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Current Molecular Pharmacology


ISSN (Print): 1874-4672
ISSN (Online): 1874-4702

Review Article

Alcoholic Neuropathy: Involvement of Multifaceted Signalling Mechanisms

Author(s): Tapan Behl*, Harlokesh N. Yadav and Pyare L. Sharma

Volume 14, Issue 1, 2021

Published on: 12 May, 2020

Page: [2 - 10] Pages: 9

DOI: 10.2174/1874467213666200512114943

Price: $65


Background: Alcoholic neuropathy is a chronic disorder caused by the excessive consumption of alcohol. Damage to the nerves results in unusual sensations in the limbs, decreased mobility and loss of some body functions.

Objective: Alcohol is considered a major cause for exclusively creating the debilitating condition of the neuropathic state. This review critically examines the key mediators involved in the pathogenesis of alcoholic neuropathy and the targets, which, upon selective inhibition, alleviate the progression of alcoholic neuropathy.

Methods: A thorough study of research and review articles available on the internet from PubMed, MEDLINE, and concerned sites was performed on alcoholic neuropathy.

Result: Impairment in axonal transportation is quite common with the progression of alcoholic neuropathy. Nutritional deficiencies lead to axonal neuropathies that escalate a variety of complications that further worsen the state. PKC and PKA play a significant role in the pathogenesis of alcoholic neuropathy. PKC plays a marked role in modulating NMDA receptor currents, manifesting excitations in neurons. MMPs are involved in the number of pathologies that destroy the CNS and reduction in the level of endogenous antioxidants like α-tocopherol, vitamin E with ethanol, promotes oxidative stress by generating free radicals and lipid peroxidation.

Conclusion: Oxidative stress is implicated in the activation of MMPs, causing disruption in the blood-brain barrier, the latter are involved in the trafficking and passage of molecules in and out of the cell. Chronic alcohol consumption leads to the downregulation of CNS receptors, consequently precipitating the condition of alcoholic neuropathy.

Keywords: Alcohol, neuropathy, protein kinase, dopamine, endocannabinoids, cytokines.

Graphical Abstract
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