Processed foods depend on conservation methods to ensure biological
stability of the product until consumption. Foods in general are a rich source of
nutrients, and therefore may support the proliferation of opportunistic microorganisms.
Most of these microorganisms only reduce the nutritional value and sensorial quality of
the product; but in some cases, pathogenic contaminants may also grow. Traditional
antimicrobial additives are decreasing in use due to some disadvantages related to
physicochemical and sensory aspects, such as undesirable interactions with the food
matrix, accumulation into consumer organism and even possible allergic reactions.
Besides food traditional methods for preservation such as acidification or reduction of
water activity, a possible strategy for increasing food shelf life is the use of natural
antimicrobial compounds. Nowadays, the great challenge of the food industry is to
make better use of these additives ensuring product integrity and, at the same time,
generate minimal residual effects, avoiding undesirable physicochemical and sensorial
modifications. In this context, there is an increasing preference of antimicrobial
compounds from natural sources (microbial, animal or plant) targeting a wide use in the
production of technologically advanced foods which, besides high quality and healthy,
must be biologically friendly, meeting the demands of 21st century consumers.
Keywords: Additives, Bacteria, Bacteriocin, Biotechnology, Chelators, Microbial
Control, Food Industry, Fungi, Legislation, Lysozyme, Membrane, Microbial
Control, Nisin, Organic acids, Pediocin, Preservation, Resistance, Spoilage,
Stability, Technology, Yeast.