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Current Chinese Science

(Continued as Current Science, Engineering and Technology)

Volume 5 , Issues 4, 2025

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About The Section


Publishes original research articles, letters, case reports, reviews/mini-reviews and guest edited thematic issues on various topics related to energy.

The Energy section of the journal Current Chinese Science publishes original research articles, letters, case reports, reviews/mini-reviews and guest edited thematic issues on various topics related to energy.

This section is not limited to a specific aspect of the field but is instead devoted to a wide range of sub fields in the area. Articles of a multidisciplinary nature are particularly welcome. Submissions in the following energy areas are of special interest to the readers of this journal:

• Energy generation, distribution, storage, and management
• Energy engineering and power technology
• Fuel technology
• Nuclear energy and engineering
• Renewable energy, sustainability and environment
• Others

Section Editor-in-Chief(s) energy_ebm_Yinglong-sh_001 Wang Yinglong College of Chemical Engineering Qingdao University of Science Qingdao China

Dr. Yinglong Wang is a Professor at Qingdao University of Science and Technology and has been selected as one of the World’s Top 2% Scientists (Chemical Engineering). He is the associate editor of the special issue of multi criteria decision making (special section of frontiers in sustainability). He received his PhD from Ocean University of China in 2006. His research focuses on green and sustainable process intensification, environmental pollution control and waste recycling, energy- saving process optimization, etc. He has published more than 200 peer-reviewed journal articles and been cited more than 2600 times with the H-index of 29.

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energy_Zhen-Fang_001 Fang Zhen Nanjing Agricultural University Nanjing China

Dr. Zhen Fang is currently a Professor, Leader (PI) of biomass group, College of Engineering, Nanjing Agricultural University. He obtained his PhDs from China Agricultural University (Biological & Agricultural Engineering, Beijing) and McGill University (Materials Engineering, Montreal) as well as received further postdoc training in Chemical Engineering in Spain (Marie Curie Fellowship, Universidad de Zaragoza). He is the inventor of “fast hydrolysis” process. He is Editor-in-Chief of the Springer Book Series – Biofuels and Biorefineries. He has made major contributions to the fields of hydrolysis of lignocellulosic biomass, biodiesel synthesis and liquid biofuel production, supercritical fluid processes, catalyst synthesis and nanomaterials. He is listed in the “Most Cited Chinese Researchers” in energy in 2014, 2015, 2016 and 2017 (Elsevier-Scopus).

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energy_shengchun-q-as_001 Qu Shengchun Chinese Academy of Sciences Beijing China

Dr. Shengchun Qu is currently a Full Professor at the Institute of Semiconductors, Chinese Academy of Sciences. He obtained his B.Sc. and Ph.D. from Department of Physics, Jilin University in 1994 and 1999, respectively. His research interests include the crystallization dynamics mechanism of materials, optimization of materials stability, plasmon-enhanced light absorption, organic solar cell, perovskite solar cell, flexible device and encapsulation technologies, and so on. Currently, he has published more than 100 SCI papers in Energy Environ. Sci., Adv. Energy Mater., Small, Nano Energy and other journals. He has more than 30 patents.

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energy_Yanqing-as_001 Niu Yanqing Xi’an Jiaotong University Xi’an China

Dr. Yanqing Niu is a researcher at Xi’an Jiaotong University and was a visiting scholar at CRF in Sandia National Laboratories. His research is mainly focused on Clean and Efficient Combustion and Solid Waste Melting Utilization, including ash related problems during combustion and gasification (slagging, agglomeration, corrosion, and utilization) with experiment and modeling, reaction kinetics of fuel particle, pollution (NOx, SOx, and PM) formation and control during combustion, as well as D#x0026;R of low-NOx industrial burner (coal, gas, and dual fuel) and resource utilization of MSW and its incineration fly ash, etc.

