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Current Topics in Chemistry

(Formerly as Current Chinese Chemistry)

Volume 5 , 2025

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Limited Time Complementary Open Access Offer Papers submitted before December 31st, 2024, will be published as Open Access free of charge


Luigi Campanella
A Message from the Editor-in-Chief

I would like to introduce myself as an Editor-in-Chief of Current Topics in Chemistry (CTC), formerly Current Chinese Chemistry. Throughout my career, chemistry has always fascinated me with how science often takes its cue from nature, drawing on its wisdom to create innovative solutions. This role provides me with the opportunity to work on a project that has always been close to my heart. In my capacity as an EIC, I would like to extend my knowledge to the readers of the journal through different cultures and scientific traditions of various countries.

The scope of the journal includes current topics in Chemistry, a highly advanced scientific area that integrates and combines with the European approach to science, the latter often being more theoretical. It also deals with the issue of product carbon footprint, which will increasingly play a pivotal role for both companies and consumers in the years ahead. The key regulatory frameworks related to carbon footprint will significantly impact the pharmaceutical industry, presenting both challenges and opportunities for their implementation. Additionally, cultural heritage must be preserved through a chemical approach, as the testing of different traditions and histories can bring them closer together with an inclusive rather than exclusive vision.

What can we expect from the evolution of regulation and technological innovation for the future of environmentally sustainable productions and clinical trials?

How can the industry benefit from designing chemical processes with a sustainable approach?

All these important topics are consistently explored in our journals, and I hope Current Topics in Chemistry (CTC) can play a key role in advancing progress in these areas. I hope that both our readers and authors will find the content of this journal interesting and useful.

Thanks to all,
Luigi Campanella

Limited Time Complementary OA Offer

Papers submitted before December 31, 2024, will be published as Open Access free of charge

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