Abiotic pressures interfere with plant growth and production. Climate
change and agricultural stress, including the overuse of chemical fertilizers and
pesticides, have worsened the effects of abiotic stress on crop yields and damaged
ecosystems and their environment. There is an urgent need for environmentally
friendly management techniques such as the use of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi
(AMF) to increase crop productivity. AMF is best accepted as a biofertilizer.
Additionally, it is broadly believed that the inclusion of AMF provides plant tolerance
to a variety of stressful conditions such as temperature, salt, drought, and metals. AMF
can provide essential plant nutrients that can hold plants, resulting in enhanced growth
and harvest under less stressful and oppressive conditions. The role of AMF as a
biofertilizer may improve plant flexibility in a changing environment. Therefore,
further research focusing on promoting and producing plant quality produced by AMF
is needed. The current review provides an in-depth knowledge of AMF and its impact
on plants beyond the various stages of growth and, consequently, the importance of the
relationship between different plant nutrients and AMF.
Keywords: Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi, Abiotic and biotic stresses, Biofertilizer, Growth, Plant growth, Yield.