Most students with Angelman syndrome (AS) are at an emergent level of
language and literacy development. Students with AS require the same comprehensive
literacy instruction as their peers with typical development, but they need specific
adaptations, supports, and opportunities in order to access that instruction.
Comprehensive emergent literacy instruction engages students with AS in using
symbolic language for authentic purposes: to comprehend and respond to the stories of
others and to express their own ideas and individuality. This comprehensive instruction
develops observable skills and understandings in the areas of vocabulary, reading
comprehension, reading fluency, phonemic and phonetic awareness, and writing.
Keywords: AAC, Accommodations, Alternative assessment, Angelman
syndrome, Complex communication needs, Comprehensive, Education, Emergent
literacy, Fluency, Generative writing, Language, Literacy, Modifications,
Phonemic awareness, Phonics, Portfolio assessment, Reading comprehension,
Shared reading, Shared writing, Symbolic, Vocabulary, Writing.