Blockchain Technology is an emerging technology in the areas of
Information Technology field and applicable in the process of the keeping the records
on business as well as other transactions. Blockchain Technology is enhancing
financial and business sector rapidly. Blockchain is primarily known as a tool and
gradually become a technology and even treated as a field of study as ‘Blockchain
Technology’. Blockchain is perform only by the registered members with permission to
cattle immediate, shared and completely transparent information. Changes of
blockchain can be noted in tracking orders, payments, accounts, and production and
here all the transaction details can be visible to end users time to time. The
requirements of the blockchain in financial sectors is enhanced in the areas viz.
financial transfer, added security systems, automation and data storage, digital identity
verification, credit reporting and so on. Along with blockchain crypto currency is
important form of emerging IT in financial sector. Worldwide there is a boom on
blockchain Technology applications in different financial and business areas and in
India too there are healthy potentialities of its implementation. However there are
issues and concern of blockchain in financial systems and management. This chapter is
about blockchain specially its nature, types, and opportunities available in the financial
sectors emphasizing India. Chapter also illustrates about the challenges and issues of
Blockchain Technologies in financial areas especially in Indian context.
Keywords: Cryptography, Emerging Information Technology, Financial Technologies, Indian Digital Economy.