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Section Editor energy_ebm_-sh_001 Fang Yongjin Wuhan University Wuhan China

Dr. Yongjin Fang received his Ph.D. degree in physical chemistry from Wuhan University (China) in 2016. He carried out his postdoctoral research at Nanyang Technological University (Singapore) and City University of Hong Kong (Hong Kong) from 2016 to 2021. His research interests focus on advanced materials for electrochemical energy storage, such as sodium-ion batteries, lithium metal anodes, lithium-ion batteries, Li-S batteries, and aqueous batteries, et al. He has published around 40 articles that have been cited more than 4400 times with an H-index of 33. Some of his papers have been published in top journals such as Sci. Adv., Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., Adv. Mater., Adv. Energy Mater., Chem et al. And he served as a reviewer for many prestigious journals in chemistry and materials science, such as Sci. Adv., Adv. Mater., Adv. Energy Mater., Adv. Funct. Mater., Small, J. Mater. Chem. A, Chem. Eng. J., J. Energy Chem., and so on. Due to his outstanding contribution in reviewing, he has been recognized as an Outstanding Reviewer for Journal of Materials Chemistry A in 2018 and 2020, and Top reviewers in Materials Science and Top reviewers in Cross-Field in Publons in 2019.

[email protected] Electrochemical Energy Orcid Scopus
Editorial Board Members energy_ebm_Jingyin-Li_001 Li Jingyin Department of Fluid Machinery and Engineering Xi'an Jiaotong University Xi'an China

Professor Jingyin Li received his BSc., M.Sc. and Ph.D. degree from Xi'an Jiaotong University. He has presided many projects, like the National Natural Science Foundations, the National Key R&D Program of China, and the National Science and Technology Major Project. He obtained 5 provincial and ministerial level awards of China. His research areas cover the simulations of high-speed flows inside cascades and the turbo-compressors, the optimization of turbomachines, the simulation of impacting and splashing processes of droplets, and the flows around wind turbines and inside solar chimneys. He has published over 150 journal and conference papers, one textbook and over 20 patents.

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energy_ebm_Peng-ab_001 Li Peng School of Materials Science and Engineering Anhui University Hefei China

Dr. Peng Li received his Phd from Tsinghua University in 2011 and is currently a professor in the school of materials science and engineering, Anhui University, China. His current research interests mainly focus on the controlled synthesis of metallic nanomaterials and nanoclusters, and their applications in energy conversion. He has published over 69 research papers.

energy_ebm_Dong-ab_001 Xiang Dong College of Chemistry & Chemical Engineering Anhui University Hefei China

Dr. Xiang is currently working as an Associate Professor at the School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Anhui University, China. He received his Ph.D. from South China University of Technology in 2016. His main research focuses on concept design, modeling, optimization, techno-economic analysis, and life cycle assessment on chemical looping-based hydrogen, methanol, olefins, and ammonia production processes. He has published over 47 research papers.

energy_Wang-ab Wang Liang Department of Thermal Energy SINTEF Energy Research Trondheim Norway

Dr. Wang Liang is working as Research Scientist (permanent position) in SINTEF Energy Research at Trondheim Norway. He holds a PhD in Thermal Energy from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology at Trondheim Norway. Dr. Wang started to work as a research scientist in SINTEF Energy Research in 2010. Dr. Wang's main research focuses are characterization of biomass and wastes using combined analytical instruments and techniques, advanced biomass carbonization technology, experimental and kinetic study of torrefaction, pyrolysis, gasification and combustion of biomass and charcoal, ash chemistry during biomass and waste thermal conversion, waste to energy. Dr. Wang has 99 publications listed in Scopus, and a h-factor of 23.

energy_ebm_Wang-ji_001 Wang Hui Institute of Combustion Engineering School of Energy Science and Engineering Harbin Institute of Technology Harbin China

Hui Wang received his Ph.D from Harbin Institute of Technology and has been a Postdoc of Shanghai Jiaotong University, and a visiting scholar of Princeton University. Currently, Dr. Hui Wang is a professor in thermal engineering. He has published 70 research papers and has authorized 36 National Patents. He has received 4 ministry-grade prizes. Dr. Wang has participated in 14 national projects, including NSFC (Youth, General, Key Program), 863 Program projects, National Science and Technology Plan projects, and 17 commercial research projects. His current research interest includes Development of energy materials such as NanoSiO 2, Molecular sieve, Supercapacitor, investigation in Energy Chemistry, Porous media/Catalytic combustion, Hydrogen generation, storage and combustion, etc.

energy_ebm_GUO-Xinli-sh_001 GUO Xinli School of Materials Science & Engineering Southeast University Nanjing China

Dr. Xinli Guo is a professor at the School of Materials Sci. & Eng. Southeast University, China, since 2009. He completed his BSc and MSc degrees from the North University of China, in Materials Science. He further completed his Post Doctorate at the National Lab of Solid State Microstructure, Nanjing University.He has authored more than 120 peer-reviewed articles in scientific journals and holds 11 Chinese patents. Dr. Guo's research interests include nano carbon materials; thin films, nanomaterials science and technology, Molecular luminescence. His current work is mainly focused on nanocarbon materials, thin films, nanomaterials science and technology, molecular luminescence.

