Videocapsule endoscopy is a non-invasive and important innovation in
diagnostic endoscopy. This technology was first launched in 2000 and it has been
widely used by gastroenterologists worldwide. This method requires the patient to
swallow a miniature high-resolution camera which will pass through the digestive tract,
while transmitting images to the recorder in order to be evaluated. It has its main
advantages which are the non-invasiveness, and the possibility to yield a diagnosis in
severely ill patients who cannot support invasive endoscopy procedures, but it also has
disadvantages which include the impossibility to perform a biopsy or other therapeutic
procedures. Over the years, this method has been revolutionized by not only
approaching the small bowel, but also the esophagus and the colon. This chapter will
also discuss the application of the esophagus capsule as well as the colon capsule.
There are multiple indications for which patients can be referred to videocapsule
endoscopy. The most frequent cause of referral to capsule endoscopy is the obscure GI
bleeding, but it may be used in detecting small intestine polyps or tumors, searching for
the cause of iron deficiency anemia or reviewing the extension of Crohn’s disease. The
main risk of this method is represented by retention which is also minimal.
Keywords: Anemia, Crohn’s disease, Non-invasive, Obscure bleeding, Small intestine, Technology, Tumors, Videocapsule endoscopy.