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Current Chinese Science

(Continued as Current Science, Engineering and Technology)

Volume 5 , Issues 4, 2025

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About The Section


Publishes original research articles, letters, case reports, reviews/mini-reviews and guest edited thematic issues on various topics related to biophotonics.

The Biophotonics section of the journal Current Chinese Science publishes original research articles, letters, case reports, reviews/mini-reviews and guest edited thematic issues on various topics related to biophotonics.

This section is not limited to a specific aspect of the field but is instead devoted to a wide range of sub fields in the area. Articles of a multidisciplinary nature are particularly welcome. Submissions in the following biophotonics areas are of special interest to the readers of this journal:

• Biophotonic applications
• Biophotonic sensors
• Biophotonics in clinical diagnostics and therapies (cancer and other diseases)
• Fluorescent markers and diagnostics
• Optical imaging and photoactivation for biomedical applications
• Optical techniques and biological systems
• Photodynamic therapy
• Photosensitizers for drug delivery
• Others

Section Editor-in-Chief(s) biophoto_biophoto_Hongbao-sh_001 Xin Hongbao Institute of Nanophotonics Jinan University Guangzhou China

Dr. Hongbao Xin is currently a professor and Vice Director of the Institute of Nanophotonics, Jinan University, Guangzhou, China. He received his BS degree in 2011 and Ph.D degree in 2016 from the Sun Yat-Sen University. After graduation, he continued his research at the University of California, Berkeley and the National University of Singapore. He joined Jinan University in 2018. His research interests focus on biophotonics, such as optical manipulation and detection, bio-micromotor, nanoplasmonics, etc. He has published about 50 peer-reviewed journal articles, including Nature Reviews Materials, Nature Communications, Advanced Materials, Light: Science and Applications, Nano Letters, etc. He was awarded the National Excellent Doctoral Dissertation Award in Optics of China and the Distinguished Young Scholar by the Natural Science Foundation of Guangdong Province.

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biophoto_Tymish-Y-Ohulchanskyy-sh_001 Ohulchanskyy Tymish Y. Shenzhen University Shenzhen China

Dr. Tymish Y.Ohulchanskyy is a distinguished professor at the College of Physics and Optoelectronic Engineering, Shenzhen University, Shenzhen, China. After obtaining his Ph.D. in Optics and Laser Physics in 2001, he joined the Institute for Lasers, Photonics and Biophotonics (ILPB) at the State University of New York, University at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY, USA. Dr. Ohulchanskyy’s research broadly involves photophysics of organic and inorganic materials in conjunction with their applications in biophotonics. The main focus is on the development of molecular and nanoparticular photoactive agents for targeted optical/multimodal bioimaging and light induced therapy. Dr.Ohulchanskyy has published more than 130 peer-reviewed articles in scientific journals, including Nature Photonics, Nature Communications, Proceedings of the National Academy of Science of the USA. He has one U.S. patent granted and licensed.

Tymish Y.Ohulchanskyy博士是中国深圳大学物理与光电子工程学院的杰出教授。 获得博士学位后 他于2001年获得光学和激光物理学博士学位,并加入了纽约州立大学,美国纽约州布法罗大学的激光,光子学和生物光子学研究所(ILPB)。 Ohulchanskyy博士的研究广泛涉及有机和无机材料的光物理及其在生物光子学中的应用。 主要焦点是用于靶向光学/多峰生物成像和光诱导疗法的分子和纳米颗粒光敏剂的开发。 Ohulchanskyy博士在科学期刊上发表了140多篇同行评审文章,包括《自然光子学》,《自然通讯》和美国国家科学院院刊。 他拥有一项已授予和许可的美国专利。

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Section Editor Photodynamic Physiology bioinfo_william-ccs-as_001 Cui Zong Jie Institute of Cell Biology Beijing Normal University Beijing China

Dr.Zong Jie Cui obtained his PhD in 1989. He is currently working as a professor at the Institute of Cell Biology, Beijing Normal University, China. His research interests include Photodynamic action; Photobiology; Bioluminescence; G protein coupled receptors; Pancreatic acinar cells; Pancreatic stellate cells; Salivary glands; Hepatocytes; Neutrophils; Mast cells; Calcium oscillations; Genetically encoded protein photosensitizers; and Sulphonated aluminium phthalocyanine.

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Editorial Board Members biophoto_zhan-q-as_001 Zhan Qiuqiang South China Academy of Advanced Optoelectronics South China Normal University Guangzhou China

Dr. Qiuqiang Zhan is currently a Professor of optics at the South China Normal University, China. He received a B.S. in Optics from Shandong University, China, and performed his doctoral research in the Optical Engineering department at Zhejiang University, China. He had visiting research in Lund University, Sweden and the Chinese University of Hong Kong, China. His research interests mainly include upconversion nanoparticle bio-/nano- photonics and optical imaging. He has co- authored over 50 international journal publications and 15 patents. He has won some awards for his creative work, including Young Innovation Award and Distinguished Young Scholars.

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biophoto_chen-g-as_001 Chen G. Harbin Institute of Technology Harbin China

Dr. Guanying Chen has been a full professor since 2013 at School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology. His interests include lanthanide luminescence, upconversion, biophotonics, and nanomedicine. He published more than 100 peer- reviewed papers and served as editorial board member or guest editor for Scientific Reports, Nanomaterials, Crystals, Chinese Journal of Luminescence, and Theranostics, etc.

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biophoto_j-Qu-sh_001 Qu J. Shenzhen University Shenzhen China

Dr. Junle Qu is a Professor in the Center for Biomedical Photonics and the College of Physics and Optoelectronic Engineering at Shenzhen University. His current research interests include nonlinear optical imaging, fluorescence lifetime imaging, super-resolution optical imaging and their applications in biomedicine, imaging guided optical therapy. He has published more than 270 papers in peer reviewed journals such as Nature Photonics, Nature Communications, Chemical Reviews, Chemical Society Reviews, Advanced Materials, Chem, Nano Letter, Optics Letters etc. He is the Fellow of SPIE and the director of Biomedical Photonics Committee of Chinese Optical Society. He serves in the editorial boards of JIOHS, Frontiers of Optoelectronics etc.

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Associate Editorial Board Members biophoto_shah-ssa-as_001 Shah S.S.A. University of Science and Technology of China Hefei China

Dr. Syed Shoaib Ahmad Shah is currently working in University of Science and Technology of China and also Assistant Professor in The Islamia University of Bahawalpur, Pakistan. In 2018, he earned his Ph.D degree from Chongqing University, China. He has credited several peer reviewed published articles in well-known journals like Angew. Chem., Current Medicinal Chemistry, Mini- Reviews in Medicinal Chemistry, JPCC, JMCA, Electrochimica Acta, Chemistry-A European Journal etc. He has also been awarded out-standing researcher award from Chongqing University in 2018.

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Section: Biophotonics

Research Article

CVD Approach to a Single Gallium Oxide Nanowire for Solar-blind UV Detector

Volume: 3, Issue: 1
Pp: 23-31
Author: Song Liu, Shufang Ma*, Xin Huang, Guang Hui Wang, Bo Liu, Dou Wang, Hui Can Ou Yang, Chao Ming Xu, Sheng Wei Liu, Guo Dong Wei, Bin Han, Xiao Dong Hao and Bing She Xu
DOI: 10.2174/2210298102666220803091238
Published on: 22 September, 2022

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