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Nobel Prize Winners Join Editorial Board of Current Medicinal Chemistry PRESS RELEASE DATE : 13-June-2014

Nobel Prize Winners, Professor Jean-Marie Lehn and Professor Ferid Murad have joined as Honorary Senior Advisors to the Editorial Board of the journal, Current Medicinal Chemistry.

Professor Jean-Marie Lehn from France received a Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1987 for his work on synthesis of cryptands. Prof. Lehn was an early innovator in the field of supramolecular chemistry. His group has published in excess of 900 peer-reviewed research articles.

Professor Ferid Murad from USA received a Nobel Prize in 1998 in the discipline of Physiology or Medicine for discoveries concerning nitric oxide as a signaling molecule in the cardiovascular system. He is currently affiliated with George Washington University.

About Current Medicinal Chemistry

Current Medicinal Chemistry (Impact Factor 4.07) covers all the latest and outstanding developments in medicinal chemistry and rational drug design. Each issue contains a series of timely in-depth reviews and guest edited thematic issues written by leaders in the field covering a range of the current topics in medicinal chemistry. The journal has already scored an impact factor of 4.02 as per journal citation report 2012. For more info click here

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