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energy_ebm_Caichao-Wan-sh_001 Wan Caichao Central South University of Forestry and Technology Changsha China

Dr. Caichao Wan received his doctoral degree from Northeast Forestry University in China. He is an associate professor at Central South University of Forestry and Technology, China. His research interests include biomass-based energy storage and conversion, nature-inspired smart materials, and cellulose materials. Dr. Wan has published more than 50 scientific papers and 2 books. He is a member of editorial boards of two chemical journals and also serves as a reviewer for more than 30 journals. He is the winner of Young Elite Scientists Sponsorship Program by China Association for Science and Technology (CAST), Hunan Provincial Technical Innovation Platform etc .

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energy_ebm_Guo-cy-sh_001 Guo C.-Y. School of Chemical Sciences University of Chinese Academy of Sciences Beijing China

Dr. Guo is a full professor at the School of Chemical Sciences, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences. He is a member of the Chinese Materials Research Society. Dr. Guo has published 122 peer-reviewed articles and 24 authorized patents, in addition to 33 conference presentations including seven keynote lectures. Moreover, he serves as a reviewer for several well known journals such as Macromolecules, Advanced Energy Materials, etc.

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energy_ebm_liao_001 Liao S. South China University of Technology Guangzhou China [email protected] Orcid Scopus RsearcherId energy_chen-hc-as_001 Chen H-C. Feng Chia University Taichung Taiwan

Dr. Hsieh-Chih Chen is a Director at the Precision Instrument Supporting Center, and an associate professor at the Department of Fiber and Composite Materials at Feng Chia University. He received his Ph.D. from National Taiwan University in 2009. His current research interests are in the field of electrochemistry and key materials for electrochemical energy storage devices; interface materials and device engineering with an emphasis on improving the sustainability of highly efficient small-molecule solar cells, polymer solar cells and perovskite solar cells.

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energy_wang-c-as_001 Wang C. Beihang University Beijing China

Dr. Cong Wang is a Professor of Physics at the School of Microelectronics, Beihang University. His research interests are in the fields of condensed matter physics, spintronics and solar energy materials, He completed his Ph. D in 1995 at the Institute of Physics, CAS, China, and worked as an Alexander von Humboldt (AvH) research fellow at the University of Karlsruhe in Germany from 1998 to1999. He also began to work as associate Professor in Beihang University in 1999, and got his permanent Professor position in the department of Physics, Beihang University in 2003. He has published 240 papers, 13 national patents and has given more than 30 invited speeches in International Conferences.

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energy_ren-z-as_001 Ren Z. Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation Victoria Australia

Dr Zhengen Ren is a Principal Research Scientist at CSIRO Energy division where he manages the development of decision support tools to simulate total energy and water consumption for residential building and building stock, and is a key player in further development of the Chenath engine used for Nationwide House Energy Rating Scheme (NatHERS) in Australia. He has got more than 30 years work experience on building energy efficient and renewable energy use in buildings, and published over 100 peer reviewed journal and conference papers on his research work.

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energy_asadi-s-as_001 Asadi S. Penn State University State College, PA USA

Dr. Somayeh Asadi is an Associate Professor in the Department of Architectural Engineering at Pennsylvania State University. Prior to that she was an Assistant Professor at the Texas A&M University. Her research interest cuts across the following themes: Building energy Automated Design, Critical Infrastructure Systems, Food-Water-Energy Nexus, Design of High Performance Buildings, and Environmental sustainability. To date, her research efforts have resulted in more than 70 peer-reviewed journal articles, one book, more than 60 peer-reviewed conference papers, and 20 journal articles in review. her research efforts include 12 externally funded projects as a PI and Co-PI, including 3 from the National Science Foundation, and 3 from the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection, 3 from the US Department of Energy and 3 from Qatar National Research Foundation resulting in more than $5 million in research project funding in total. She specializes in sustainable building and built environment, integrated building design systems, energy management, renewable energy systems, and smart grids. Her research efforts range from the scale of a single building to the network of built infrastructures that characterize a city. Her work focus on how buildings and ecosystems are connected, how to optimize the interactions between different building systems, and how humans use and impact building operations. This includes projects that combine the fields of building science and building technology with the use of smart grid-connected technologies, with the goal of building operating and maintaining buildings and communities that are smarter, more energy-efficient, and that reduce the peak demands on the electric grid. Her research benefits from multi- disciplinary collaboration, including Civil, Mechanical, and Electrical Engineering, Computer Science, Architecture, and Meteorology, and also would contribute to interdisciplinary research efforts.

