Page: i-v (5)
Author: T. S. Srivatsan, Jimmy Karloopia and Manoj Gupta
DOI: 10.2174/9789815196771124010001
Recent Advances in Friction Stir Welding of Magnesium Alloys for Use in Performance-Specific Applications
Page: 1-29 (29)
Author: Divyanshu, Kunal Chauhan, Jimmy Karloopia*, N. M. Suri and T. S. Srivatsan
DOI: 10.2174/9789815196771124010004
PDF Price: $30
Magnesium is the sixth most abundant material in the earth’s crust that finds
its applications in the fields of automobiles, aerospace, and biomedical. With
noticeable advances in the domain enveloping engineering and technology, there does
exist a growing need for new and improved materials to meet the demands put forth by
the industries spanning the aerospace and automobile sectors. One of the important
requirements for a material is light in weight. Magnesium is one such promising
material, which is lighter than aluminum making it an ideal candidate for selection and
use in both performance-critical and non-performance critical applications in the
domains specific to automobile, aerospace and even biomedical. There are various
processing routes for the manufacturing of magnesium alloys, and there exists a need
for the joining of the magnesium alloys. The conventional joining processes possess
defects, such as porosity, which are detrimental to achieving acceptable to good
mechanical properties. Friction Stir welding is one method of solid-state joining, which
offers good properties of the weld. The technique of friction stir welding (FSW)
operates by rotating and plunging a non-consumable tool into the interface of two
workpieces that require to be joined. Promising advantages that are offered by friction
stir welding (FSW) are eco-friendly, versatile, and energy efficient. This manuscript
highlights (i) the friction stir welding processing technique, as well as recent and
observable advances, (ii) the classification of the magnesium alloys, (iii) the welding
tool and its influence on welding, microstructural development and mechanical
properties of the friction stir welded magnesium alloy, (iv) welding parameters and its
influence on governing the relationships between the weld and the workpiece, and (v)
typical practical applications and the variants of friction stir welding (FSW).
Suitability of Nickel-base Shape Memory Alloys for Selection and use in Sensing Applications
Page: 30-61 (32)
Author: Sachin Oak*, Kedarnath Rane, Vinod Belwanshi, Kiran Bhole and T. S. Srivatsan
DOI: 10.2174/9789815196771124010005
PDF Price: $30
In the prevailing era, an influential shape memory alloy (SMA) nitinol has
emerged as a potentially viable and economically affordable material that is capable of
playing a significant role in both existing and emerging technological applications
spanning the domains of aircraft and aerospace, biomaterials in bioengineering, sensors
in health monitoring, advanced manufacturing, and microelectromechanical systems
(MEMS), to name a few. A high strain recovering capability coupled with superelasticity are two key and essential characteristics of a “smart” material that distinguish
it easily from its conventional counterparts. The phase transformation behavior shown
by nitinol (NiTi) was found to be governed by intrinsic variations in temperature. In
order to obtain the desired application-based functionality of this high performing
material, potentially viable approaches include the following: (i) an alteration of its
chemical composition, (ii) the addition of ternary elements and quaternary elements,
and (iii) the use different processing treatments. These approaches are being constantly
studied, carefully and systematically examined and frequently reported in the published
literature. In this manuscript, an effort is made to present and discuss several of the
recent advances specific to the NiTi-based shape memory alloy applications and its
phase transformation behaviour when subject to processing treatments. The influence
of compositional variation of the NiTi-based shape memory alloys (SMAs) and even its
ternary variants and quaternary variants, coupled with the role and/or influence of
different processing treatments on both macroscopic properties and microscopic
properties is the focus. The emphasis on increasing the suitability of shape memory
alloys (SMSs) for selection and use in a spectrum of sensing-related or sensing specific
applications is highlighted and briefly discussed.
