Virtual and Classroom Learning in Higher Education: A Guide to Effective Online Teaching

Virtual Learning: An Effective Tool for Quality Assurance in Higher Education

Author(s): Rumpa Roy *

Pp: 24-39 (16)

DOI: 10.2174/9781681089287121010005

* (Excluding Mailing and Handling)


In an era of revolution in digital technologies, virtual learning has gained momentum in the educational process. This research aims to identify the role of virtual learning as an effective tool for quality assurance in higher education. This will further explore the performance indicators of virtual learning at program and institutional levels. To understand the impact of virtual learning in organizational performance and achievement of strategic objectives, the interview method has been selected to receive a comprehensive view of the senior management towards virtual learning and its future in reshaping the paradigm of education. The interview questions will be designed to know senior management's perception across the universities regarding the effectiveness of virtual learning in measuring learning outcomes and stakeholder satisfaction. The research will finally propose an innovative approach towards successfully implementing virtual learning from a futuristic perspective. This will open the avenues for competitive advantage in delivering quality education and achieving institutional vision and mission.

Keywords: CILO, Constructivist Approach, Corona Virus, COVID-19, Digital Resources, Digital Technology, E-Learning, Education, Engagement, Higher Education, Learning Outcome, MOOCs, Online Assessment, Online Class, Online Learning, Pandemic, Performance Indicators, Self-Learning, Technological Advancements, Virtual Learning, Virtual Learning Environment (VLE).

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