Stem cells were first identified in adult organs with high regenerative
capacity including skin, liver, intestine and bone marrow. The pituitary gland is an
organ with low cell turnover, and while differentiated cells can re-enter the cell cycle,
most hormone producing cells are not dividing. The adult pituitary gland has some
capacity to regenerate after tissue injury. Recent studies have reported potential
populations of stem cells in the pituitary. Stem cells population belongs to the
chromophobe/folliculo-stellate population of adenohypophysis. Studies to date suggest
that at least a part of the endocrine cells originates from marginal layer adjacent to
Rathke’s cleft. Different groups, using diverse approaches, have demonstrated the
presence in the pituitary of cells with progenitor or stem cell capacities and have
characterized the pituitary stem cells, progenitors, and transit amplifying cells. A large
variety of markers used to identify pituitary progenitors and stem cells make the
integrated view difficult over the results obtained. Until now the nature of pituitary
stem cells remains a matter of debate, and additional studies are needed to define the
progenitors and stem cells in adenohypophysis.
Keywords: Adenohypophysis, Folliculo-stellate cells, Markers of stem cells,