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energy_wang-l-as_001 Wang L. Lanzhou Jiaotong University Lanzhou China

Dr. Liangbi Wang is the Director of Key Laboratory of Railway Vehicle Thermal Engineering, Ministry of Education of China and Professor at the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Lanzhou Jiaotong University. He received his Ph.D. in Engineering Thermophysics from Xi’an Jiaotong University in 1996. His main research interests include computational fluid dynamics and heat transfer, heat transfer enhancement and compact heat exchangers.

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energy_wang-x-as_001 Wang X. Xiangtan University Xiangtan China

Dr. Xianyou Wang, Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry (FRSC), has been engaged in the studies of electrochemistry and energy storage for 40 years. As an electrochemistry professor, in the fields of electrochemical energy storage and conversion as well as advanced energy materials, Dr. Xianyou Wang has published more than a lot of papers and holds a lot of China invention patents.

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energy_yang-s-as_001 Yang S. East China University of Science and Technology Shanghai China

Dr Shuang Yang received his Bachelor degree from Tsingtao University of Science & Technology in 2011 and completed his PhD in 2016 at East China University of Science & Technology. He then conducted postdoctoral research at Nanyang and Technological University, University of Nesbraka–Lincoln. Currently he is a professor at East China University of Science and Technology. His research focus on the chemistry and physics of semiconducting materials and opto-electrical devices.

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energy_jiang-l-as_001 Jiang L. Chinese Academy of Sciences Guangzhou China

Liqun Jiang received her PhD in Botany from Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden, Kunming. She is an Associate Professor of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guangzhou Institute of Energy Conversion, Guangzhou. She is mainly engaged in Biomass pretreatment for the value-added and comprehensive utilization, Catalytic fast pyrolysis to biofuels and bio-based products, Levoglucosan hydrolysis and separation from bio-oil, Microbial fermentation of biomass pyrolysate and as published more than 30 articles.

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energy_Manhou-ab_001 Li Manhou Hefei University of Technology Anhui China

Manhou Li is currently an Associate Professor at Hefei University of Technology, Anhui Province, China. He received his BS degree in Nanjing University of Science and Technology University in 2010, his PhD degree in Safety Science from University of Science and Technology of China in 2015, and his another PhD degree in Civil and Architectural Engineering from City University of Hong Kong. He serves as a vice director of Anhui International Joint Research Center on Hydrogen Safety from 2017. He serves as a Guest Editor of Fire (ISSN 2571-6255) and Sustainability (ISSN 2071-1050), which are indexed in the Science Citation Index and in Scopus; He serves as a member of the Youth editorial Board of Chinese Journal of Applied Mechanics. He is a member of The Combustion Institute and a lifetime member of the International Association for Fire Safety Science. He is the author of more than 50 international journal papers. He has been awarded with the best presenter for Loss prevention Asia 2021, a virtual conference by UEvent, on November 22-23, 2021.

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energy_Idem-sh_001 Idem R. University of Regina Regina, SK Canada

Raphael Idem received his Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering, the University of Saskatchewan in 1995 and M.Sc. in Chemical Engineering, University of Ife, Nigeria in 1987. Currently, he is a Professor at the Faculty of Engineering & Applied Science at the University of Regina, Canada. His research interests revolve around Clean Energy Research Technologies, Carbon capture, utilization & storage (CCUS) and Gas Processing, Hydrogen and Syngas Production from Hydrocarbons, Biomass Materials & Alcohols, PEM Fuel Cell Modelling, Production of Synthetic Fuels and Fine Chemicals from Oxygenated and Non-oxygenated Hydrocarbons by Thermal and Catalytic Methods, Biomass Waste Treatment, Hydrocarbon/Petroleum Processing, Carbon Dioxide (CO 2 ) Separation from Flue Gas Streams, Catalyst Development and Characterization for Various Reactions, Reaction Kinetics & Reactor Design, Asphaltene Precipitation Studies, Mass Transfer Processes, Pilot plant technology development, and pre-commercial plant demonstration. He has published several articles and book chapters in well-reputed journals.

