The tibial plateau fractures classification is very important for the clinical
prognosis and to plan time and needs for surgery; however, the features of this type of
lesion are various, and many classification systems were developed to describe
variables that contribute to lesion pattern. It is also important the evaluation of soft
tissues that are often involved (compartimental syndrome, exposition), associated knee
injuries (meniscal or ligamentous), and general health condition in poly-traumatized
patients. The AO/OTA fracture classification system is used by The Orthopaedic
Trauma Association as for other fractures. Many surgeons prefer the classification
described by Schatzker et al. because it is simpler and more familiar. Despite that there
is limited inter and intraobserver reliability for Schatzker and AO classifications; future
classification systems or revisions of the previous ones will have to consider axial
imaging to describe in a better way the fracture patterns.
Keywords: AO classification, Schatzker classification, Tibial plateau fractures
classification, Schatzker classification, Tibial plateau anatomy.