Digital currency systems make use of cryptographically secure distributed
computing networks to exchange economic value and support a growing array of
applications. The nature of these computing platforms and the scope of their
applications raise important legal compliance issues. Many jurisdictions around the
world are examining the extent to which digital currency systems are affected by
existing laws and regulations, and the extent to which those existing laws should be
modified or new laws enacted to address the growth of digital currencies. It is already
clear, however, that a variety of laws and regulation in virtually every jurisdiction are
already applicable to digital currency and its applications. In this environment,
developers, distributors, and users of digital currency and associated systems already
face substantial legal compliance issues. Understanding these current and potential legal
compliance requirements is essential for successful use of digital currency platforms
and their applications.
Keywords: Bitcoin, blockchain, Brazil, China, consumer protection, conversion,
digital currency, public key, laws, mining, money laundering, regulation, wallet.