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Anti-Cancer Agents in Medicinal Chemistry


ISSN (Print): 1871-5206
ISSN (Online): 1875-5992

Review Article

New Entrants into Clinical Trials for Targeted Therapy of Breast Cancer: An Insight

Author(s): Priyanka Verma, Pooja Mittal, Archana Singh* and Indrakant K. Singh*

Volume 19, Issue 18, 2019

Page: [2156 - 2176] Pages: 21

DOI: 10.2174/1871520619666191018172926

Price: $65

TIMBC 2025

Breast cancer is too complex with various different molecular alterations involved in its pathogenesis and progression. Over the decade, we have seen a surge in the development of drugs for bimolecular targets and for the signal transduction pathways involved in the treatment line of breast cancer. These drugs, either alone or in combination with conventional treatments like chemotherapy, hormone therapy and radiotherapy, will help oncologists to get a better insight and do the needful treatment. These novel therapies bring various challenges along with them, which include the dosage selection, patient selection, schedule of treatment and weighing of clinical benefits over side effects. In this review, we highlight the recently studied target molecules that have received indications in breast carcinoma, both in the localized and in an advanced state and about their inhibitors which are in clinical development which can give the immense potential to clinical care in the near future.

Keywords: Breast cancer, drug targets, inhibitors, drug design, EGFR, notch, CDK4/6, androgen receptor, aromatase.

Graphical Abstract
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