Thermal and Thermomechanical Cycling Studies of Nickel-Based Shape Memory Alloys for Engineering and Medical Applications
Page: 62-79 (18)
Author: G. Swaminathan and Vedamanickam Sampath*
DOI: 10.2174/9789815196771124010006
PDF Price: $30
Shape memory alloys (SMAs) are those that can return to their initial shape
after deformation under a stimulus, such as temperature or stress. They are capable of
recovering deformations of up to 8%. Generally, the martensitic transformation is
reversible in nature and the shape memory alloys exhibit two unique characteristics,
super-elasticity effect (SE) and shape memory effect (SME), depending on whether
these properties/responses are brought on by stress and temperature, respectively. Since
the shape memory alloys undergo full cycling, they transform from austenite to
martensite at temperatures between martensite finish and austenite finish. However,
partial cycling refers to heating above the austenite start temperature but below the
austenite finish temperature followed by cooling to below the martensite finish
temperature. The phase transformation is partial before it is complete, consequently,
only smaller amounts of the phases undergo a phase transition. Based on the operating
temperature window and the transformation temperatures of the alloy, partial cycling
can be divided into three categories. This chapter discusses the various types of
cycling, i.e., thermomechanical, thermal, and partial cycling behavior of nickel-titanium-based shape memory alloys.
Nitrogen Additions to Type 316L Stainless Steel to Enhance its High Temperature Performance for Structural Applications in Fast Reactors
Page: 80-111 (32)
Author: M. Vasudevan*, V. Karthik, A. Nagesha and G. V. Prasad Reddy
DOI: 10.2174/9789815196771124010007
PDF Price: $30
The high-temperature performance of the nitrogen added 316L stainless
steels including the high-temperature mechanical properties, workability and
weldability have been investigated in detail by systematic studies with nitrogen
contents in the range of 0.07-0.22wt.%. Strength and creep resistance were found to
increase with increasing nitrogen content at room and elevated temperatures. However,
resistance to creep-fatigue damage, fracture toughness, resistance to fatigue crack
growth, workability, and weldability were found to degrade beyond 0.14wt% of
nitrogen content at service temperature. Therefore, the maximum nitrogen content in
316L stainless steel is recommended to be 0.14wt% for better high-temperature
performance in structural applications of fast reactors.
On the Evolution of a Zirconium Alloy for Use as Pressure Tubes in Indian Pressurized Heavy Water Reactors
Page: 112-173 (62)
Author: R. N. Singh*, A. K. Bind, Saurav Sunil, Apu Sarkar, S. Neogy and T. N. Murty
DOI: 10.2174/9789815196771124010008
PDF Price: $30
In the early generation of the Indian 220 MWe pressurized heavy water
reactor (PHWR220), Zr-2.5Nb pressure tubes (PT) were manufactured from doublemelted (DM) ingots. Later on, quadruple melted (QM) ingots were used to achieve
enhanced performance. These pressure tubes were fabricated by hot extrusion followed
by double pilgering with intermediate annealing and this fabrication route is designated
as an old route (OR). These tubes have performed reasonably well. However, some of
these tubes showed higher in-reactor deformation. Subsequently, both alloy chemistry
and manufacturing practice were revisited and changes in alloy chemistry and ingot
diameter, mode of hot working for breaking the cast structure and hot extrusion of
billets with higher extrusion ratio and single pilgering steps have been employed. This
route is designated as a new route (NR) and is being used for manufacturing pressure
tubes for the current generation of 220MWe pressurized heavy water reactors.
Over the years, changes in Chlorine (Cl), Carbon (C), Phosphorous (P), Iron (Fe) and
Hydrogen (H) specification and narrowing down the specification for Niobium (Nb)
and Oxygen (O) have been implemented to exploit their beneficial effect on in-reactor
deformation and hydrogen pickup. The changes in manufacturing practices had resulted
in changes in microstructure and texture. In the old route (OR), pressure tube (PT)
microstructure was characterized by the presence of discrete beta-phase precipitates
along the interfaces of alpha lamellae while the new route (NR) pressure tube (PT)
exhibits more continuous beta film and relatively coarser α lamellae. In terms of
crystallographic texture too, the new route (NR) pressure tubes (PTs) had higher FT
values (in the order of 0.65) in comparison to old route (OR) pressure tubes (PTs)
(FT~0.55 to 0.6).
