Bentham Science is an excellent choice for your next research paper, because our publication process is very thorough. We are proud to have one of the most robust peer review process of any publisher in the world.

Read on to learn more about how Bentham’s high quality standards can boost the impact of your next research paper.

Who are Bentham Science Publishers?

Bentham was founded in 1993 and has grown into a major international publisher. Our family of journals currently includes 124 hybrid and 40 open access journals, as well as more than 1,300 books. Key strengths include chemistry, pharmacology, medicine, and engineering. Many Bentham journals have high impact factors, with some as high as 7.

So how is Bentham able to maintain such high quality standards? One reason is our uniquely robust peer review.

Why is Independent Peer Review So Important For Science?

Independent peer review ensures high-quality scientific literature for all readers and researchers. Scholars all over the world engage with each other — as academic journal editors, as authors submitting their work to international journals, or as peer reviewers themselves. Peer review is the cornerstone of academic publishing — the rock upon which all scholarly knowledge, citations, re-use, and research integrity are based.

How Does Bentham’s Peer Review Ensure Such High-Quality Publications?

We utilize a uniquely rigorous peer-review process which ensures that all published research articles meet the highest standards of quality and integrity. As soon as articles are submitted to a Bentham Science journal, they are initially assessed by the editor to determine whether, or not, they conform with the aims and scope of the journal.

Author guidelines are also checked; this corresponds with the standard Journal Editorial Office (JEO) process that is now uniform across all major international publishers. Articles are quickly rejected and returned to authors if they do not meet journal standards, or if they fail our initial assessment.

Reviewers are Carefully Selected To Match Your Paper

Double-blind reviews are carried out by researchers who have been vetted based on their background, profile, and previous publications. Bentham peer reviewers are ranked within our pool of more than 60,000 active researchers based on their previous performance, speed, and review utility.

No other publisher does this.

Bentham peer review is based on selection from a vetted and verified pool of experts. By design, our editors are NOT involved in peer reviewer selection! This removes bias and dramatically reduces the risks of research misconduct in peer review. Subsequently the Double Blind process ensures this further.

Editors-In-Chief expertly Perform Three Quality Checks

The Editor-in-Chief, also an expert in the journal field, is consulted at least three times about the suitability of each paper:

• First, on receipt of the manuscript the editor will determine whether it matches the aims and scope of the journal. Is the manuscript novel enough and interesting enough to be sent for peer review?

• Second, after receipt of peer review reports from between two to four independent referees, the editor will review the paper again.

• Third, after modification of the manuscript by the author(s) in light of the peer review reports, the editor makes a final decision.

The Editor-in-Chief can reject the manuscript at any of these stages if not completely satisfied with its quality. They then make decisions about papers in the usual way:

1) Accept/ Reject,

2) Return to authors with minor or major revisions, and then – if appropriate –

3) Accept/ Reject.

Click here to see our complete peer-review workflow

Does It Take Longer To Conduct Such Robust Peer Review?

Even with such high quality standards, we are usually able to complete peer review within 4-6 weeks. Compare this with less-efficient journals, where peer review may take many months. We will keep you well informed of your paper’s progress.

Just check our convenient online Manuscript Processing System to find the status of your paper.

With Such Strict Peer Review, I’m Afraid My Paper Will Be Rejected!

Indeed, Bentham Science maintains a high rejection rate — more than 60% — across many journals. But don’t let this discourage you from submitting to a Bentham journal. It is another mark of quality in our review process.

Low-quality or fake journals will try to skip over peer review in their rush to take your money. Such journals can steal your work and impact! it is far better to publish in a high-quality journal where your research will have a much greater impact.

Join Our Community And Start Increasing Your Research Impact

Bentham has the most robust and rigorous peer review process in the science publishing industry. This helps us to provide trusted outlets for academics worldwide. We publish more than 9,000 peer-reviewed academic articles per year.

We are proud to share our success with you. Bentham is always ready to help you share your research with the world. Want to increase your research impact? Sign up here for free information and resources