Due to the spread of the pandemic COVID-19 across the world since
December 2019, every sector, field, and organization has faced a severe lockdown. The
education sector that was following the traditional method of learning has been affected
worst. The interaction between the instructor and learner was not possible in such a
situation. Their learning process was completely stopped due to social distancing
during the lockdown. However, the educational institutions running on the virtual
model could continue to work and promote learning. Viewing the uninterrupted
teaching-learning process of such institutions in this scenario, the traditional institution
also tried to adopt the virtual learning mode. Apart from the advantages, numerous
virtual (online) mode challenges hinder the effectiveness and learning outcomes. These
obstacles of the virtual (online) mode of learning can be removed primarily when they
are identified. So, the first and foremost objective to overcome these obstacles is to find
them. This chapter attempts to elaborate on various facets of these challenges:
technical, Economic, Security, Practical or Experimental, Assessment or Evaluation,
Keywords: Challenges, COVID-19, Digital Technology, Economic Challenges,
Effectiveness, E-Learning, Internet, Laptop, Learning, Online Classes, Online
Issues, Online Learning, Pandemic, Smartphones, Security Issues, Social
Challenges, Students, Teachers, Technological Challenges, Virtual Classroom,
Virtual Learning.