Because of crystallographic and microstructural anisotropy, the tensile behavior of this
material is also anisotropic with the transverse direction exhibiting higher flow stress
and lower ductility at and below reactor operating temperatures. The transverse tensile
strength of pressure tube (PTs) fabricated from new route (NR) is higher than that
fabricated from old route (OR). The fracture toughness of pressure tubes (PT)
manufactured from quadruple melted (QM) ingots are significantly higher than that of
the pressure tubes (PTs) manufactured from double melted (DM) ingots, which is
attributed to the deleterious effect of Chlorine (Cl), Carbon (C), Phosphorous (P) and
their complexes. The variation in fracture toughness of pressure tubes (PTs) was
evaluated as a function of temperature, hydrogen content and hydride orientation. The
hydrided material exhibited a typical S curve showing lower-shelf, transition and upper
shelf regimes. Delayed hydride cracking velocity and threshold stress intensity factor
were determined as a function of temperature, direction of approach to test temperature
and hydride orientation. Threshold stress for hydride reorientation (σth) determined
using ex-situ and in-situ methods between 250 and 300oC was observed to decrease
with an increase in temperature. Thermal creep behavior was investigated for these
tubes at 350, 400 and 450 °C at different stress levels and comparison of the minimum
creep rate and the rupture life is presented. This article describes the evolution of the
alloy chemistry, microstructural features, texture and mechanical properties and
hydride induced embrittlement of the pressure tubes (PTs) used in Indian pressurized
heavy water reactor (PHWR) and life extension approaches. An attempt has been made
to rationalize the observed properties in terms of alloy chemistry and microstructure.
State of the Art in Additive Manufacturing of Metal Matrix Composite for Use in Performance-Specific Application
Page: 174-219 (46)
Author: Akanksha Prajapati, Dipayan Chakraborty, Nisar Ahamad Khan, Bhukya Praveen and Ajay Kumar*
DOI: 10.2174/9789815196771124010009
PDF Price: $30
Metal matrix composites (MMCs) have proved themselves a reliable
alternative to different metals and their alloys due to their high strength-to-weight ratio,
high durability; high wear corrosion resistance, high hardness and other mechanical
properties. In the conventional approach, different methods like liquid-state processing
(stir casting, squeeze casting etc.), solid-state processing (consolidation, physical
vapour deposition or PVD, powder bending etc.), and in-situ processing are being used
to manufacture metal matrix composites (MMCs). Injection molding and other in-situ
processing are highly dependent upon particle size and morphology. Particle
agglomeration is a common problem for liquid and solid-state processing. Again, these
inhomogeneous second-phase particles influence crack initiation and propagation,
thermal mismatches, residual stresses, and dislocation, making the subtracting or
machining process challenging to perform. By observing these issues with the
conventional approach, additive manufacturing can be considered an alternative
technique to fabricating metal matrix composite. It is reported that 3D printing cannot
only sort out the matrix/reinforcement bonding issues observed during conventional
manufacturing processes but is also capable of providing a uniform distribution of
reinforcement inside the metal matrix. Additive manufacturing allows the fabrication of
functionally graded composites with any geometrical complexity, higher accuracy, and
minimum production lead time. However, challenges like lack of fusion, rapid cooling,
poor surface morphology and texture restrict the additive manufacturing processes to
manufacturing a sound product. The current chapter summarises the recent
development in manufacturing metal matrix composites (MMCs) using different
additive manufacturing processes.
Additive Manufacturing of Composite Materials for Use in Biomedical Applications
Page: 220-251 (32)
Author: Kunal Chauhan, Divyanshu, Jimmy Karloopia*, R. S. Walia and T. S. Srivatsan
DOI: 10.2174/9789815196771124010010
PDF Price: $30
The life of human beings is moving at a breakneck pace, with a fast-moving
life demanding the need for devices for use in biomedical applications, which attracts
the interested researcher to work on ensuring novel breakthroughs. Processing of
biomaterials is one of the key factors that will exert an influence on impacting the
attributes of a biomaterial. Additive manufacturing is one of the promising routes by
which layer-by-layer creation of parts takes place from a computer-aided design (CAD)
file. Parts that cannot or are difficult to manufacture by other processing routes can be
easily manufactured using the technique of additive manufacturing (AM). Parts, such
as (i) stents, (ii) customized prosthetics, (iii) organs, and (iv) implants can be easily
manufactured using the technique of additive manufacturing (AM). With noticeable
advances in the domain specific to additive manufacturing, the biomedical field is
being revolutionized, and viable solutions to difficult problems are being put forth with
ease, and the resultant by-products offer a combination of acceptable to good
properties. The key benefits of the technique of additive manufacturing (AM) are low
cost, minimal material waste, and enhanced product reliability. This study explores
recent developments in both alloys and composite materials processed by the
techniques of additive manufacturing for selection and use in biomedical applications.
