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Author(s): Y.M. Cheng, H. Wong, C.J. Leo and C.K. Lau
Pp: 3-11 (9)
DOI: 10.2174/9781681083032116010002
* (Excluding Mailing and Handling)
Stability analysis has always been a critical issue in geotechnical engineering. Many of the design works by engineers are actually based on the ultimate condition which can be assessed without the need of the initial condition and sophisticated constitutive models. A brief introduction about the stability analysis will be given in this chapter.
Keywords: Close-form solution, Finite element, Limit analysis, Limit equilibrium, Stability analysis.
Cite this chapter as:
Introduction, Frontiers in Civil Engineering Stability of Geotechnical Structures: Theoretical and Numerical Analysis (2016) 1: 3.
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