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energy_li-h-as_001 Li H. Nanjing Agricultural University Nanjing China

Dr. Hu Li is a Professor of College of Engineering, Nanjing Agricultural University, China. Dr. Li stayed as a visiting student researcher at Technical University of Denmark, and University of Chinese Academy of Sciences prior to obtaining his Ph.D. from Guizhou University. He then worked as a postdoctoral fellow at Nanjing Agricultural University, and Tohoku University. His research focuses on the catalytic conversion of renewable and waste resources into chemicals and biofuels with functional materials. Dr. Li has published 2 books, more than 10 patents, and over 100 peer-reviewed papers on sustainable catalysis and green chemistry. He is Editorial Board Member of several international journals.

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energy_t-ma-sh_001 Ma T. Shanghai Jiao Tong University Shanghai China

Dr. Ma got now works in Shanghai Jiao Tong University. He has already published 40+ peer-reviewed papers with high impact. His current h-index is 17, with total 2000+ citations. In particular, his 2 hot papers and 8 highly cited papers. Dr Ma received a number of awards during his early career stage, such as “Outstanding PhD Thesis Award”, and ‘Highly Cited Researcher’. Now he is the editorial member of several journals including Applied Energy (IF: 8.426). He is also an active reviewer for 20+ journals.

[email protected] Orcid Scopus
energy_nizami-as_001 Nizami A-S. Government College University Lahore Pakistan

Dr. Abdul-Sattar Nizami has a Master's degree from Sweden and a PhD from Ireland. He has a Postdoctoral Fellow from Canada. He served as an Assistant Professor and senior scientist at the King Abdulaziz University, Saudi Arabia. Recently, he has joined Government College University, Lahore as an Associate Professor. He has published more than 100 papers on the topics of renewable energy, waste-to-energy, and resource recovery. He has delivered over 26 invited talks. His work is cited over 4200 times in the peer-reviewed press, with a total impact factor of over 400 and H-index of 36. Dr. Nizami is an Associate Editor in Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews with Impact Factor of 10.6. He has also been involved in consultation services to UNEP, World Bank, National Research Agency of France, and Government Agency of Science Poland.

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energy_alam_ma_001 Alam M.A. Zhengzhou University Zhengzhou China

Dr Md. Asraful Alam is an Assistant Professor at the School of Chemical Engineering, Zhengzhou University, China. He previously served as a Researcher at the Chinese Academy of Sciences, China. He is a prolific writer on promoting the use of green energy through new platforms and has authored over 60 publications in peer-reviewed scientific journals, books and conference proceedings. Dr Alam edited two springer books titled “Microalgae Biotechnology for Development of Biofuel and Wastewater Treatment” and “Microalgae Biotechnology for Food, Health and High-Value Products”. Besides, he has participated in several national/international projects promoting biofuel and other high-value commodity applications of microalgae & other biomass.

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energy_fuqiang_w_001 Fuqiang W. Harbin Institute of Technology Weihai China

Dr. Fuqiang Wang obtained a Ph.D. in Engineering Thermo-physics from the Harbin Institute of Technology, China in 2012. He received his Masters in Thermal Engineering from the Harbin Institute of Technology, China. Previously, he graduated in Thermal Energy and Power Engineering from China University of Petroleum (East China). Currently, he is a Professor at the Harbin Institute of Technology. He has published more than 30 articles in various scientific journals.

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Associate Editorial Board Members energy_ebm_shuangqing-chen_001 Chen Shuangqing Institute of Petroleum Engineering Northeast Petroleum University Daqing China

Dr. Shuangqing Chen is currently a full-time associate professor at the Institute of Petroleum Engineering, Northeast Petroleum University. His research focuses on computational intelligence, petroleum engineering optimization, mathematical physics method, and safety engineering. He hosted the National Natural Science Foundation of China; China Special Postdoctoral Science Foundation; and the Natural Science Foundation of Heilongjiang Province and so on. He has published more than 20 high-level articles in related journals and 2 ESI 1% papers. He is a Youth Working Committee member of the Chinese Association for Artificial Intelligence.