This review provides a highlight of the different additive manufacturing techniques
with specific reference to biomedical applications and additive manufacturing of
titanium alloys, the Co-Cr alloy, the magnesium alloys and their composite
counterparts. Multidisciplinary research will be required to meet and overcome any and
all obstacles while concurrently fulfilling the potential of additive manufacturing (AM)
in the years ahead.
Aluminum Metal Matrix and Magnesium Metal Matrix Composites: An Insight into Processing Influences on Corrosion Properties for use in Environment- Sensitive Applications
Page: 252-274 (23)
Author: Manoj Gupta* and Ajay Kumar T.
DOI: 10.2174/9789815196771124010011
PDF Price: $30
The limitations of engineering are mainly attributed to the limitations in the
availability of materials that can deliver all the desired properties for a given end
application. But, due to the development of composites, there has been an enormous
advancement in industries like automobile, sports, power generation, defense, and
aerospace. Metal Matrix Composites became one of the sought-after materials because
of their high specific properties, such as strength-to-weight ratio. Even though these
materials exhibit enhanced mechanical and thermal properties, their usage is still
limited. Some of the reasons include the scaling up of processing and the uncertainty in
their joining and corrosion behavior. This study attempts to bring together information
on metal matrix composites processing and corrosion behavior, mainly focusing on
Magnesium and Aluminum metal matrix composites.
Aluminium Nanocomposites Developed by Additive Manufacturing for Use in Automobile Applications: Advances and Approaches
Page: 275-297 (23)
Author: Amarish Kumar Shukla*, Sumit Kumar Sharma and Prashant Sharma
DOI: 10.2174/9789815196771124010012
PDF Price: $30
Aluminium has a lightweight (density is 2.7 g/cm3
), high specific strength,
and excellent wear and corrosion resistance properties. Due to these properties,
aluminium and its alloys are the most commonly used for structural, automobile, and
aerospace applications. However, these monolithic materials have poor mechanical
properties which are significant barriers to their further development. The resulting
materials, when reinforced with ceramic particles, enhance the properties of materials
and are capable of meeting the majority of industrial requirements. The reinforcement
of ceramic affects the properties of developed composites. The composite fabricated by
the conventional process has a limitation to the segregation of reinforced ceramic
particles, porosity, weak interfacial bonding, and lower strength. Besides, additive
manufacturing (AM) provides design freedom and dense and high-strength
components. In the present study, advances in aluminium nanocomposite developed by
laser powder bed fusion processes have been studied in detail. In addition, the objective
of this chapter is to focus on the fabrication routes, formation mechanisms, effect of
process parameters and its effect on laser absorption, grain refinement, interfacial
bonding and mechanical properties of aluminium nanocomposite discussed in detail.
The future scope of laser-processed aluminium composite is also briefly discussed.
Enhancing the Strength of Aluminum-Boron Carbide Composites to a High Degree by Magnesium Addition for Use in Automotive Applications
Page: 298-321 (24)
Author: Ramasis Goswami*, Syed Bermullah Qadri and Chandra Shekar Pande
DOI: 10.2174/9789815196771124010013
PDF Price: $30
We report here a significant enhancement of the hardness of aluminumboron carbide composites by the addition of magnesium. Reactive sintering between
boron carbide and aluminum-magnesium occurs by the application of heat and pressure
and during subsequent annealing at high-homologous temperatures of the matrix. In
this case, the deformation-induced plastic yielding enables the incorporation and
dispersion of hard particles in aluminum-matrix. We examine the decomposition
behavior of boron carbide at high-homologous temperatures in contact with magnesium
and aluminum, and observe the interfacial, aluminum-magnesium-boride, AlMgB4
, and
aluminum-boro-carbide, Al3BC, phases at boron carbide/matrix interfaces as revealed
by the high-resolution transmission electron microscopy. We demonstrate that the
hardness of these composites has been enhanced by two to five folds as compared to
the base alloy and the existing aluminum-boron carbide composites. The addition of
magnesium improves interfacial cohesion significantly between the matrix and ceramic
particles as a result of interfacial boride phase, and primarily contributes to the
enhancement of strength. This provides a novel method of developing aluminum-based
high strength composites.
