The process of in vivo bone generation following mechanical stimulation of
cells by external distraction force is defined as “distraction osteogenesis”. The events in
bone formation and neovascularization in membranous craniofacial bones during the
distraction osteogenesis are presented in this chapter.
When distraction force is applied, cellular differentiation in pluripotent tissue, via
specific biochemical pathways, is activated with subsequential osteogenesis.
Multifactorial interrelations between osteoblasts and other bone cells occur at the bone
forming boundaries. There are several cytokines and growth factors that regulate bone
generation and resorption while distraction osteogenesis.
External distraction induces formation of a pool of progenitor cells that dedicated to
osteoblastogenesis and local vascularisation.
Recognition of the molecular cellular pathways of membranous distraction osteogenesis
is important for the further design of efficient clinical methods for therapeutic bone
Keywords: Bone regeneration, distraction osteogenesis, osteoblast.