The consequence and effect analysis addresses to analyze the major accident
like a toxic product release, explosion, jet fire, fire ball and BLEVE. Those accident
scenarios are first identified and assessed by qualitative risk analysis methods and then
quantitative methods are applied to have a more precise assessment.
Indeed, the main objective of consequence and effect analysis is to define the vulnerable
are which employees are exposed to such major accident and also define the effect of
such accident in employees’ health. In order to perform its required to collect some
information from the accident scenario like weather conditions, type of product and
their physical and chemical characteristic, the volume and storage conditions. In most of
the cases due complexity, such analysis is performed by different software packages. In
order to support decisions about risk mitigation to reduce the consequence of major
accident the individual risk and societal risk criterion is defined as a baseline to such
mitigation action. In addition, based on the consequence and effect analysis, it is also
possible to take decision about facilities, location into industrial area as well as location
of industrial facilities surrounded by population.
Keywords: Consequence and effect analysis, individual risk, societal risk, ISORisk,
jet fire explosion, fire ball, BLEVE.