Processing and Fabrication of Sisal Fibers Reinforced Composites: A Conceptual Review
Page: 322-352 (31)
Author: S. Bhargava, K. Rohit, K. Dhakar* and T. S. Srivatsan
DOI: 10.2174/9789815196771124010014
PDF Price: $30
This study provides a short, succinct and convincing review of the studies
researchers have performed on sisal natural fibre and its applicability for selection and
use as a potentially viable and economically affordable reinforcement for engineering
composite materials. As the technologies are developing rapidly day by day and the
demand for developing and manufacturing eco-friendly materials is also increasing, the
use of the bio-degradable reinforcements, like bamboo, sisal, jute, cotton and hemp, is
of utmost concern. Made evident from a few to several other research studies, in
comparison to the fabricated natural fibre-reinforced composite materials, the sisal
fibres indicate considerable results that favour their applicability. Environmental
contamination happens in various aspects of industrial processes, such as production,
disposal, and recycling of synthetic fiber-reinforced composites due to their widespread
selection and use. Sisal fiber is a good example of an environmentally acceptable
natural fiber having significant mechanical qualities, which can be utilized for
reinforcing a variety of polymer matrices. This review article provides a coverage of
the intricacies specific to the manufacture of sisal fiber-reinforced composite materials,
variables that impact their characteristics, surface treatments used to prevent the
presence of flaws, and mechanical tests required to determine their strength. Prior
testing attempts on the sisal fiber-reinforced composites are addressed in order to aid in
future research to reveal the advantages and usage of such a material in a more
effective and efficient manner. The current era of rapidly changing manufacturing
environment and technological advancements highlighting such scenarios calls for a
substantial amount of research to be performed on: (i) structure of sisal fibre, (ii) sisal
fibre extraction/preparatory processes, and (iii) surface treatments of sisal fibres
combined with other matrices.
On the Selection and use of Biomaterials and Implants in Orthopedics: A Study and Evaluation into the Future
Page: 353-394 (42)
Author: K. Cheirmadurai, K. Praveenkumar, C. Uvanarayanan, P. Suya Prem Anand and Geetha Manivasagam*
DOI: 10.2174/9789815196771124010015
PDF Price: $30
The selection of suitable biomaterials and implants is the most important
criterion to achieve success in biomedical engineering. Several factors such as high
specific strength, high corrosion resistance, enhanced wear resistance, biodegradability,
and biocompatibility need to be considered before choosing the material for biomedical
applications. The biomaterials are developed from metals, metal alloys, ceramics, and
polymers based on specific applications. In the orthopedic field, inert materials have
been used in earlier times that showed minimal cell-material interaction, and bioinert
materials were preferred to avoid immune rejection and increase the success rate.
Metallic alloys such as Ti-6Al-4V, 316 stainless steel, and cobalt-chromium are
frequently used in the fabrication of bone implants. Metal alloys have problems like
corrosion and are less bioactive. In recent years, the concept of regeneration has been
developed and it is entirely based on cell-material interactions, and the selected
materials need to exert bioactivity. Regenerative materials are prepared from
biodegradable metals, polymers, and ceramics. Numerous techniques have been
developed recently to convert a bioinert material into bioactive or regenerative
material. Smart materials and implants with bioactive surfaces are also getting more
attention in the orthopedic field. This chapter throws light on two fields that have
contributed to bone replacement and regeneration. An overview of the bioinert
implants in the orthopedic industry and the current development of bioinert into
bioactive and immunomodulating materials will be discussed. The future aspects
describe the role of smart materials for bone regeneration in detail.