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energy_ebm_Liang-Ruquan_001 Liang Ruquan Department of Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry University of Toronto Toronto China

Ruquan LIANG is a professor at Linyi University and Northeastern University, China. He got his degree of Dr. Eng. in Fluid Dynamics from Kyoto Institute of Technology, Japan. He ever worked as a research scientist in Kyoto Institute of Technology, Japan (1998-2001) in computational fluid dynamics, Kyoto University, Japan (2001-2002) in environmental fluid dynamics, and University of Toronto, Canada (2002-2006) in microgravity fluid dynamics. He is the editorial board member of 《Current Mechanics and Advanced Materials》, 《International Journal of Fluid Dynamics》, 《International Journal of Mechanics Research》, and 《Metallurgical Engineering》. His current research interests include energy as well as the hydrodynamics and heat-mass transfer in two-phase gas-liquid systems under normal gravity and microgravity.

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energy_techato-k-as_001 Techato K. Prince of Songkla University Hat Yai Thailand

With the integration of background in engineering, management, and science, solving the energy and environmental research problem has been done in various aspects. The experience from working for both in-house consultants for the government (The Department of Alternative Energy Development and Efficiency) and private sector/international organization (Royal Danish Embassy) is a good network used for academic service and research. The research interest in Energy Efficiency, Renewable Energy, Environmental Management, Solar Photovoltaic, Green Roof and Wall, and MSW management is the current direction.

[email protected] Orcid Scopus RsearcherId
energy_xu-l-as_001 Xu Lujiang College of Engineering Nanjing Agricultural University Nanjing China

Dr. Xu is a researcher of Biomass group at the college of Engineering of Nanjing Agricultural University. He obtained his Ph.D. degree in Renewable Cean Energy from the Department of Chemistry of University of Science and Technology of China (USTC) and B.S. degree in Light Chemical Engineering from Nanjing Forestry University. He is presently a Lecturer of Biomass group at the college of Engineering of Nanjing Agricultural University. His research interests cover the selective thermo-chemical conversion of biomass and derived compounds into value-added chemicals and liquid fuels. He has published more than 20 peer review papers and issued more than 10 patents.

[email protected] Orcid Scopus RsearcherId
Executive Guest Editors energy_ebm_Junhai-Ma_001 Ma Junhai College of Management and Economics Tianjin University China [email protected] energy_ebm_Sharaf-sh_001 Sharaf Adel A. Sharaf Energy Systems, Inc. Fredericton, NB Canada

Dr. Sharaf obtained his B.Sc. degree in Electrical Engineering from Cairo University in 1971. He obtained his M.Sc. degree in Electrical Engineering in 1976 and Ph.D. in 1979 from the University of Manitoba, Canada and was employed by Manitoba Hydro as Special Studies Engineer. Dr. Sharaf was selected as NSERC-Canada Research-Assistant Professor in 1980 at the University of Manitoba. He joined the University of New Brunswick in 1981 as an Assistant Professor and was promoted to full professorship in 1987. Dr. Sharaf has extensive industrial and consulting experience with Electric Utilities in Canada and Abroad. He has authored and co-authored three Book chapters, Over 700 scholarly technical journals, referred conference papers and engineering reports in power systems control, stability, protection, power quality, renewable green-energy, electro-technology and environmental devices He supervised over 51 Graduate Students.

[email protected] Orcid Scopus

Section: Energy

Mini-Review Article

Enhancing Photocatalytic Hydrogen Production Efficiency with Carbon Fibers: A Mini Review

Volume: 4, Issue: 4
Pp: 249-259
Author: Wenyan Zhang*, Xiaoxia Lin, Hangmin Guan, Yihan Wang, Weidong Tao, Wenjie Tian and Lingyun Hao
DOI: 10.2174/0122102981337917241008212655
Published on: 23 October, 2024

Research Article

Amine Structure-Foam Behavior Relationship and Its Predictive Foam Model Used for Amine Selection for Design of Amine-based Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Capture Process

Volume: 1, Issue: 1
Pp: 43-57
Author: Pailin Muchan, Jessica Narku-Tetteh, Teeradet Supap and Raphael Idem*
DOI: 10.2174/2210298101999201002094601
Published on: 01 October, 2020

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