from Beijing Medical University, and then received his
degree in Natural Products Chemistry at Shanghai Institute of Materia Medica, Chinese
Academy of Sciences and Ph.D. degree in 2004 in Solution NMR from Swiss Federal
Institute of
Technology, Zürich (ETH), Switzerland. His expertise and fields of research interest
Metabolomics, Structural Biology, Natural Products Chemistry and Bioactive compounds of
TCM, and method development by integrating NMR and LCMS for qualitative and quantitative
analysis of complex mixture.
[email protected]
Hunan University of Chinese Medicine
Dr. Yuqing Jian, Master's tutor, a researcher from the School of Pharmacy in the Hunan
University of Chinese
Medicine. He graduated from Hunan University of Chinese medicine with a Bachelor of
Science in 2009.
Then, he received his M. S. in natural medicine chemistry from China Pharmaceutical
University in 2012.
In 2015, He obtained his Ph.D from Jinan University, majoring in traditional Chinese
medicine. His
research focuses on the isolation, structure elucidation of novel natural products,
bioassay of the obtained
compounds, and the plausible biosynthetic pathway of novel bioactive products.
[email protected]
Hunan University of Chinese Medicine
Dr. Wenbing Sheng graduated from Hunan University and earned her Ph.D. degree in Organic
Chemistry in 2016. Dr Sheng focuses on Green organic synthesis methodology, total
synthesis of natural products, and structural modification of natural products. She has
authored or co-authored more than 20 peer-reviewed papers.
[email protected]
Section: Natural Products
Research Article
Volume: 1, Issue: 3
Pp: 292-297
Author: Napoleon A. Mfonku, Gabriel T. Kamsu, Norbert Kodjio, Jie Ren, James A. Mbah*, Donatien Gatsing and Jixun Zhan*
DOI: 10.2174/2210298101666210302105522
Published on: 01 March, 2021
Research Article
Volume: 2, Issue: 3
Pp: 226-242
Author: Manikandan Selvaraj, Lakshmanan Loganathan, John Marshal Jayaraj, Krishnasamy Gopinath, Kannan Rajendran, Mehboobali Pannipara, Abdullah G. Al-Sehemi and Karthikeyan Muthusamy*
DOI: 10.2174/2210298102666220224115100
Published on: 26 April, 2022