Today, some possibly endemic cave animals inhabit or use seasonally
different parts of the cave system, which is still in use as a common fox den reaching
hereby deeper cave parts of the lower cave system. Common cave spiders (Meta
menardi) or moths (Triphosa dubitata) such as rare bats (Myotis myotis) use only the
larger first two halls of the cave entrance area, whereas bats are rarely found for
hibernation only deeper in the cave. In the middle part of the cave, water bodies of the
speleothem terrace basins contain possibly endemic small crustaceans (Bath-ynella), in
the mud infaunistic pigment and eye-less flatworms (Phagocatta) or on the water
surfaces springtails (Heteromurus/Onychiurus), which species are not yet determined.
Keywords: Modern vertebrates and invertebrates, fox den, bat hibernation, spider
and moths in anterior cave entrance halls, possibly endemic fauna, crustaceans
and eyless flatworms in speleothem water basins.