Internet Privacy is a matter of grave concern as there is an exponential
growth in our digital footprints. Most internet users are not aware of what internet
privacy is, and some are not concerned at all. With the growth of cybercrime, internet
users must know what internet privacy is and why they should be aware of it. Genuine
information or credentials shared online between an internet user and an internet-based
service might be intercepted by hackers maliciously or even government bodies legally,
can be used for any malicious intent. Some of the recent cases of data breaches support
this, making it one of the most critical reasons for internet users hesitant in trusting any
internet-based service. The paper gives an idea that the more an internet user is aware
of what internet privacy is, chances are the more he/she will be able to trust any
internet-based service since the internet is the new platform for social as well as
professional trading.
Keywords: Cybercrime, Data breach, Index terms, Internet privacy, Internet
privacy Awareness.