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Bentham Books Indexed in Web of Science – Clarivate Analytics PRESS RELEASE DATE : 17-November-2020

Bentham Books, the books publishing division of Bentham Science, is pleased to announce that the indexing service, Book Citation Index (Web of Science), has accepted to index the following three more books published by the publisher. The Book Citation Index (BCI, BKCI) is an online subscription-based scientific citation indexing service maintained by Clarivate Analytics and is part of the Web of Science Core Collection.

What Beliefs Are Made From – The title is accepted for coverage in Book Citation Index, Social Sciences & Humanities. Webpage for the title:

Cancer Metastasis and Cancer Stem Cell/Niche – This book is now indexed in Book Citation Index, Science; BIOSIS Previews. Webpage for the title:

Chemistry, Biology and Potential Applications of Honeybee Plant-Derived Products – This title is indexed in Book Citation Index, Science; BIOSIS Previews. Webpage for the title:

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