Smart Hydrogels: Theory and Applications with Particular Focus on Biomedical Sciences
Page: 395-439 (45)
Author: Arun Dinesh Indira*, Chakravarthy Pammi and Arockia Kumar Raju
DOI: 10.2174/9789815196771124010016
PDF Price: $30
Smart and intelligent materials provide direct or indirect solutions for many
of the current/existing problems. Studies in this line have been in progress since few
decades developing multifunctional materials, smart systems etc., for specific
applications. Though many smart materials were developed, not much of them are
compatible as implants in human body. One such material that possesses the inherent
requirements attuned with human body is ‘hydrogel’. Like other smart materials, gels
can also be intelligent in their responses to the environments they are exposed to, or on
influence of any induced stimuli. Many such smart gels are explored by various
industries and are used for applications such as drug delivery systems, cancer therapy,
tissue engineering and organ printing, but a comprehensive understanding with
properties, and their mechanisms regarding their functionality and usage are meagre.
This work consolidates and details the classification of gels and elaborates the various
stimuli to which gels respond and the mechanisms involved. This article also explores
the possibilities, prospects of 3D-printing of smart gels in biomedical field and has
listed the possible applications of hydrogels.
Engineered Iron-Oxide Based Nanomaterials for Magnetic Hyperthermia
Page: 440-463 (24)
Author: Mehak, Rajkumar P. Thummer, Lalit M. Pandey* and T. S. Srivatsan
DOI: 10.2174/9789815196771124010017
PDF Price: $30
Ferrite nanomaterials are extensively studied for their use in the biomedical
field primarily because of their tunable magnetic properties and biocompatibility. The
use of magnetic nanomaterials, particularly the iron-based nanoparticles, for
hyperthermia treatment is one of the emerging applications. However, there are
practical constraints on the overall applicability of pure iron-oxide nanoparticles
(IONPs) for hyperthermia treatment. In this regard, doping foreign metal ions in the
crystal lattice of pure iron-oxide nanoparticles (IONPs) possessing a spinel or inversespinel structure remains to be the simplest approach for the purpose of improving the
desired properties. Doping other metal ions into the iron-oxide nanoparticles (IONPs)
causes strain in the crystal lattice and is responsible for engineering the structural
properties and magnetic properties. Various elements, such as the rare-earth (RE)
metals, especially the lanthanides [Yttrium, Gadolinium and Europium], the transition
metals [manganese, cobalt, nickel and zinc], and other metals [gold, silver, calcium,
titanium, copper and magnesium] are being investigated for their potential to serve as
dopants. The divalent transition metals [manganese, cobalt and nickel] doped ironoxide nanoparticles possess highly improved magnetic properties. Incorporating
trivalent ions of lanthanides improves the structural properties, magnetic properties,
and dielectric properties of the iron-oxide nanoparticles (IONPs). Moreover, doping
with zinc, gold and silver imparts the ion-oxide nanoparticles (IONPs) with
antibacterial properties while concurrently tuning their structural properties and
magnetic outputs.
Emerging and Sustainable Material Technology: The Future of Fire Safety
Page: 464-523 (60)
Author: Akhil Charak, Jimmy Karloopia*, Amit Verma, Ravi Kumar and T. S. Srivatsan
DOI: 10.2174/9789815196771124010018
PDF Price: $30
Residential, workplace, commercial & wildfires claim and injure millions of
people and cause trillions of dollars worth of property damage worldwide, considering
both natural & man-made resources. The current review paper provides a clean, clear,
cohesively complete and convincing review of the emergence of new and sustainable
emergent material additives that improve fire-retardant properties and thermal stability,
as well as their applications for the safety and protection of life and property in
buildings. Globally emerging materials have entered the realms of construction,
protection of critical apparatus, and self-protection equipment, thereby revolutionizing
the level of fire protection for both people and materials. However, cost, application
difficulty, mass-scale availability, and a lack of knowledge have frequently led to a
lack of focus on preventing this calamity. In addition, emerging materials technologies
can contribute to sustainable development by considerably enhancing the fire-retardant
properties of recyclable waste, including both biological waste and industrial waste.
Recent Advances in Unconventional Machining of Smart Alloys for use in Critical Manufacturing Sectors
Page: 524-549 (26)
Author: Santosh Sampath*, Sampath V. and Srivatsan S.
DOI: 10.2174/9789815196771124010019
PDF Price: $30
Nowadays, numerous metallic alloys are known to exhibit smart behavior;
these metallic materials are categorized as shape memory alloys (SMAs). Shape
memory alloys belong to a group of smart alloys that have the potential to recover their
original shape from a deformed shape when triggered by factors, such as heat,
electricity, and stress. This shape change gives rise to SMART behavior (Stimulated
Martensite - Austenite Reverse Transformation). Shape memory alloys have attractive
characteristics, such as high recovery force, high strength, etc. Shape memory alloys
find their use in many applications i.e., aerospace, biomedical, automobile, robotics,
etc. The ever-increasing demand for shape memory alloys among industries is
attributed to their ability to respond to different machining processes. Conventional
machining processes (CM) and unconventional machining (UCM) processes are the
two major types of processes upon which the studies on shape memory alloys have
been carried out. The machining studies carried out reveal that the use of conventional
machining to process shape memory alloys to various products is considered
undesirable since it causes damage and introduces changes in the characteristics of the
material. Unconventional machining processes are therefore preferred. Various types of
unconventional machining processes like laser beam machining (LBM),
electrodischarge machining (EDM), electrochemical machining (ECM), abrasive jet
machining (AJM), abrasive water-jet machining (AWJM), etc., generally involve
machining of shape memory alloys in an unconventional way so that the wear rate and
surface roughness are reduced. A study of unconventional machining processes is
therefore considered essential contributing further to the domain of smart materials.
Hence, through this review, the mechanism of shape memory alloys and their
applications, various types of unconventional machining processes, and their recent
advances are highlighted.
Critical Parameters Influencing High-Strain Rate Deformation of Materials Using the Split-Hopkinson Pressure Bar Apparatus: A Review
Page: 550-575 (26)
Author: P. S. Dhanush, Anil Chandra Adamane Ramesh*, T. K. Nikhil Vyas, Anuradha Nayak Majila, Chandru D. Fernando and S. Seetharamu
DOI: 10.2174/9789815196771124010020
PDF Price: $30
Strength and ductility of materials at high strain rate of deformation are
important for design engineers working in a wide range of industries, especially in gas
turbine engine blades. Split Hopkinson pressure bar (SHPB) apparatus is a popular
method of characterizing the high strain rate behaviour of materials. The results from
the split-Hokinson pressure bar tests are further used in mathematical models such as
Johnson-Cook model, Zerelli - Armstrong model and so on for correlation purposes.
Split-Hopkinson pressure bar tests take place in a very short duration of time (less than
a second) but require significant effort in arranging the apparatus (several hours to
days) and replications could be a daunting task. The present review work focuses on
some of the critical test parameters that influence the test results. Specimen
dimensions, its alignment in the split-Hopkinson pressure bar apparatus and location of
strain gauges are critical parameters to be checked before the test (pre-testing) while
selecting the accurate signal data processing technique (post-testing) to filter the noise
which is critical to get meaningful test results. This review work focuses on the effect
of three pre-testing parameters and signal data processing techniques on the high strain
rate test results and summarizes the salient findings.
Subject Index
Page: 576-581 (6)
Author: T. S. Srivatsan, Jimmy Karloopia and Manoj Gupta
DOI: 10.2174/9789815196771124010021
Advanced Materials for Emerging Applications is a monograph on emerging materials'; materials that have observable differences in physical properties and manufacturing requirements when compared to existing materials and industrial processes. The volume aims to showcase novel materials that can be used in advanced technology and innovative products. The editors have compiled 17 chapters grouped into 3 sections: 1) Metals and Alloys, 2) Composite materials, and 3) Other materials. Chapters 1-5 discuss recent advances in friction stir welding, suitability of nickel-base shape memory alloys, thermal cycling studies of nickel-based shape memory alloys, nitrogen additions to stainless steel, and the evolution of zirconium alloy. Chapters 6-11 cover topics such as additive manufacturing of metal matrix composites, composite materials for biomedical applications, aluminum and magnesium metal matrix composites, aluminum nanocomposites for automobile applications, enhancing the strength of aluminum-boron carbide composites, and sisal fibers reinforced composites. Lastly, chapters 13-17 explore smart hydrogels, engineered iron-oxide nanomaterials for magnetic hyperthermia, emerging sustainable material technology for fire safety, recent advances in unconventional machining of smart alloys, and critical parameters influencing high-strain rate deformation of materials. This monograph provides information for a broad readership including material and manufacturing engineers, researchers, students (at undergraduate levels or above) and entrepreneurs interested in manufacturing new products.